Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 8 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 221; mint never hinged, irregularly impasted gum in margin - from production
1945 2x Reg letter franked with. Košice stamp., 1x 6 Koruna blue and 1x str-of-3 2 Koruna red, both with hand-made cancellation "LIPIANY" 28/7 45 resp. 15/7 45; 1x envelope cut from 3 sides, 1x torn flap
1945 Registered and Express letter addressed to to Prague, with 2+2+9K, Pof.354 2x, 357, CDS NOVÝ SMOKOVEC 31.VII.45, on reverse arrival CDS PRAGUE 65/ 7.VIII.45; good condition, decorative piece
1945 comp. 10 pcs of entires franked with. košickými stamp., contains i.a. 2x parcel dispatch card segment, 2x postcard from that 1x franked with. cut-square from celinového certificate of mailing CPL4, 2x Reg or Registered and Express letter, 1x service letter, multiple also mixed franking, various Slovak CDS; good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. košickými stamp., 1x Registered and Express letter in the place, with 2+6+5K, incl. certificate of mailing, 1x košická PC 1,50 Koruna, CDV73, sent as Reg in the place, uprated by. pair stamp. 2 Koruna, both entires with provisory CDS KOŠICE 1/ 28.III.45, passed through censorship; good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with usage CDS from 1. republic, 1x franked with. 2 Koruna (2x) with CDS SMOLNÍK/ 17.VIII.45 with broken out "Č" from period of Slovak Rep., 1x commercial with 6 Koruna blue with CDS HNÚŠŤA/ Czechoslovak Post/ 19.IV.45 - envelope open from 2 sides; good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters, 1x R with 6 Koruna with CDS VRANOV N. TOPLOU with Reg label Trebišov and censorship (fold + stains), 1x with 2 Koruna with hand-made cancellation KUZMICE (without back flap) + 1x cash franked letter with CDS RUŽOMBEROK with censorship (good condition)
1945 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters with Košice-issue, 1x commercial letter with pair 2 Koruna and provisional kreslenou R "label" with CDS PERBENÍK - by hand date 10.VI.45 (tearing + missing part back flap), 1x Reg letter with 6 Koruna with provisory cancel. POST ÚRAD (off.) / LUČENEC and provisional Hungarian Reg label, supplemented with R-dopisem with mixed franking 2K+5K and 40h London-issue issue, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.XII.45
1945 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters, 2x franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, with mailing CDS KOŠICE, from that 1x provisional drawn Reg label, 1x commercial letter with mixed franking Bratislava's 2x and Košice 2 Koruna with CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES; good condition
1945 comp. 4 pcs of letters, 1x unpaid letter addressed to to Košice with MC PRAGUE 36/ 7.VI.45, in Košice burdened with postage-due paid pair 2 Koruna with cancel. DOPLATNÉ (due) and CDS KOŠICE 1/ 8.VII.45, 1x Reg letter franked i.a. part/-s Košice miniature sheet with stamp. 2 Koruna with CDS BRATISLAVA 10.VII.45 + supplemented with 2 pcs of letters with 2 Koruna with CDS LEGŇA - MICHALANY and provisory straight line postmark SEČOVCE; good condition
[COLLECTIONS] small collection on/for ca. 15 sides in stockbook A4, contains values 1,50 Koruna, 13 Koruna and 20K, mainly blocks, corner etc..; various quality, suitable for study purposes
1945[COLLECTIONS] Pof.353, 357-359, values 1,50 Koruna, 9K - 20K, collection intended stamp fields from 2x 120 pcs of plate (elaborated according to complete sheets), every pos. contains only 1x (plate variety, color, papers); total 700 stamp. in stockbook A4 with descriptions + complete soupisem, determination pos. garantováno expert Federation of Czech Philatelists; quite unrepeatable offer especially for specialist zabývajícími with rekonstrukcemi printing plates
1945[COLLECTIONS] Pof.354-356, values 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, collection intended stamp fields from 240 pcs of plate (elaborated according to complete sheets), every pos. contains only 1x (plate variety, color, papers); total 477 stamp. in stockbook A4 with descriptions + complete soupisem, determination pos. garantováno expert Federation of Czech Philatelists, quite unrepeatable offer especially for specialist zabývajícími with rekonstrukcemi printing plates
1945 COUNTER SHEET/ BLOKY comp. 2 pcs of complete 200 pcs of sheets issue London-issue value 5h with plate number IA, Pof.387, the bottom 100 pcs of half-sheet Bratislava's values 4 Koruna with significant plate variety and stain on pos. 188, 198, supplemented with blocks issue Bratislava's and Moscow with identified plate variety, omitted perforation hole, soutiskových crosses etc..
1945 Pof.377, Linden Leaves 80h, 2x omitted perf hole in horiz. perf between 9. and 10. row, various location, 1x v krajovém block of 6, 1x between pane position 175 and 195 v rohovém blk-of-12, in addition shift horiz. perf, quite original orange color stamps (in this status in the market almost nevyskytuje)
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.381-386, Moscow, comp. 9 pcs of complete sheets of 100, identified TD: 5h C+E, 10h A1+A2, 20h B+C, 50h B, 1 Koruna B and 2 Koruna A - according to Graman-Koupal, value 5h 3. plate grid lozenge vertical (c.v.. 4.000CZK), value 2 Koruna omitted perforation hole 11x, 2 sheets with tmavým dull gum; mint never hinged, folded only in perforation
1945 Pof.381-386 VV+DV, Moscow, set of all values with omitted perforation hole (6x) and plate variety (12x) incl. plate variety 92/3 on/for Pof.383, 6 pcs of blocks, pair, supplemented with jednotlivou stamp. with ribbed paper; mint never hinged
1945Pof.381-386, Moscow, selection of 31 pcs of bloks of four and multiblocks with SOUTISKOVÝMIKŘÍŽKY in margins from various plate, value 5h 7 pcs of - plate 1, 3, 4, value 10h - 3 pcs of, 20h - all 6 pcs of variants bloks of four, 50h - all 6 pcs of variants bloks of four, 1 Koruna - all 6 pcs of variants and value 2 Koruna - 3 pcs of bloks of four, all incl. intended plate variety and RE; mint never hinged, on 2 cards A4, all identified according to Graman - Koupal, c.v.. still doesn't evaluate, sought and rare!
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow, selection of 18 pcs of bloks of four with SOUTISKOVÝMIKŘÍŽKY in margins from various plate, value 5h 2 pcs of - plate 1, value 10h - 2 pcs of, 20h - 3 pcs of bloks of four, 50h - 4 pcs of, 1 Koruna - 5 pcs of bloks of four and value 2 Koruna - 2 pcs of bloks of four, all incl. intended plate variety and RE; mint never hinged, only R blk-of-4 2 Koruna small yellowy spots, placed on card A4, all identified according to Graman - Koupal, c.v.. still doesn't evaluate, sought and rare!
1945 Pof.385 production flaw, Moscow, value 1 Koruna red, UL corner blk-of-4 with omitted upper horiz. perf + omitted 2 perforation hole in vertical perf; mint never hinged, superb
1945 Pof.387-402 DV+VV, London-issue, comp. 10 pcs of bloks of four and blocks various values with plate variety and production flaw, i.a. value 5h - plate variety 181-191/1, 10h - color stain in margin before/(in front of) plate number, 20h - plate variety 192/1, 20h - block of 6 with shifted perforation, 50h - offset in lower margin, 5CZK - wide color stain in margin, 10CZK - 1x plate variety 183/1 - feather in a hat + 1x color line in/at plate number; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.388, 389, 395, London-issue, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4, value 10h and 20h with plate mark in upper margin, value 1CZK with imprint of transfer roll in L margin; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.389, 402, London-issue 20h, corner blk-of-4 s deskovou mark C above pos. 10 (very sought) and 10CZK s DV 183/1 (spring after/behind hat) as blk-of-4
1945 Pof.395, London-issue 1CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 s DČ 1B and NEPRAVÝMKUPÓNEM in lower margin (one stroke perforation comb in addition); very rare, here for the first time v aukci, on request certificate labour
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four, 1x upper block of four with margin and rozměřovacím cross + 1x LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number IB, both with inverted comb perf; mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.500CZK
1945 Pof.397VV, London-issue 2CZK, the bottom L corner blk-of-4 with stroke perforation comb in lower margin, plate number IA; mint never hinged, on/for L margin bend
1945 Pof.403-407, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, comp. of 3 complete sets in/at corner blocks of four, 2x LL and 1x LR block of four, on all in margins guide little lines, irregular perf, vychýlené perforation hole, small accidental errors; mint never hinged, interesting collection
1945 Pof.404, 405, 407, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, value 2 Koruna blue - right the bottom pair with lines in margin, irregular perf and significantly throughshine color on gum ("offset") + 1 pcs of for comparison, value 4 Koruna with horiz. paper crease and value 5 Koruna with lower margin, guide line, omitted perforation hole in horiz. line and vertical pair with crossed out "...NSKO"; mint never hinged, 4 Koruna slightly spotted gum, interesting
1945Pof.A408/412 production flaw, Partisan MS with significant shifted print stamps 5 Koruna also through/over marked perf; rare occurrence, perfect condition
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS with shift green color stamp. values 5 Koruna through/over marked perf + shift brown color values 4 Koruna to perf, wider R margin, partial offset colors on the reverse side miniature sheet; rare
1945 Pof.413-428, Portraits 30h-20Kčs, missing only value 1,60Kčs green, selection of color shades (various editions), incl. very expressive and obtížněsehnatelných, much in blocks of four; placed on card A4
1946 Pof.A435, miniature sheet May, comp. 6 pcs of miniature sheets, significant production defects, i.a. strong shifted cut transport (with special postmark) also L-wards, line in/at name state, significant stain and type II with shifted cut, see. enclosed description; mint never hinged
1946 Pof.A435, miniature sheet May, study selection of 30 pcs of miniature sheets, contains 18 printing plates, smaller printing defects, i.a. stains in/at character "I" and "D", nevýrazná dash between y., shifts cut and type II., description in/at přiloženém listing; mint never hinged
1948 Pof.464-465, Beneš 1,50 CZK with plate variety 95/1 s dolním margin (in addition interesting production flaw - oblique line on/for L margin) + 2Kčs with nice oblique paper crease through/over whole stamp
1948Ministerské gift album with mounted stamp. to XI. Sokol festival 1948, Pof.467-469, 475-478, 2x block of four every values from that 1x with special postmark; good condition
1949-1953 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.488, 502, 505, 721, comp. 4 pcs of complete sheets, from issue Personalities Hviezdoslav 50h (vertical povolená perf) and Fučík 2Kčs (two stains in lower margin), postage stmp Gottwald 5Kčs in/at 50 pcs of sheet and 3Kčs violet-red 100 stamps sheet with date of print 19.I.53; mint never hinged