Public Auction 63 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Postage Due Stamps

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214621 - 1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL1-3, values 5h, 10h and 20h in/at
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL1-3, values 5h, 10h and 20h in/at 50 pcs of sheets, comp. 5 pcs of various, 5h 2A-39 x-x, 10h 1A-39 x-x + 2A-39 x-y, 20h 3-40 y-x + 4A-40 x-y; rare 50 pcs of complete counter sheets
Starting price: CZK
221189 - 1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL8 plate number, 80h red, 80ti-pá
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL8 plate number, 80h red, 80ti-pás with plate number 4-40 / 4A-40 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality
Starting price: CZK
220419 - 1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, Postage due stmp, complete set of 14-zn.
1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, Postage due stmp, complete set of 14-zn. cut "counter sheet"; all mint never hinged, c.v.. 5.700CZK
Starting price: CZK
220395 - 1939 Pof.DL2-DL12, comp. 15 pcs of pairs and 3 pcs of single
1939 Pof.DL2-DL12, comp. 15 pcs of pairs and 3 pcs of single 4-stamp gutter with lower margin and various plate number; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
220393 - 1939 Pof.DL2-DL14, sestva 29 pcs of 2-stamps gutter with low
1939 Pof.DL2-DL14, sestva 29 pcs of 2-stamps gutter with lower margin and various plate number, smaller part imperforate, major-part detached gutter, pair 2-stamps gutter., outside 5h contains all values; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 11.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
220396 - 1939 Pof.DL3, DL4, DL8, DL10-DL13, selection of 17 pcs of bo
1939 Pof.DL3, DL4, DL8, DL10-DL13, selection of 17 pcs of bottom 20- and bnd-of-10 with various plate number; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 6.300CZK
Starting price: CZK
219916 - 1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, 2-stamps. detached gutte
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, 2-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40 / 3A-40; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, rare usage, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
220976 - 1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, LR corner piece with pla
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, LR corner piece with plate number 1A-39 with print part/-s protective ledge on/for bottom horiz. margin; hinged, rare occurrence!, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
221087 - 1939 Pof.DL7, 60h red, block 5 pcs of horiz. 2-stamps gutter
1939 Pof.DL7, 60h red, block 5 pcs of horiz. 2-stamps gutter with print part/-s bend in upper margin; mint never hinged, only minor gum fault between 2. and 3. gutter, isn't known usage on this value!
Starting price: CZK
221191 - 1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL9, 1 Koruna blue, 80-pás with pl
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL9, 1 Koruna blue, 80-pás with plate number 1-39 / 1A-39 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality
Starting price: CZK
220371 - 1939 Pof.DL9 plate number, 1 Koruna blue, L the bottom corne
1939 Pof.DL9 plate number, 1 Koruna blue, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 2-39 x, significant shift comb perf in L margin; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
221192 - 1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL13, 10K blue, 80-pás with plate
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL13, 10K blue, 80-pás with plate number 1-39 / 1A-39 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
220754 - 1939 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA  Delivery list for payment instru
1939 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions, fee paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamp 10CZK and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 1 Koruna, 2 Koruna, Pof.DL65 + DL9, DL11, cancelled by postmark VELKĚ MEZIŘÍČÍ 19.XII.39; format A4, cross fold, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings!
Starting price: CZK
220741 - 1939-1942 comp. 6 pcs of entires burdened by postage-due, fr
1939-1942 comp. 6 pcs of entires burdened by postage-due, from that 3 pcs of with mixed frankings Czechosl. and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA postage-due stamp., then for example. 1x Reg letter franked with. krajovým blk-of-10 Pof.DL2 with plate number 1A-39, 1x unpaid postcard; common quality, rare franking postage-due stamps!
Starting price: CZK
220476 - 1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA  Delivery list for payment instru
1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions where fee are paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamp and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 50h + 1 Koruna, 4x 5 Koruna, Pof.DL60, DL9, DL12 4x, cancelled by postmark VELKÁ N. VELIČKOU 4.I.40; format A4, good condition, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings!
Starting price: CZK
220550 - 1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA  Delivery list for payment instru
1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions where fee are paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. postage-due stamp. 50h + 2x 1CZK and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 2x 10K, Pof.DL13, cancelled by postmark NOVÝ HROZENKOV 23.I.40; format A4, good condition, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings!
Starting price: CZK
221134 - 1940 off. unpaid letter in the place liable for postage, rec
1940 off. unpaid letter in the place liable for postage, receiver paid total 1,20 Koruna - on reverse used 24 pcs of postage-due stamp. 5h, Pof.DL1 in 2 blocks with margin, cancelled by postmark TÁBOR 29.VII.40, CDS TÁBOR 27.VII.40; good condition, quite rare franktura postage-due stamps!
Starting price: CZK
220710 - 1941 POSTAGE-DUE provisional / unpaid official card customs
1941 POSTAGE-DUE provisional / unpaid official card customs služebny in/at Tišnově, CDS TIŠNOV/ 22.IV.41, supplemented with cancel. "T in circle" and bilingual "Matter off., postage podrobena", mounted pair postage stmp Pof.24 with handwriting transcription "doplatit" and arrival CDS DOUBRAVNÍK/ 23.IV.41; rare occurrence, sound condition
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 63 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Postage Due Stamps - Information

1. 12. 1939  Doplatní

Poštovní známky emise doplatní byly vydány dle návrhu A. Erhardta. Tištěno knihtiskem KT. Emise byla vydána ve 14 hodnotách 5h až 80h v červené barvě a 1K až 20K v modré barvě. Přepážkové archy PA 5x10 známkových polí nebo 2x 5x10 spojené meziarším. Hřebenová perforace HZ 14 postupuje zleva doprava nebo zprava doleva.

Pro sběratelské účely pošta dodávala další dvě podoby zmenšených PA vytvořené rozřezáním původních přepážkových archů 2x 5x10 spojené meziarším. A sice PA "14" se sedmi dvojznámkovými meziaršími s horním okrajem a PA "20" dvacetipás se dvěma meziaršími s dolním okrajem a deskovými čísly DČ.

Emise doplatních poštovních známek se vyznačuje množstvím deskových čísel DČ v kombinaci s různě postupujícím hřebenovým zoubkováním x-y nebo y-x.

Data vydání: 10. 6. 1940 - hodnoty 80h a 1,20K, ostatní hodnoty 1. 12. 1939

Platnost formálně do 31. 3. 1943, uživání doplatních poštovních známek skončilo 31. 10. 1942

Po ukončení užívání doplatních poštovních známek byly zásilky označeny červeným rámečkovým razítkem Nachgebühr / Doplatné.