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1943-1960 MAX ŠVABINSKÝ (1873–1962), comp. of 4 graphic artist on pages A3, i.a. Fučík; Vrchlický, self-portrait etc..; all with signature U:A3s|
1960-? JAWA / comp. 4 pcs of schvalovacích designes - 1x medal + 3x advertising plakáty, in/at paspartách; very interesting! U:A0
1946 Map postal kursů in/at zemi Czech, 1:400.000, supplemented with plánkem post Prague, issued by Ministry communications and telegraphs, size 90x72cm; folds, mounted on textile U:A3s|
1930 Map postal communications in Slovakia I. sheet, 1:400.000, issued by Post Office Department and telegraphs, size 90x55cm; folds, small tearing in margins U:A3s|
1933 ŘÍŠSKÁ ORLICE contemporary embroidery German empire eagle with swastika, in blue color on/for půlkulatém white background, size 23x12cm U:A4
1939 JEWISH BADGE / nášivka on/for oděv from žlutého textilu with black printing "Jude" U:A5