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1921 5 commercial letters addressed during the beginning of inflation to Czechoslovakia, multicolor frankings, 3 letters with stamps with perfin "V.v.J.", 1 letter with perfin "P." and 1 letter with stamp. with perfin "J.U."; good condition U:A4
1901-1902 LLOYD / 2 franked Ppc delivered by ship post, 1x postcard Smyrna to Vienna with CDS I.R. SPED POST PRESSO LLYOD/ SMYRNE 10/6 01, 1x postcard Jerusalem to Olomouc with CDS THALIA OE. LLYOD 14/11 02; good condition U:A5
1907 Hungary - Croatian ship post on Adria, postcard steamship "Pannonia" sent to Moravia, with CDS FIUME - COTTARO/ 907 Maj.4.; small tearing in margin U:A5
1854 FIELD-POST No.3/ 28/3 round FP-postmark from north Italy on complete folded Ex offo cover addressed to Holešov; archiving fold, nice print U:A5
1899 k.u.k. FELDPOST-EXPOSITUR No.26/ round postmark with date 29/8 99, Vot.3825 (500 pt.), on franked lithography postcard of Český Dub, arrival PŘÍBRAM 30/3 99; good condition U:A5
1914 S.M.S. PANDUR round darkblue postmark of Austrian destroyer with date 25.XI.14 on coloured postcard Sansego; superb postal imprint U:A5
1916 DANUBE FLEET / K.u.K.. Schiffskommando in Rustschuk, blue round coat of arms' postmark on Ppc Ruse (today Bulgaria), sent through German FP Nr.188/ 3.8.16 to Moravia; superb postal imprint, good condition U:A5
1901-1918 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIAN-HUNGARY K.u.K KRIEGSMARINE (navy) collection 100 od Ppc with postmarks of war ships i.a. SMS KAISERIN M. TERESIA, ARPÁD, BELLONA, BLITZ, BODROG - Danube Flotilla, DINARA, GÖA, HUSZÁR, LEOPARD, MAGNET, PELIKAN, SATELIT, USKOKE, VULKAN, COMPO - Danubian boating, torpédovky SM BOOT 50, 50E, 56, 57T, 59, 59T, 85F, 90, 91, 98, SMS STEAMER VII etc., supplemented with 8 Ppc with picture of ships, all placed in photoalbum; mainly good quality, very nice collection U:Z
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] RAKOUSKO-UHERSKÁ K.u.K KRIEGSMARINE (navy) collectionof 99 with scenes from the life of sailors, contains i.a. 36 photo postcard with descriptions of marine fight for island Palegruža, then 24 photo postcards with views of sailors during their work on ships, 6 Ppc with views of submarines etc.; placed in photoalbum, very nice and rare collection! U:Z
1915 ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K with two lined overprint K.u.K.. FIELD-POST; superb, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1915 ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K with two lined overprint K.u.K.. FIELD-POST; very fine, c.v.. 535€ U:A5
1915 ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K; with two lined overprint K.u.K.. FIELD-POST, 2. line of overprint INVERTED; superb, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1915 ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K, complete imperforated set, 2. line of overprint DOUBLE; superb, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1915 ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K, complete imperforated set, 2. line of overprint INVERTED; superb, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1915 PLATE PROOF for FP / ANK.22-48, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K, 5x complete set in various numbers according to colors - violet 18, red-brown 18, green 19, black 19, brown 19; very fine, issued without gum, c.v.. 900€ U:A4
1916 ANK.49U-52U, 51bU, NEWSPAPER STAMPS 2H-20H, imperforated, in addition 1x 10h in rare color "lebhaftlilarot"; very fine; c.v.. 550€++, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1917 ANK.53B, 55B, 59B, 64B, 65B, 69B, 72B; Charles I. 1h, 3h, 12h, 40h, 50h, 2 K, 10K;sought perf 11½, very fine, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1917 ANK.53U-72U, Charles I. 1h -10K imperforated; superb, c.v.. 450€ U:A5
1918 ANK.VIIU BOGENPROBE, Charles I. 25h on chalky paper; very fine marginal piece with certificate Soecknick; issued without gum, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1918 ITALY / ANK.5B, 9B, 12B, Charles I. 7C/6h perf 12½:11½, 22C/20h perf 11½, 43C/40h perf 11½; superb and complete set, rare occurrence, c.v.. 185€ U:A5
1918 ITALY / ANK.14, Charles 64 Cts / 60h, DOUBLE OVERPRINT and in addition on reverse offset of both overprints; very fine piece with certificate Soecknick, Sassone - 900€ U:A5
1918 ITALY / ANK.XIV, Charles I. 1 K olive, UNISSUED, 8 stamps with all variants of overprint, perforated also imperforated; VF and rare selection of, c.v.. 800€++ U:A5
1917 MONTENEGRO / Franz Joseph I. 15h MONTEUOGRO; very fine and popular printing error, c.v.. 85€ U:A5
1918 ROMANIA /ANK.22, Charles 12 BANI, DOUBLE FACE VALUE; very fine piece with certificate Soecknick; very rare U:A5
1918 ROMANIA / ANK.24 (German Service post), Charles 20 BANI, DOUBLE FACE VALUE; very fine piece with certificate Soecknick, very rare U:A5
1918 ROMANIA / ANK.24, pair Charles I. 20h left stamp with omitted face value; very fine and interesting speciality, certificate Soecknick U:A5
1918 ROMANIA / ANK.I-IV,VI,VIII-X,XII-XIII; 10 UNISSUED stamps with overprint Charles I. 1 Bani - 90 Bani; VF, c.v.. 1.600€, rare set U:A5
1918 ROMANIA / ANK.XII, block of four Charles I. 80 Bani - UNISSUED; very fine, as blk-of-4 very rare, c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1915 SERBIA / ANK.1-21, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K with horiz. overprint SERBIA; superb, c.v.. 690€ U:A5
1916 SERBIA / ANK.1-21, overprint 1h-10K, SERBIA horiz.; very fine and complete set on cut-squares with FD cancellation; c.v.. 950€++ U:A4
1915-1918 AIRFORCES / - LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN comp. of 12 cards with cancel. of airforces, i.a. v No.5, No.6, Nr.34, Nr.77, No.16 7x - various postmarks as round red, blue also violet, straight line postmark blue also violet and various version; mainly good quality U:A5
1915 PROPAGANDA/ "Gott strafe England and vernichte Italien" round violet propagandistic postmark on reverse of field postcard, CDS FP 302/ 21.VII.15; good condition U:A5
1915 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / SYROS / GREECE postcard sent Czech (Austria-Hungary) prisoner internovaným on/for řecký island Syra, sent to prisoner of war to Prištiny in/at Serbia, Czech text, violet 2-lines cancel. Serbian censorship; interesting U:A5
1916-1918 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / selection of 70 cards, Ppc and letters sent on also from Czech war prisoners in Italy + supplemented with ca. 100 pcs of prisoner cards from Czech soldiers in Russian imprisonment, censorship; mainly good condition U:K
1918 airmail letter CRACOW - WIEN, franked with 15h and air-mail 1,50K-4K on grey paper, CDS CRACOW 1 / 5.VI., CRACOW FLUGPOST and WIEN FLUGPOST 5/6; at top horiz. bend, c.v.. 115€ U:A5
1918 airmail letter WIEN- CRACOW - WIEN franked with 15h and air-mail 1,50K-4K on white paper, CDS WIEN 1. 9. VII; WIEN FLUGPOST 10.VII and arrival CRACOW FLUGPOST 10.VII.; very fine, c.v.. 185€ U:A5