1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / two special delivery letters, 1x private with multiple franking Pof.726 (15x) in front also on reverse (= 120 Koruna), CDS KOUT on/for Š./ 8.VI.53 and 1x commercial franked by stmp Pof.488 (2x) and 507 (10x) in front also on reverse (= 90 Koruna), CDS SEKYŘANY/ 8.VI.53, arrival TLF. ÚSTŘEDNA/ PRAHA/ 9.VI.53 on reverse, window envelope
1953SCHODOVITÉFRANKATURY / comp. of 3 entires with officially nepovolenými frankings, from that 2x postcard with postage stamp. Pofis. 487(5x), CDS ČESKÝ KRUMLOV/ 17.VI.53, resp. Pofis. 506, 521, 666 with CDS ŽELEZNÝ BROD/ 13.VI.53, good condition; supplemented with letter with 13 pcs of special stmp., CDS ZAJEČICE/ 5.VI.53, viewing of quality recommended
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / PC CDV99, comp. 3 pcs of, all with supplementary postage 13,50Kčs, from that 1x multiple Pof.485 (9x), rolled cancel. OSTRAVA 1/ 16.VI.53, 2 pcs of with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., CDS ŠTERNBERK/ 12.VI.53, resp. ŘEVNICE/ 15.VI.53
1953 comp. 5 pcs of commercial letters with multiple frankings 1 special stamp., addressed to Ústí n. L.: 10x Pof.718, CDS LOUNY/ 2.VI.53; 10x Pof.713, CDS TEPLICE 2/ 3.VI.53; 15x Pof.671, CDS LITOMĚŘICE/ 6.VI.53; letter in the place 10x Pof.720, CDS ÚSTÍ n. L. 7/ 8.VI.53 and 20x Pof.679, CDS TEPLICE 2/ 10.VI.53; good condition
1946INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR ADOLFOVICE / parcel card without L cut, on reverse arrival postmark FRÝVALDOV 27.III.46, supplemented with cancel. Headquarters I.C.. I. A Adolfovice; good condition
1946 MILITARY ZAJATECKÉ TÁBORY KUŘIM, ZNOJMO, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 5 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes sent on/for prisoner to camp in/at Kuřimi, then answer part card Voj. POW camp in Znojmo sent from Austria with CDS VILLACH/ 26.8.46, card sent from prisoner from prison in/at Hradec Králové; good condition
1945 CDV79/1-18, Rázus 1Ks, complete set 18 pcs of pictorial post cards with red overprint "Czechoslovakia", No. 9 with blue overprint with different inclination, No. 16 hints after sticking in picture side; several light omačkaných margins, overall nice, in/at set rare offer
1978 CDV179 production flaw, Prague 30h, interesting selection of 27 pcs of PC with production errors/flaws, shifted cut, color, papers, guide marks, inverted technique print, defects in/at linkách and additionally printed stamp, 1x Us with uprated by. cut-square from same PC etc..; without defects, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1978 CDV180 production flaw + CDV191 production flaw, Bratislava 30h + 50h, selection of 19 pcs of PC with production errors/flaws, without sale price 35h, color, papers, guide marks, defects in/at additionally printed stamp etc..; without defects, interesting selection of, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1962 stationery CHP1 Heron, special postmark Prague/ PRAGA 1962/ 18.VIII., 3 pcs of, unfolded, from that 1 pcs of from part/-s added-print PRAGA 1962 in red color; very fine
1945-1946 Reg letter franked with. i.a. cut-square from Košice certificate of mailing CPL4 with value 1,50 Koruna in/at olive color, CDS VELKÉ ROVNÉ/ 18.I.46, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 22.I.46, incl. certificate of mailing, supplemented with same used celinou CPL4 with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.X.45; good condition
1973CPV35a production flaw, 60h violet (III-1973), in/at pin hole unfolded, without printing on reverse!; here for the first time in auction, perfect condition
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection 1945-1970 in spring folder on pages KABE and Leuchtturm, partially incomplete, better souvenir sheets as Bratislava ´52 and Praga 1955 hinged, without "prádla", part sets and stamps also hinged, supplemented with about/by other 4 stockbooks / album/-s with various PB, duplication mainly 70. and 80. years etc..; overall various quality, originates from abroad, suitable to other elaboration, placed in middle box
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / interesting slightly specialized collection on pages Trojan in 11 perových cover, contains souvenir sheets, PB, blocks of four, coupons etc.., i.a. Košice-issue in blocks of four, Kosice MS, blocks of four Kozina with coupons, miniature sheet May type II., souvenir sheets Prague 1950, Praga 1955, Bratislava 52, "Praga 1962", complete counter sheet I. art, several cancel. also clear blk-of-10, chosen plate variety and production flaw etc..; mainly nice quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1949 [COLLECTIONS] VARIANTYKUPONŮ / 4-BLOKY comp. of mainly bloks of four with variants coupons various issues, i.a. Airmail 1946, 1949 with řezanými coupons, Kozina incl. horiz. and vertical horseshoes, May revolt, Charles University, Lidice, T. G. Masaryk, Moyses etc..; mint never hinged, cat. according to owner 12.000CZK
1945-1985[COLLECTIONS] 4-BLOKY / accumulation 193 corner blk-of-4 or also significantly larger parts of sheets in 24-stránkovém stockbook; c.v.. price single stamp. 1.860 CZK, like that multiply higher, unusual research material
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] STUDIJNÍ / collection postmarked stamps v 20-stránkovém stockbook (catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety, production flaw, shifts, rarer varieties papers, distinctive shades, contains also own výzkum, all described); only c.v.. defects above 2.800 CZK, contains also Svitkovou 2Kčs, 5 stamps s výrazným shifted perforation on/for cut dispatch-note and group of Pof.1171 on dispatch notes s různýmtvarem and silou numeral value; k tomu in addition paper crease s částmi sheets z 50. years (interesting study materiál)
1961-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection vzorových stamps and miniature sheets sent obchodníkům abroad company Artia, several first issues with black overprint VZOR (sample) and other with cancelling hole, all on labels in older album doplněném photos stamps for export; rare
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / cancel. also Un stamp. in 3 various albums A4, contains i.a. 3x Partisan MS, 14x miniature sheet Prague 1955 etc..
1958-1989 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / lot of PB, miniature sheets and blk-of-10, issues Art, Prague castle, National theatre, exhibition souvenir sheets, Partisan MS 3x etc.., much in more pcs.; good quality, detached/free placed in box, cat. according to owner ca. 35.000CZK
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and 4 pcs of entires, contains i.a. complete sets PB I. art with signature Švengsbír and Herčík (3 pcs of damaged), blk-of-10 Costumes (I) 75h **, block of four Costumes (I) 1,60Kčs with II. type **, then PT12c, 4 pcs of copy-print gravures (1x Švabinský, 3x Schmidt) etc..; various quality
1945-1985[COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection more than 110 pcs of entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., it contains e.g. air-mail letters to Europe also USA franked with. air also postage stamp., several entires from period of monetary reform, several FDC sent abroad - part by air mail, several letters franked with. souvenir sheets as Bratislava 52, Zápotocký, letter sent to Czechosl. military misi to Korea, several entires to China, multicolor frankings etc..; all placed in spiral stockbook for entires Leuchtturm in/at box, market price ca. 9.000CZK
1946-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 + Czech Republic / comp. of ca. 100 pcs of airmail entires, i.a. first flights., balloon flights, various special postmark etc..
1970-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of 36 pcs of mainly Reg letters sent to Austria, all franked with. various souvenir sheets; as multiple interesting
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, upper and lower bnd-of-20 with inverted comb perf and plate number 1A; superb, c.v.. 14.000CZK, in/at set rare!
1951 Pof.579N, International Women's Day 3Kčs red, imperforated LL corner blk-of-4; mint never hinged, minor gum fault in corner, c.v.. 22.500CZK, imperforated stamp. as blk-of-4 are vzácné!
1953 1. DAY / PC CDV109 chosen from letterbox, CDS KUTNÁ HORA 1/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 1,50Kčs was/were akceptováno, new postal-charge 30h (= 15Kčs in old currency, chybělo 13,50Kčs), postage due in 2-násobné value, Postage due stamp Pof.D75 (5x) and D77 mounted on/for part/-s post. blank form/-s and mounted to mailing, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.VI.53; calculation postage-due dělal pracovníkům post potíže - see front side, nice, exp. Dražan
1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.A1466, miniature sheet Obrazárna Prague castle 5Kčs, proof master die in/at several colors on white paper without gum, in/at miniature sheet arrangement; exp. by Karasek., rare usage
1976 PLATE PROOF Pof.2228, Art 1,40Kčs, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs, 1x in/at definitive colors, 1x in black color + 2 pcs of various stage; all exp. by Karasek