Pof.155A flaw print No.2, 50h red with printing flaw "figure without head", pos. 81/2; lightly hinged, certificate + exp. Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK, popular and very ceněná defect on issue Liberated Republic!
Pof.L1-3Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp., complete set of imperforated stamps with INVERTED overprints, hodnota14/200h with full overprint offset, value 24/500h spiral type I (plate 1) also with full overprint offset; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, rare complete set with opt inverted in perfect quality!
1943 Pof.PrA1b, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in black color, No. 549, size 170x130mm, issued on paper without gum; very nice quality, without usual folds and bends, exp. by Mahr BPP, sought by specialists
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection in stockbook A4, contains sets and items as: Mi.169-172, 229, 261, Air 321, air-mail 305-311 - 50Fr with certificate Eichele, Mi.327 *, several stamp booklets - Mi.956, 984-985 etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value
1850-1918[COLLECTIONS] collection in 5 stockbooks A4 with some specialisation, I. - VII. issue, other issue, Jubilee 1908 and 1910, Coat of arms, air-mail, also newspaper, postage-due, Levant, field post, Bosnia and oths., interesting types, postmarks, types of perf, shades etc.., supplemented with sets of reprints; various quality, it is worth seeing!
1854 SG.10, Red Mauritius POST PAID "bright vermilion", intermediate impression, bicircular cancel. "2"; nice rich color, full margins on three sides, right top cut to the margin - viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. £3.000, rare stamp!
Pof.354-356Mx(4), Malé cross 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey and 6 Koruna light blue - very nice shade; hinged, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 14.900CZK, missing in collections!
Pof.PL611, blk-of-10 Jirásek 5Kčs grey-blue - significant SVĚTLEJŠÍODSTÍN, also with standard grey-blue stamp.; mint never hinged, mark Pofis, interesting meziodstín; absolute major-part prodávaných "light blue" blk-of-10 is in this meziodstínu!
Pof.48aI, Coat of arms 2 Koruna dark blue, high size, overprint trial printing I. type on/for in advance upotřebené stamp.; postmark, exp. Le, Gilbert, Vrba + Vrba certificate
Pof.52-54, Airmail FLUGPOST, complete set on cut-squares with CDS PRAGUE, types I+II+II, perfectly centered stamps also overprints; very nice quality, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., cat. Merkur-Revue 23.000Kč++
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type III.; lightly hinged, the bottom tooth with common ohybem, certificate and exp. Vrba and Karasek, overall nice piece
Pof.L1-3, I. provisional air mail stmp., complete set of imperforated bloks of four with margin; mint never hinged, only L2 in margin lightly hinged, very fine margins, Vrba certificate, exp. Vrba, Karasek, Gilbert, Šablatúra, Tribuna, airmail stmp 1. issue in blocks of four are rare and sought!
Pof.L12A, Definitive issue 5CZK light brown with rare perf line perforation 12¼; hinged, Vrba certificate and Mahr, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 27.000CZK, Mercure 40.000CZK, sought stamp in very nice quality, in collections often missing!
Pof.L14C, Definitive issue 20CZK grey-blue, rare perf line perforation 13¾ : 12¼; mint never hinged, R at top short tooth, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., very rare usage!
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION - ACCUMULATION - HRADČANY-issue / comp. of stamps., stripe and blocks, prevails issue Hradčany, part elaborated on/for plate variety and varieties, from other issues is rather about/by zásobu, control-numbers, plate number etc.., all in 3 big stockbooks and on free album sheets; prevail stmp hinged., blocks rather mint never hinged, suitable to other elaboration and sale
1849-1870 SELECTION of / ca. 75 stamps from old collection; contains many better values - Baden, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Heligoland, Wurttemberg and oths., Alsace 5 genuine, 7x reprints; various quality, c.v.. 7.700€
1850-1935[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, from the first issue incl. better values, postmarks etc.., Jubilee, Coat of arms, also Lombardy-Veneto, Levant, Bosnia, FP, Small Landscapes Mi.530-543 etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full stockbook A4, contains many complete sets, also several miniature sheets, air-mail, official etc..; part various quality, we advice examination, from estate
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION/ remaining part of estate, contains several mainly incomplete collections as Romania, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Azores, then for example stockbook USSR 1959-1966 (mainly in blocks of four), little box with scattered stamps etc..; various quality, placed in middle box
1848 SG.15, Blue Mauritius POST PAID, 2P light blue "intermediate impression", later stage, printing field 12, red round cancel.; overall nice piece with certificate Holcombe (see quality), c.v.. £4.000, rare
1848 SG.25, Blue Mauritius POST PAID 2P grey-blue, latest impression, printing field 10; very nice piece with single-circle cancel. PAID, provenance Phillip von Ferrara (!), item 408 in II. auction (1921), owner's mark "trefoil", c.v.. £1.300, scarce!
1961 Pof.1174 ST, Országh 60h, L marginal Pr with joined types, printing error ORSZÁCH on pos. 31; mint never hinged, very fine, sought types combination!
1976Pof.A2184B, miniature sheet Lexa 60h, without overlapping perf holes; mint never hinged, small průsvitné grain in paper on pos. 6, sought variant, missing in most collections!
1946 Pof.L16, L20-L24, Prague - New York 24Kčs + Air Motifs 10Kčs-50Kčs, upper and the bottom 15-pásy with 6 coupons; mint never hinged, without povolené perf