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1949 Mi.Bl.17, miniature sheet 50Ft; very fine, c.v.. 450€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.18A, Bl.18B, both souvenir sheets UPU with 4x 3Ft; luxury quality, c.v.. 1.050€ U:A5
1974 CHESS / Mi.2957B-2963B, 2x imperforated set 40f - 6Ft, from that 1x corner pieces; mint never hinged, c.v.. 180€+ U:A5
1991 Mi.4134A, EUROPA; superb imperforated corner blocks of four, cat. min. 240€ U:A5
1931 UNGARNFAHRT 1931 / Zeppelin-letter, Sie.103c with both stamps Mi.478, 479, CDS LEGI POSTA/ BUDAPEST/ 931 MAR 27; Sie. 250€ (only used stamps 180€) U:A5
1918 [COLLECTIONS] TEMESVÁR, BARANYA, NEU-RUMÄNIEN / specialized collection on 24 pages, contains blocks, cut-squares, combination types, offsets, also postage due etc..; it is worth seeing! U:Z
1914 JUDAICA/ unpaid postcard (Budapest) addressed to Prague, oval red cancel. PESTI CHEVRA KADISA, CDS BUDAPEST 914 Nov.5., arrival PRAGUE 7/ 7.XI.14, redirected to Terezin (Theresienstadt); interesting, good condition U:A5
1871-1940 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 20 various entires mainly sent to Bohemia, larger part from inflation period, 11 sent as Registered, 1x whole dispatch note; good condition U:O5