1865-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of used stamps in full 20-pages stockbook A4, from Mi.14, single values and sets more times, various postmarks, shades etc..; various quality, suitable for specialist, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection in 16-pages full stockbook A4, contains opposite facing pairs, gutters, advertising coupons, marginal and corner pieces etc..; interesting not only for specialist
1849-1965 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 20-pages stockbook A4, from classic period issue Leopold I., complete also incomplete sets, used and mint, part miniature sheets, railway, postage-due etc..
1947 COUNTER SHEET / CHESS/ Mi.606-610, Chess - Balkan Games 2L - 60L, complete sheets of 100 stamps (!!); overall very nice quality, cat. only as single stamps 950€, rare
1905 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALISED / collection / accumulation of stamps issue "Numerals" in 3 stockbooks + on sheets, part with descriptions, identified plate variety and flaws, supplemented with several entires etc..; suitable for specialist, ex Strnad
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection in stockbook A4, contains sets and items as: Mi.169-172, 229, 261, Air 321, air-mail 305-311 - 50Fr with certificate Eichele, Mi.327 *, several stamp booklets - Mi.956, 984-985 etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value
1953-2000 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / ACCUMULATION / accumulation of stamp booklets, several hundreds pieces, incl. sought 1953, 1954, 1956-1960 (some incomplete) etc.., part more times; placed in two quite full stockbooks A4 + on stock-sheets A4 and transparent sheets, in addition album Yvert with sheets on booklets; mainly good quality
191 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA / very nice specialized collection on 40 pages, sets, blocks, production flaw - double and omitted perforations, offsets, plate variety, parts of sheets etc.., then postage-due, entires, parts of dispatch-notes etc..; better items provided with certificates (V. Šedivý) or expertized, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value!
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR BOSNIA / very nice specialized collection on 22 pages, sets, blocks, production flaws of overprints - inverted, reversed, printing errors etc.., then postage-dues, entires, parts of dispatch-notes etc..; better items provided with certificates V. Šedivý, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value!
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR CROATIA / very nice specialized collection on 19 pages, sets, blocks, production flaws of overprints - inverted, shifted, unissued, double etc.., then postage-due, entires, parts of dispatch-notes etc..; better items provided with certificates (V. Šedivý) or expertized, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value!
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / collection of ca. 45 entires mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 25 as Registered or Ex, supplemented with several entires of Croatia; various quality
1918 [COLLECTIONS] TEMESVÁR, BARANYA, NEU-RUMÄNIEN / specialized collection on 24 pages, contains blocks, cut-squares, combination types, offsets, also postage due etc..; it is worth seeing!
1872-1923 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps on album sheets Schaubek, some better values mor often; mainly fine quality, c.v.. more than 5.000€
1948-1990 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection in older stockbook in glassine envelopes, mostly complete, from better items missing only Mi.21-34, 64-67 and Block No.1; c.v.. more than 2.600€
1872-1980 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 960 mainly ** stamps, marginal pieces with control-numbers, pairs also blocks of four, contains Deutsches Reich, colonies, occupied territories, Soviet occupation zone, Berlin, GDR; without Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, some faults, page 15 and 16 excluded from sum, c.v.. Michel min. 2.900€
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES / OCCUPIED TERRITORIES / selection on 7 pages, contains various values and issues of German colonies, German post abroad and occupied territory, i.a. Marianen, Samoa, Togo, Morocco etc..; interesting
1852-1964 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 30-sheets stockbook A4, from classic period and the first issue 1852, used also unused, contains incomplete also complete sets, shades, perf, postage-due and colonies (Surinam, Netherlandish India, Curacao, Netherlands Antily etc..; various, mainly nice quality
1855-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in DAVO album, from issue 1852, many complete sets, stamp bklt and blocks set, incl. legions **, also first day sheets with FDC in two albumss etc..; various quality (part spots), from estate
1830-1850 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / selection of ca. 80 prephilatelic letters with cancellations as: JAROMERITZ, NICOLSBURG, DATSCHITZ, LETTOWITZ, POHRLITZ, KREMSIER, M. BUDWITZ, MISTEK etc.., some more times
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACUUMULATION / Duetsch-Österreich and inter-war issue in two big stockbooks SAFE, contains single issues, blocks, use / mint, shades, perf, all often more times, i.a. set Composers, Writers, Landscape, Airmail, FIS etc..; various quality, hinged, higher catalogue
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of mint / used stamps in 11 stockbooks, contains single issue from overprint A. Hitler., mainly more times, also part in blocks etc..; various, mainly good quality, high catalogue value, in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1895-1914 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 94 postcards and entires, contains 87 Ppc - several lithography, long address, from that 14 with 2 Kreuzer yellow, various postmarks, supplemented with 2 letters from that 1x as Registered, supplemented with 4 p.stat FP cards; all in very fine condition
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIAN WAR SHIP MAIL / collection of 141 Ppc, letters and cards with postmarks Austria-Hungary war marine post, contains i.a. CYKLOP, CHAMELEON, GÄA, ERZH. RUDOLF, POLA, ALPHA, BELLONA, CUSTOZZA, DONAU, DELTA, DON JUAN D´AUSTRIA, STAFANIE, MARS, ZARA, some more times, various varieties of postmarks, part Ppc with marine motives etc.., supplemented with 28 Ppc with picture of civilian steamships, placed in transparent sheets in spiral office cover; mainly good condition, various quality of postmarks, estate of dealer
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of correspondence and FP cards, mainly from one addressee, various unit postmarks., also several Ppc and postcard with ship cancel. as S.M.S. Monarch, S.M.S. WIEN, S.M.S. Budapest etc..; placed in filled box, various quality
1850-1918[COLLECTIONS] collection in 5 stockbooks A4 with some specialisation, I. - VII. issue, other issue, Jubilee 1908 and 1910, Coat of arms, air-mail, also newspaper, postage-due, Levant, field post, Bosnia and oths., interesting types, postmarks, types of perf, shades etc.., supplemented with sets of reprints; various quality, it is worth seeing!
1850-1935[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, from the first issue incl. better values, postmarks etc.., Jubilee, Coat of arms, also Lombardy-Veneto, Levant, Bosnia, FP, Small Landscapes Mi.530-543 etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1867-1918 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS - CZECH LANDS / collection more than 1.000 stamps and cut-squares of various issues, from VI. issues with cancel. from Czech countries, alphabetically sorted and described, placed in 32-sheet stockbook from that 25 sheets occupied, many single circle postmarks with whole or almost complete print; all chosen pieces in good quality, rare offer!
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection more then 100 various entires, contains Reg letters, several postcards "yellow", p.stat, parts of dispatch-notes, etc..; various condition
1850-1949 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 70 entires, contains frankings of I. - VII. issue, several Reg letters, p.stat, p.stat newspaper wrappers, 2x whole dispatch note, various postmarks, part Bosnia and Herzegovina, smaller part after 1918; various quality
1857-1991 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection on pages in 3 folders, used also unused sets and stamps, from classic period, contains many better complete sets, i.a. Mi.402A-405A, 483-487, 488-493, 494-498, 499-508, 509-512, 509Y-512Y, souvenir sheets Bl.1-2, 6-8, 9, 10, 11A etc..; part various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1860-1969 [COLLECTIONS] nice used collection on hingeless sheets Schaubek in 4 spring folders, part of classic period, then for example Mi.82-98, from 1923 mainly complete incl. good sets as Mi.390-391, 397-401, 422-423, 480-482, 483-487, 488-493, 499-508, 509-512, 513-522, 657-664, 826, also souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.5, 6-8, 9, 10, 14-16 etc..; various, mainly nice quality, high catalogue value
1923-1992 [COLLECTIONS] nice, mainly complete mostly used collection in 9 stockbooks, incl. better sets as: Mi.326-327, 390-391A+B, 402A-405A, 410A-411A, 422-423, 429-449, 453-455, 462-466, 483-487, 494-498, 499-508, 513-522, 625-636, issues of 1940´s -1950´s etc., in addition supplemented with folder with part of miniature sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.Bl.6-8, 14, 15 etc..; overall nice quality, high catalogue value by estimation 5.000€+, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / in 4 stockbooks A4, contains Russian Empire, USSR, also Russian post abroad etc.., mainly incomplete sets, but also several miniature sheets and better values; various quality
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full stockbook A4, contains many complete sets, also several miniature sheets, air-mail, official etc..; part various quality, we advice examination, from estate
1947-1954 [COLLECTIONS] ZONE A / mainly complete collection on pages in folder, incl. better sets as Mi.1-17, 18-23, 34-46, 47-50, 80-92, then also postage-due etc..; part hinged, high catalogue value
1952-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALISED/ collection in 7 folders with descriptions, various issues, prints, papers, perf, blocks, marginal pieces etc.., also bklt issue and oths., in addition supplemented with various duplication, notices, entires in foldr etc..; placed in middle box, interesting for specialist!
1855-1990 [COLLECTIONS] used collection in full 16-pages stockbook A4, from issue 1855, incl. several better stamps as SG.118, 178, 180, 263 etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION/ remaining part of estate, contains several mainly incomplete collections as Romania, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Azores, then for example stockbook USSR 1959-1966 (mainly in blocks of four), little box with scattered stamps etc..; various quality, placed in middle box
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / collection of ca. 150 entires mainly from Europe also overseas, contains countries as BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, LUXEMBURG, GERMANY, DENMARK FRANCE, USA etc., part Reg or Ex, several pcs from classic period, mainly entires from inter-war, several FDC etc..; various quality, valuable selection
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in album Scott (only small part of classic period), supplemented with duplication in two full stockbooks; various quality
1871-1992 [COLLECTIONS] nice mainly complete mixed used / unused collection from Mi.1, contains many complete sets, miniature sheets etc..; part various quality
1873-1970 [COLLECTIONS] hinged collection on pages, part in glassine envelopes, contains many better sets, also air-mails, postage-due etc..; part various quality, higher catalogue
1850-1952 [COLLECTIONS] collection incl. some good classic stamps on 11 pages, contains i.a. SG.18 and 42 (both viewing of quality recommended), then for example. SG.54-55, 83-91 and other issue Victoria De La Rue, also overprint, inverted wmk, issue Coat of arms incl. higher face values, issue Edward VII. and George V. and George VI.; overall good quality, high catalogue value!
1953-2005 [COLLECTIONS] collection of unused also used sets and single stamps on pages, from Mi.243, mainly complete (without Mi.268-282), many sets, miniature sheets, joined printings, supplemented with several entires etc..
1899-1975 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection on pages, contains mainly complete sets, also souvenir sheets, joined printings etc.., from Mi.1 incl. some better values from issues Allegory, also for example. Mi.30-32 etc..; part various quality
1883-2004 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 3 stockbooks A4, from first issue 1883 King Chulalongkorn, complete also incomplete sets, part values more times, also souvenir sheets, printing sheets, from better items i.a. Mi.62 with certificate etc..; various quality, cat. according to owner ca. 10.000€
1870-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 20-pages stockbook A4, contains complete also incomplete sets and single stamps from period of Victoria - Elizabeth II. with many middle also better values, highest values etc.., i.a. Natal, North Rhodesie, St. Helena, Brit. Central Africa, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Niger Coast, Fiji, Nauru etc..; various quality, postmarks without guarantee, high catalogue value, we advice examination!