Public Auction 63 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Philatelic Domains

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221127 - 1945 PARTYZÁNSKÁ SKUPINA No.95/ N.P.O./ Nikolaj Kimlík/ M
1945 PARTYZÁNSKÁ SKUPINA No.95/ N.P.O./ Nikolaj Kimlík/ Miřičná, black round cancel. Partisan group/-s on/for Us uncashed postcard with rubber stamp ŠPINDLERŮV MLÝN 1945; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220974 - 1948-1950 comp. 7 pcs of censored PC addressed to Germany, f
1948-1950 comp. 7 pcs of censored PC addressed to Germany, from that 5x CDV94 with supplementary postage, CDV89/6, CDV96, various censorship mark with national emblem, for example. Bratislava 57, Chomutov 11, Šluknov 12, Vejprty 1, Mladá Boleslav 13 (red), Czech Úpa, Jablonné v./P., Brno - town 21; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220969 - 1948 ministry envelope with mounted stamp. Beneš, Pof.443-4
1948 ministry envelope with mounted stamp. Beneš, Pof.443-446, cancelled 2 funeral special postmark SEZIMOVO ÚSTÍ/ 3.9.1948/ ZEMŘEL/ Dr EDVARD BENEŠ/ PRESIDENT BUDOVATEL, on reverse Minister post No. 6; perfect condition, rare postmark (!), shortly after/around opening přepážky was/were zabaveno policií, in addition very low number!
Starting price: CZK
220414 - 1946 comp. 3 pcs of forerunner FDC - see Monograph No.9, str
1946 comp. 3 pcs of "forerunner" FDC - see Monograph No.9, str.249: 1x May 1946 (připravilo Head Off. Czechosl. stamp collectors) franked with. in front Pof.433-434 + on reverse Pof.389, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ Anniv May revolution/ 5.V.46 + 2 various FDC BRNO 1946, franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A437 and uprated by., exhibition special postmark BRNO/ 3.VIII.46 and exhibition Reg labels; all postally Us as Registered, arrival postmark on reverse, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220416 - 1948 FDC 3B/48, XI. Sokol festival in Prague 1948 with compl
1948 FDC 3B/48, XI. Sokol festival in Prague 1948 with complete sets Pof.475-478, 3 pcs of, various variants mounted stamps; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220375 - 1948 ministerial FDC M C/48, Gottwald, vylepny stamp. Pof.48
1948 ministerial FDC M C/48, Gottwald, vylepny stamp. Pof.485, 486 and 488, red special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.10.48, without address, on reverse General director post; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
221101 - 1948 P A/48 - New Constitution 9.V. 1945 with signature Neum
1948 P A/48 - New Constitution 9.V. 1945 with signature Neumann, special envelope with inserted paper slip with dedication minister post; 1x small spot
Starting price: CZK
220377 - 1950 FDC Exhibition PRAGUE 1950, 4 pcs of with block of four
1950 FDC Exhibition PRAGUE 1950, 4 pcs of with block of four Pof.558-561, 1x T I., 1x T II. and 2x T II. with shifted prints at value 1,50 and 3Kčs; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220379 - 1952 FDC 11/52, Agricultural Work, 2 pcs of, 1x with stamp.
1952 FDC 11/52, Agricultural Work, 2 pcs of, 1x with stamp. Pof.648 with plate variety 33/1 - cut wedge [ ˇ ] above "Č" and 1x with stamp. Pof.650 with plate variety 40/1,2 - reflector; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220353 - 1952 FDC 11/52, Agricultural Work, collector's variant with
1952 FDC 11/52, Agricultural Work, collector's variant with two stamp. with plate variety, Pof.648, 1,50Kčs cut wedge [ ˇ ] above "Č", plate variety 33/1 and Pof.650 3Kčs reflector plate variety 40/1,2; good condition, most sought FDC with unique and rare variant plate flaws!
Starting price: CZK
220409 - 1952 FDC 25/52, unannounced envelope with miniature sheet Ex
1952 FDC 25/52, unannounced envelope with miniature sheet Exhibition Bratislava 1952 Pof.A691/692 + FDC 26/52p, Exhibition Bratislava 1952 with 2 print postmark place one; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
221456 - 1961 FDC 5B/61c, Personalities of Cultural Life 1961, with P
1961 FDC 5B/61c, Personalities of Cultural Life 1961, with Pof.1174 type II (Orsszách) and Pof.1175, Mrštík 60h type I., in addition signature J. Schmidt; nice quality, c.v.. 3.000CZK, sought variant!
Starting price: CZK
220456 - 1969-1978 comp. 3 pcs of FDC without postmarks: 18B/69, Art
1969-1978 comp. 3 pcs of FDC without postmarks: 18B/69, Art 1969 + 13A/78, Prague bridges + 15A/77, Space Exploration; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
220418 - 1971 FDC M A/71 + M B/71, 2 ministry FDC 50. Anniv Communist
1971 FDC M A/71 + M B/71, 2 ministry FDC 50. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia + ministerial FDC M 24/78, Day of Stamp; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
220453 - 1972-1985 ministry FDC M A/72 + M A/85, Czechoslovakia world
1972-1985 ministry FDC M A/72 + M A/85, Czechoslovakia world champion, both with special postmark in blue color; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220467 - 1973-1984 comp. 5 pcs of special FDC:  P A/73, P A/81, P 8/8
1973-1984 comp. 5 pcs of special FDC: P A/73, P A/81, P 8/82, P A/83, P 2/84; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220464 - 1948-1982 FDC / selection of 17 pcs of, contains: set 11 pcs
1948-1982 FDC / selection of 17 pcs of, contains: set 11 pcs of with wmk STANDARD from y. 1948-49; 17/58, 40 years of Stamp, 2 pcs of, wrong and improved/repaired postmark; 20/72, Day of Stamp, 2 pcs of, wrong and improved/repaired postmark; 22A/82, Sochařství, 2 pcs of, 2 various color printings envelope/-s; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220458 - 1950-1971 comp. 4 pcs of FDC without mounted stmp: 9/50 Prag
1950-1971 comp. 4 pcs of FDC without mounted stmp: 9/50 Prague 1950, 16B/64 Prague castle, 18A/69 Art, 4A/71 City Coats of Arms; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
220936 - 1973-1986 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 20 pcs of envelopes, p
1973-1986 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of envelopes, postal stationery covers and PC with ministerial postmarks in red or blue color, 3x entire Presidential Election 1973, 75 and 85; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220189 - 1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY commercial letter in the place!,
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY commercial letter in the place!, postal-charge 40h, franked pair Pof.733, CDS BRNO 6/ 19.VI.53, FDC!; sought by specialists, R lower oblique fold, otherwise sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220184 - 1953 NEDĚLE / PC CDV99B without additional franking, CDS PR
1953 NEDĚLE / PC CDV99B without additional franking, CDS PRAGUE 025/ 7.VI.53, supplemented with cancel. "T", several pokusů about/by calculation postage-due; evidently unwithdrawn, non-philatelic, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220183 - 1953 NEDĚLE / PC CDV99B, right uprated. stamp. Pof.502, 643
1953 NEDĚLE / PC CDV99B, right uprated. stamp. Pof.502, 643, 680, CDS PRAGUE 025/ 14.VI.53; non-philatelic, sound condition, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220185 - 1953 NEDĚLE / picture fotodopisnice CPH1/4. - Brno, postal-
1953 NEDĚLE / picture fotodopisnice CPH1/4. - Brno, postal-charge 15Kčs, uprated. stamp. Pof.488 (3x), CDS BRNO 2/ 14.VI.53, printed stamp. was not to postage započtena; usage fotodopisnic is rare, here in addition from neděle(!), signs of usage., on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220176 - 1953 NEDĚLE / folded postally averaged printed matter, prop
1953 NEDĚLE / folded postally averaged printed matter, propragační MC BRNO 2/ 14.VI.53; sought by specialists, good condition, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220179 - 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10Kčs / commercial papers, 4 pcs of, from t
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10Kčs / commercial papers, 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with multiple frankings Pof.671 (5x) with CDS PROTIVÍN/ 5.VI.53, resp. Pof.716 (7x) with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 9.VI.53 and 2x mixed franking Pof.625 (9x), 711 with CDS PRAGUE 025/ 3.VI.53, resp. Pof.726, 728 - minor faults. with CDS TEPLICE; 3x window envelope
Starting price: CZK
219433 - 1945-1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs / 4 letters with mixed frankings
1945-1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs / 4 letters with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., CDS JAROMĚŘICE/ 11.VII.53, TEPLICE 2/ 16.VI. and 11.VI.53 - window envelope, LOUNY/ 18.VI.53 + Reg letter with Pof.489 (4x), CDS ROUDNICE n. L./ 6.VI.53; all commercial correspondence, common condition
Starting price: CZK
214537 - 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs / letter franked stamp. Pof.698 accor
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs / letter franked stamp. Pof.698 according to rate platného to 31.5., MC BRNO 2/ 2.VI.53, chybělo 27Kčs, postage due isn't marked and evidently in relation to name addressee wasn't neither chosen; cancel. presidential office on reverse, interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
221161 - 1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY /  comp. 2 pcs of letters a
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / comp. 2 pcs of letters addressed to Austria, 1x heavier Reg letter, with multicolor franking 120Kčs, more/larger envelope (missing flap + torn margins), CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN 4.VI.53, 1x letter with franking 50Kčs in front, CDS DOMAŽLICE by/on/at P./ 11.VI.53, both in Austria censored - round cancel. and stick-on label + supplemented with 4 pcs of vnitrostátních usual letters; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220188 - 1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / addressed to to East Germ
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / addressed to to East Germany, with multicolor franking postage and special stmp in front also on reverse, right postal-charge 50Kčs, CDS ŽACLÉŘ/ 6.VI.53
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
220180 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / postcard with Pof.L28 (2x),
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / postcard with Pof.L28 (2x), CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 3/ 12.VI.53 + letter with Pof.L31b (2x), CDS LUHAČOVICE/ 2.VI.53
Starting price: CZK
220932 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / postcard, postal-charge 15K
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / postcard, postal-charge 15Kčs, with Pof.L35, MC PRAGUE 025/ 9.VI.53; good condition, single franking issue Spa are exceptional!
Starting price: CZK
220178 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ  / letter franked stamp. in
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / letter franked stamp. in value 8Kčs, Pof.666 (6x), 680, CDS STRAKONICE/ 15.VI.53, uprated meter stmp STRAKONICE/ 15.6.53/ 22,oo, right value postage; mixed franking meter stmp are exceptional!, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220177 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ  / comp. 4 pcs of letters,
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 4 pcs of letters, 1x commercial printed matter with meter stmp 10Kčs, PRAGUE 1/ 12.6.53/ Melantrich + 3 window envelopes with meter stmp 30Kčs, 1x PRAGUE 1/ 2.6.53/ Dechtochema; 1x HRANICE 1/ 8.6.53/ Sigma Pumps; 1x PRIEVIDZA/ 8.6.53/ Carpatia, supplemented with MC BRNO 2/ 10.6.53, minor faults.; as multiple nice
Starting price: CZK
214471 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ /  letter franked with. 8 p
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / letter franked with. 8 pcs of postage and special stmp., rolled cancel. BRNO 2/ 17.6.53, uprated by. meter stmp 12Kčs, BRNO 2/ 17.6.53; interesting, minor faults - envelope L light cut and 1x horiz. also vertical vertical folded
Starting price: CZK
214530 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ /  heavier Reg letter frank
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / heavier Reg letter franked 2 print meter stmp f. Keramoprojekt, PRAGUE 1/ 3.6.53, 1x 90Kčs and 1x 20Kčs; window envelope in corners wrinkled
Starting price: CZK
1953 LETTER VYPLACENÝ FISKÁLNÍMI ZNÁMKAMI / Reg letter in the place franked fiscal stamps issue 1947 valid to 30.6.1953, values 50h (2x) and 3 Koruna (23x) in front also on reverse, CDS SMIDARY/ 12.VI.53, addressed to to 2km far community Chotělice in/at delivery perimeter posting post, right value postage 70Kčs; still sole known entire paid/franked only revenue stamps (!), evidently unique rarity, good condition, ex Dražan
Starting price: CZK
220181 - 1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÁ MAILING /  Registered and Express le
1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÁ MAILING / Registered and Express letter sent to president republic, with Pof.488 (2x), 489 (5x), CDS HOLEŠOV 1/ 5.VI.53, postal-charge 160Kčs, missing 50Kčs - postage due unwithdrawn, on reverse cancel. Kanceláře president republic; interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
220187 - 1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / 4 entires without postage-
1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / 4 entires without postage-due stmp.: unpaid PC + insufficiently paid/franked 2 letters and 1 postcard, all with marked or vypočteným postage-due, which/what wasn't chosen
Starting price: CZK
220368 - 1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / two special delivery lette
1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / two special delivery letters, 1x private with multiple franking Pof.726 (15x) in front also on reverse (= 120 Koruna), CDS KOUT on/for Š./ 8.VI.53 and 1x commercial franked by stmp Pof.488 (2x) and 507 (10x) in front also on reverse (= 90 Koruna), CDS SEKYŘANY/ 8.VI.53, arrival TLF. ÚSTŘEDNA/ PRAHA/ 9.VI.53 on reverse, window envelope
Starting price: CZK
220175 - 1953  POŠTOVNÉ PAUŠALOVÁNO / 1. DAY / commercial papers,
1953 POŠTOVNÉ PAUŠALOVÁNO / 1. DAY / commercial papers, commercial window envelope MEZ Vsetín, CDS VSETÍN/ 1.VI.53, format C6 + off. PC with additional cancel. "Postage paušalizované" addressed to to Nových Zámků, CDS BÁTOVCE/ 2.VI.53, supplemented with oval cancel. parish office
Starting price: CZK
220186 - 1953 SCHODOVITÉ FRANKATURY / comp. of 3 entires with offici
1953 SCHODOVITÉ FRANKATURY / comp. of 3 entires with officially nepovolenými frankings, from that 2x postcard with postage stamp. Pofis. 487(5x), CDS ČESKÝ KRUMLOV/ 17.VI.53, resp. Pofis. 506, 521, 666 with CDS ŽELEZNÝ BROD/ 13.VI.53, good condition; supplemented with letter with 13 pcs of special stmp., CDS ZAJEČICE/ 5.VI.53, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
220182 - 1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / PC CDV99, comp. 3 pcs of, all with
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / PC CDV99, comp. 3 pcs of, all with supplementary postage 13,50Kčs, from that 1x multiple Pof.485 (9x), rolled cancel. OSTRAVA 1/ 16.VI.53, 2 pcs of with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., CDS ŠTERNBERK/ 12.VI.53, resp. ŘEVNICE/ 15.VI.53
Starting price: CZK
219434 - 1953 comp. 4 pcs of commercial letters with mixed frankings,
1953 comp. 4 pcs of commercial letters with mixed frankings, 1x Commercial papers postal-charge 15Kčs, CDS ÚSTÍ n. L. 4/ with defective date 11.VII.54! and 3x letter, postal-charge 30 Koruna, CDS ROUDNICE n. L./ 11.VI., LITOMĚŘICE/ 13.VI. and LOUNY/ 13.VI.53, good condition + Reg letter, postal-charge 80 Koruna, hand-made on/for mailing "52,50 Koruna", used 37 pcs of stamp. after/behind 57,50Kč, CDS PRAGUE 19/ 18.VI.53, nezatížen postage-due; viewing of quality recommended - damaged Reg label
Starting price: CZK
219435 - 1953 comp. 5 pcs of commercial letters with multiple frankin
1953 comp. 5 pcs of commercial letters with multiple frankings 1 special stamp., addressed to Ústí n. L.: 10x Pof.718, CDS LOUNY/ 2.VI.53; 10x Pof.713, CDS TEPLICE 2/ 3.VI.53; 15x Pof.671, CDS LITOMĚŘICE/ 6.VI.53; letter in the place 10x Pof.720, CDS ÚSTÍ n. L. 7/ 8.VI.53 and 20x Pof.679, CDS TEPLICE 2/ 10.VI.53; good condition
Starting price: CZK
218034 - 1946 INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR ADOLFOVICE / parcel card without L
1946 INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR ADOLFOVICE / parcel card without L cut, on reverse arrival postmark FRÝVALDOV 27.III.46, supplemented with cancel. Headquarters I.C.. I. A Adolfovice; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1946 MILITARY ZAJATECKÉ TÁBORY KUŘIM, ZNOJMO, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 5 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes sent on/for prisoner to camp in/at Kuřimi, then answer part card Voj. POW camp in Znojmo sent from Austria with CDS VILLACH/ 26.8.46, card sent from prisoner from prison in/at Hradec Králové; good condition
Starting price: CZK
219571 - 1953 1. DAY / PC CDV109 chosen from letterbox, CDS KUTNÁ HO
1953 1. DAY / PC CDV109 chosen from letterbox, CDS KUTNÁ HORA 1/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 1,50Kčs was/were akceptováno, new postal-charge 30h (= 15Kčs in old currency, chybělo 13,50Kčs), postage due in 2-násobné value, Postage due stamp Pof.D75 (5x) and D77 mounted on/for part/-s post. blank form/-s and mounted to mailing, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.VI.53; calculation postage-due dělal pracovníkům post potíže - see front side, nice, exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK