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2019 Pof.PL889, Flowers A, PB with additional-printing 800. Anniv community Pernarec V....304, in addition supplemented with about/by commemorative sheet; very fine, sought U:A4
2017 Pof.942, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade stamps, corner blk-of-6 (field 2) s nápisem; for comparison including common dark blue piece, still unpublished, rare usage this výrazného shade U:A5
2017 Pof.PL950, Retro transport, PB with No. V000...309; practically whole printing used on/for variants of coupons, rare usage U:A4
2017 Pof.PL950, Retro transport, PB with private added print V...311; very fine, sought U:A4
2018 Pof.PL963, Mucha A, PB with additional-printing Ivančice V...295; very fine U:A4
2018 Pof.PL963, Pof.PL822, comp. 2 pcs of PB Bouquet A and Mucha A with added-print V...274 and V296; rare, rare offer U:A4
2018 Pof.964 production flaw, Eastern A, marginal Pr with production flaw - significantly rozostřený (double) inscription "Eastern"; interesting U:A5
2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with plate variety - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare significant variant defects! U:A5
2019 Pof.A1019/1020, miniature sheet Hanzelka and Zikmund, 3 nonstandard pieces: 1x R part miniature sheet significantly lighter, above notice "Evropa-Asie" violet map, gate R lower and her surroundings light brown, grey obelisk; 1x blue-violet map, gate and her surroundings also light brown, in addition but significantly light brown also middle obelisk (rarest variant, known only several kusů!); 1x dark blue map, gate and her surroundings grey, obelisk hnědošedý, in addition vzájemný shift OT and ofsetu (double outlines kontinentů, die-stamping above ofsetem); from same zdroje as v minulé auction, evidently last possibility získat variety with light brown obeliskem U:A4
2019 Pof.A1038-1041, 2x miniature sheet Zoologické garden IV, 1x significantly lighter ofsetové background (green-blue color place dark green), very rare; 1x normal shade, but s VV - significant yellow stain v těle kozy on/for L margin miniature sheet, sought U:A5
2019 Pof.A1049-1050, Medřická and Lukavský 23CZK and 27Kč, four souvenir sheets s výrazně odlišnými shades (face Medřické brownlila, grey-brown, brownish grey, brown-black), significant differences also in yellow color; fine selection of U:A5
2019 Pof.PL1054 production flaw, Janeček 45Kč, PB s výrazně smudge light brown color on gum pos. 1 and pos. 3; kuriózní defect, interesting U:A5
2020 Pof.1060, Postal uniform, two complete stamp bklt, 1x very light wrapping also stamps (!), field 3, 1x extremely dark wrapping (bright red), field 2; for comparison including empty wrapping standard booklet, small výskyt U:A5
2012 PERSONALISED STAMP printing sheet 0003, VZ18-23, complete printing sheet, Company collectors Czechosl. stamps, printing 600 pcs of; superb U:A4
2012 VZ 0006, OSTROJ Inc., complete printing sheet with 25 stamp., 9 various drawings values A, printing 1100 pcs of; perfect condition U:A4
2012 VZ 0009, David Ogilvy, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp. same printings in red and grey color, value A, printing 600 pcs of; perfect condition U:A4
2013 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ 0010, SSI Schäfer - 20 years in Czech Republic - and, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp. same printings, value A, printing 600 pcs of; perfect condition, rare U:A4
2013 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ 0011, SSI Schäfer - 20 years in Czech Republic - b, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp., 4 various printings values A, incl. original cover, printing 600 pcs of; perfect condition, rare U:A4
2013 PERSONAL STAMPS / VZ 0012 + VZ 0015 U:A4
2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ ZS0022, Postal saving bank, complete set variants stamp. incl. stamp. from printing sheet 2013 and 2014 U:A5
2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ22 and VZ25, Postal saving bank, 1x original print without year, 1x with doplněným year 2014 to picture of stmp.; very fine U:A4
2017 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ60, Zoo Jihlava; very fine U:A4
2018 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS0082, Jirka King - Fotky from Instagramu, own stamp booklets - undetached, 4. plate; quite rare, exists only 5 pcs of, extraordinary offer! U:A4
2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveří (castle), comp. 7 pcs of without imprinted values; c.v.. 1.750CZK U:A5
2007 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / stamp booklets ČTÚ 2/2007 with 5 pcs of stamp. Pof.484 and 485; minimum usage, rare U:A5
2007 stamp-booklet / stamp booklets ČTÚ 4/2007 with blk-of-10 stamp. Pof.492; minimum usage, rare U:A5
2008 stamp-booklet 2x stamp booklets ČTÚ 6/2008, 1x with PL424 with additional-printing ČTÚ P31200 and 1x with blk-of-10 stamp. Pof.537; minimum usage, rare U:A5
2011 stamp-booklet stamp booklets ČTÚ 9/2011 with complete PB Pof.467 with additional-printing ČTÚ P...40314; minimum usage, rare U:A5
1998 PT6a, issue Agriculture and Science with value, author's print (!); printing only 25 pcs of U:A5
1998 PT6b, issue Agriculture and Science without value, author's print (!); printing only 25 pcs of, very sought U:A5
2000 PT10, Brno, number 0802 - standard printing 8.000 pcs of, number 08001-08025 are autorskými prints (inscription on reverse); author prints is only 25 pcs of, very sought U:A5
2000 PT11, For Children-issue 1938 with additional-printing 100 years from zvolení T. G. Masaryk poslancem V. Meziříčí U:A5
2003 PT11, For Children-issue 1938, 2 pcs of with additional-printing exhibition OSTROPA 2003 with number and unnumbered U:A5
2018 PT37A/0, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with NULAMI; superb, exceedingly rare, here for the first time in auction! U:A5
2018 PT37C, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), WITHOUT ČÍSLA; very fine rare U:A5
2018 PT37C/b, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with additional-printing David Feldman, incl. cover; superb U:A5
2018 PT37C/d, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with red additional-printing VIP HOST EXHIBITIONS; superb, exceedingly rare, here for the first time in auction! U:A5
2018 Karta David Feldman s aršíkem Bombajský letter, distribuovaná together s special commemorative print 37C/b; missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print, catalogue shows, but for the present doesn't evaluate U:A5
2018 Karta David Feldman with miniature sheet Bombajský letter, distribuovaná together with special commemorative print 37C/b; missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print; catalogue shows, but for the present doesn't evaluate U:A5
1994-2014 PTR1-PTR21, Special prints Czech Post, complete set 21 pcs of, incl. hledaného PTR1, Contemporary Art; very fine, c.v.. 16.000CZK U:A5
2001 PTM17, Memorial sheet Postal museum with number 003902 (!), standard pieces only with numbers 1-3900 (!); extraordinary offer U:A5
2007-2013 PPM1-PPM14, Pozvánky Postal museum; complete set from uvedeného period, c.v.. 3.850Kč U:A5
1993-2007 PAL1, 1x, 2-3, 5-9, Memorial sheets post, comp. 9 pcs of, i.a. Presidential Election Czech Republic "President" and 1000. Anniv St. Vojtěch; c.v.. 3.200CZK U:A4
2011 PLZ2, commemorative sheet Czech Post People's building/-s 2011, Soběslav value A, printing only 800 pcs of; very fine U:A5
2011 PLZ3, commemorative sheet Czech Post People's building/-s 2011, Vsetín value E, printing only 800 pcs of; very fine U:A5
2017 MAURITIUS V ČESKU - commemorative sheet issued on the occasion of ceremonial křtu this post. stamps, with signatures of authors Jaromír Knotek and Kamil Knotek; number 173/200 - printing mere 200 pcs of, print Postal printing-works valuable matters, very fine U:A4
2013 [COLLECTIONS] GLP1, Závišův cross - Vyšší Brod, hand drawing, joined printings and print gravures stamp. Pof.765, numbered collection 2 graphic sheets in original cover Czech Post U:O5
1994-2006 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of various commemorative prints, contains PT1, 2a+b,3, 5a+b, 6a+b, 9a+b, 11a+b, 13a+b, 14a+b, 16a+b, 18a+b, 20a+b, 21; very fine, c.v.. 5.000CZK U:O5
1994-2012 [COLLECTIONS] PT1-PT29, Special prints Czech Post, except PT8b complete, incl. variants, i.a. PT4 in/at Czech, Slovak and Swedish version; very fine, c.v.. 10.000CZK U:O5
1995-2013 [COLLECTIONS] PTM1-PTM36, Special prints for Postal museum, except PTM6a complete set from daného rozmezí, incl. PTM5b etc..; very fine, c.v.. 16.770Kč U:O5
1993-1997 [COLLECTIONS] rare selection of 31 pcs of Pamětních sheets Postal museum, from that total 21 pcs of with signatures of authors, contains i.a. PaL5c, 6a, 7d, 8c, 9b, 14a, 16a, 18a, b, 19a,b, 24, 28a,b, 29 etc..; extraordinary multiple U:O5
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] selection of various commemorative prints, i.a. PRL1, AČP1 etc.., also insert bulletins - i.a. special commemorative print Butterflies, Terezín, then several pieces Mercure Revue, author insert etc..; on pages in spring folder, as multiple interesting, suitable to other elaboration U:Z
1993-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 pcs of various commemorative sheets, i.a. Líbeznice 1993, Harrachov 1993, Postfila 1994, Plzeň 1995, Odolena Voda 1998 etc..; good condition U:O5
1993 POB1B, příležitosní envelope Origin Czech Republic, with 3Kčs Prague castle 1972, with additional-printing Prague castle; very fine U:A4
1994 comp. 10 pcs of money letters sent to Živnostenskou bank, all off. envelope/-s with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), from that 7 pcs of with úvěrovaným poštovným(!), postcode 150 00, 290 01, 353 01, 415 01, 434 01, 460 01, 695 01, 736 01, 751 51, 767 01 U:A4
1994 comp. 10 pcs of PC with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 182 00, 251 01, 269 01, 293 01, 370 04, 500 02, 530 02, 669 02, 735 14, 763 02; rare occurrence U:A5
1994 comp. 2 pcs of money letters + 3 pcs of Reg letters with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 370 01, 35002, 280 01, 269 01 and 150 00; rare usage U:A4
1994 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), format A6, postcode 377 01, 400 01, 460 01, 530 02, 625 00 U:A5
1994 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 69501, 69701, 72601, 74601, 76001; rare occurrence U:A4
1994 comp. of 7 cut-squares , type I (big hinge / label), postcode 400 01, 415 01, 430 01, 460 01, 466 01, 530 01, 530 02 U:A5