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1923 FOOTBALL / ČESKOSLOVENSKO / postcard to Czechoslovakia from Rumania with signatures of sportsmen near/in/at mezistátním match in 1923 (!), i.a. Štapl, Čapek, Seifert etc.., sender editor Joseph Laufer; perfect condition, very rare! U:A5
1938 FOOTBALL / championship SVĚTA VE FRANCII 1938 / lithography postcard FIFA COUPE DU MONDE 1938 with signatures Czechoslovak representatives, i.a. Plánička, Burger, Kolský, Zeman, Kreuzer, Horák, Rulc etc.., also reporter Laufer; perfect condition, decorative and rare U:A5
1938 HOCKEY / ČESKOSLOVENSKO / photo postcard with hokejisty Czechosl. national team with signatures, i.a. Troják, Hurych, Maleček, Buckna, Jirotka, Kučera etc..; horiz. fold, after all interesting and rare U:A5
1929 HOCKEY / ČESKOSLOVENSKO / championship V MAĎARSKU 1929 / Ppc sent from Budapest reportérem Josefem Laufrem with signatures of sportsmen, i.a. Pušbauer, Šroubek, Maleček, Steingenhöfer, Peka etc..; R lower small tearing, after all very interesting and rare! U:A5
1960-2007 TENNIS / KODEŠ, LENDL, NAVRÁTILOVÁ, SUKOVÁ, VAIDIŠOVÁ, BERDYCH, PÁLA, supplemented with fotopohlednicí George JARKOVSKÝ without signature, comp. 12 pcs of Ppc, photos and envelopes with signatures Czechosl. tennis-players U:A4
1949 VRZÁŇOVÁ Alena (Ája), Czech figure skater and podnikatelka, dvojnásobná mistryně world in/at figure skating in/at soutěži women from y. 1949 and 1950, signature with dedication on own Ppc from year 1949 U:A5
1930 ZIMNÍ SPORTY / ČESKOSLOVENSKO / postcard sent from Swiss Chamonix reportérem Josefem Laufrem with signatures important Czechosl. sportsmen, i.a. hockey-players Steigenhöfer, Tožička, J. A. King etc..; R at top minor faults, else preserved, interesting U:A5