1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 /5 complete unfolded shetts of 50, on cigarette paper without gum; only 2x small yellowing in margins, otherwise very fine
1930-1936 Mi.Bl.1-Bl.5, selection of 5 miniature sheets Exhibition Antwerp 1930 - Charleroi 1936; hinged or minor faults and smaller size, all stamps from miniature sheets however MNH, cat. only as ** stamps 470€
1949-1952 Mi.909-913, Bl.21-22, 24, set of Queen Elizabeth 90C+10C - 8Fr + 4Fr ** + souvenir sheets Painters Weyden and Joardens and miniature sheet, hinged with mint stamps; cat. only for ** stamps 520€
1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / MINIATURE SHEETS / accumulation of miniature sheets in two full stockbooks A4 (20 and 12-pages), from Mi.Bl.1, often more times, part with special postmark etc..; to 1945 mainly with minor faults, minor gum fault and hinged, most of stamps from miniature sheets however MNH (!), high catalogue value, suitable for dealer stock, we advice examination, attractive lot!
1865-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of used stamps in full 20-pages stockbook A4, from Mi.14, single values and sets more times, various postmarks, shades etc..; various quality, suitable for specialist, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection in 16-pages full stockbook A4, contains opposite facing pairs, gutters, advertising coupons, marginal and corner pieces etc..; interesting not only for specialist
1849-1965 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 20-pages stockbook A4, from classic period issue Leopold I., complete also incomplete sets, used and mint, part miniature sheets, railway, postage-due etc..
1947 COUNTER SHEET / CHESS/ Mi.606-610, Chess - Balkan Games 2L - 60L, complete sheets of 100 stamps (!!); overall very nice quality, cat. only as single stamps 950€, rare
1905 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALISED / collection / accumulation of stamps issue "Numerals" in 3 stockbooks + on sheets, part with descriptions, identified plate variety and flaws, supplemented with several entires etc..; suitable for specialist, ex Strnad
1862 Mi.21a, Napoleon III. 20C blue, horizontal pair; original gum mint never hinged, exp. Scheller, c.v.. for * 500€, in this quality rare occurrence!
1870 SELECTION / Mi.37a,37d-44b, Ceres issue "Bordeaux" 2C red-brown, rare 2C violet brown "lilabraun", 4C-80C basic colors; stamps 2-5c with small thin place typical for this issue, all other very fine; cat. min. 2.450€
1853-1872 SELECTION / Mi.15, 19, 24, 43, 45, 47, 48 etc., total 14 stamps Ceres and Napoleon III., all with color postmarks i.a. 40C Napoleon 1853 with blue "petit chiffre" "3770", Bordeaux 40C with blue "5090" (Maury 1.050€) - here small thin place, thin place also Ceres 15C with blue cancel., otherwise all fine, attractive set, cat. min. 1.590€
1900 Maury.112f, Alegory 10C pink, 2-stamps. horiz. gutter with incomplete offset on gum (impression recto-verso); mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 400€, rare!
1853 letter with Mi.13, Napoleon III. 20C blue with provisional perf type "percé en ligne", cancel. St. JEAN-DU-GARD 20. MAI 61; very fine, exp. Roumet and Claves, c.v.. Maury 300€
1853 letter from Paris to Bordeaux with pair Mi.12, Napoleon III. 10C brown type I with provisional perf "percé en ligne"; very fine, exp. Roumet, c.v.. Maury 770€, rare!
1867 letter to Paris franked with opposite facing pair Napoleon III. 20C blue, Yvert.22, numeral pmk "3655" and ST.HAON LE CHATEL 1.JUL.67, on reverse arrival PARIS; exp. Scheller, c.v.. Yvert 4.000€, rare letter!
1868 letter from Lyon to Jokohama, with 2x Napoleon III. 80C, numeral pmk 2145 and round LYON, on reverse arrival postmark.; nice letter to interesting destination
1929 WRECK & CRASH MAIL / 2 Reg and airmail letters, experimental flight PARIS-SAGION with 1,50Fr Pasteur + 10Fr Merson, cancel. COURRIER ACCIDENTÉ, CDS LA SEYNE SU MER 6-12/29, came to 29.1.30 on SAIGON CENTRAL + returned letter PARIS HANOI after crash of aircraft "Dragon d'Annam" from 19.2.29; very fine entires
1932-1937 7 airmail entires, all first and special flights, i.a. card LIMOGES - Meeting D'Aviation 5 Juin 1932 with airmail motive, signature of pilot; I. night flight Paris - Marseilles, very rare first flight from airport PARIS LE BOURGET, 100. flight over Ocean from Toulouse to Buenos Aires 19/6 36 etc.; 3x signature of pilots; very fine
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection in stockbook A4, contains sets and items as: Mi.169-172, 229, 261, Air 321, air-mail 305-311 - 50Fr with certificate Eichele, Mi.327 *, several stamp booklets - Mi.956, 984-985 etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value
1953-2000 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / ACCUMULATION / accumulation of stamp booklets, several hundreds pieces, incl. sought 1953, 1954, 1956-1960 (some incomplete) etc.., part more times; placed in two quite full stockbooks A4 + on stock-sheets A4 and transparent sheets, in addition album Yvert with sheets on booklets; mainly good quality
1935 SG.117c+117, Jubilee 1Sh, upper corner block-of-4 with control-numbers with plate variety - LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR; hinged in margin and on stamp with plate variety, c.v.. £330++