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1862 Mi.22a, Coat of arms 30Kr orange cancel. PFORZHEIM; nice piece (lower small tearing - viewing of quality recommended), exp. Thier, c.v.. 3.200€, rare stamp U:A5
1911 Mi.86II, 87I+ II, 88I, 89I, 90I+ II, Luitpold 1M-20M, I. and II. types; very fine set, c.v.. 700€, 20M type II is rare stamp! U:A5
1914 Mi.105IU, 106IU, Lewis III. 2M and 3M "Friedensdrucke", imperforated; superb, c.v.. 270€ U:A5
1859-1863 Mi.13 *, 17 * and 20 (*), selection of 3 classic stamps, fine U:A5
1850 Mi.1, William IV. ½Sgr with part of original gum, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1851 Mi.5, Coat of arms 18Kr grey-violet, luxury piece with cancel. HEILBRONN; exp. Diena and A. Brun, cat. min. 1.100€ U:A5
1857 Mi.6c, Coat of arms 1 Kr "sepia graustichig", Seidenfaden; original gum, wide margins, c.v.. 2.000€, rare color! U:A5
1849-1870 SELECTION of / ca. 75 stamps from old collection; contains many better values - Baden, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Heligoland, Wurttemberg and oths., Alsace 5 genuine, 7x reprints; various quality, c.v.. 7.700€ U:O5
1872 Mi.3, 8, 14, 16-20 etc., selection 15 of stamps "Coat of arms" I and II issues.., i.a. 4 clear, c.v.. 500€, very nice U:A5
1880 Mi.42Iba stamp-booklet, gutter Coat of arms 25Pfg "lebhaft ultramarine"; very fine, exp. Zenke BPP, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1900 Mi.66, REICHSPOST 5RM type II; very fine, certificate Oechsner, c.v.. 480€ U:A5
1900 Mi.66IV, REICHSPOST 5RM with CDS LÖRRACH, IV. - type - retouch white; very fine, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1906 Mi.94AI, DEUTSCHES REICH 1RM with wmk, "Friedensdruck"; very fine piece with certificate G. Bühler, c.v.. 420€ U:A5
1920 Mi.124U, imperforated marginal Bavaria 40Pfg with overprint DEUTSCHES REICH; exp. Oertel, Richter; c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1930 Mi.438-439, 1. SAF 2RM and 4RM, vertical wmk; very fine, c.v.. * 730€ U:A5
1931 Mi.456-458, POLARFAHRT 1M (with control-number), 2RM, 4RM; very fine, lightly hinged, c.v.. for * 900€ (for ** 4.400€) U:A5
1933 Mi.496-498, CHICAGOFAHRT 1RM (2x), 2RM and pair 4RM; VF, c.v.. 1.750€, rare set! U:A5
1933 Mi.497-498, CHICAGOFAHRT 2RM and 4RM; superb, c.v.. 700€ U:A5
1934-1936 Mi.548-553, Hindenburg 3Pfg - 25Pfg ** + Mi.606-607 * + joined printing S225/229 **; c.v.. ca. 270€ U:A5
1936 Mi.Bl.5+Bl.6, souvenir sheets Olympic Games Berlin 1936; very fine, c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1938 Mi.675-683, Winter relief - Austrian towns 3Pf-40Pf; VF blocks of four with control-numbers, c.v.. 400€++ U:A5
1939 Mi.730-738, Winter relief - buildings 3Pf-40Pf; VF blocks of four with control-numbers, 12Pf is rarer Mi.735x, c.v.. 400€++ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, the bottom corner block-of-15 with control-numbers; very fine, cat. min. 1.800€ U:A5
1920 SCHLESWIG / Plebiscit Mi.15-28, complete and very fine set 1öre - 10Kr with overprint 1. ZONE, 35ö, 75ö, 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr overprint blue, other black-blue, 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer minor faults, c.v.. 415€ U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / Mi.1, Stalin "This war is Jewsh war" ½P green with coupon at left; issued without gum U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / Mi.2, George VI. and Stalin "Tehran" 1½P brown with coupon at left; issued without gum, very fine U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / Mi.3-6,8, George VI. 1/2P-3P, crown with Jewish star, perf 11½; issued without gum, very fine, c.v.. 425€, rare occurrence! U:A5
1872-1923 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps on album sheets Schaubek, some better values mor often; mainly fine quality, c.v.. more than 5.000€ U:Z
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / i.a. Mi.675-83,716-29,779-80,773-78, 909-10 etc., incl. Danzig / Deutsches Reich, SS/SA etc..; c.v.. 1.500€ U:O5
1943 ALBANIA / Mi.I, UNISSUED overprint 14 SHTATOR-1943 on Albanian air-mail 5q (Mi.313); very fine piece with usual small gum faults, according to certificate Colla MNH, c.v.. 2.000€, rare stamp U:A5
1941-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT / POSTAL-AGENCIES / 7 entires and 1 cut-square with postal agency pmk, contains: SIEPRAW - PC, KLECZA GORNA - Reg letter, LISZKI - Reg letter, MOGILA - Reg letter, PCIM, WEGRZCE, BREZEZNICA, WYSOWA - cut square; good condition U:A5
1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT / 5 entires, from that 2x as Registered, 1x as Reg and Express, overprint issue, mixed frankings, mainly addressed to Bohemia-Moravia etc..; various quality U:A5
1944 LAIBACH (Ljubljana) Italian PC Mi. P101 sent registered to Switzerland, uprated with overprint stamps Mi. 5,6,7,8,14, CDS LJUBLJANA 27/5 44; German censorship; decorative entire, sound condition U:A5
1944 MAKEDONIEN / Mi.2ZW, overprints MAKEDONIJA 8.IX.1944 / 3LV on Bulgarian 15c blue; 4-stamp gutter; superb, in addition at right plate variety Mi.2VII - "M without ending", c.v.. 660€ U:A5
1941 OSTLAND / UKRAINE / selection mainly corner and marginal blocks-of-4 A. H. various values; placed on two cards A4 U:A4
1943 SERBIA / printed matter from Belgrade franked with postage-due Mi.4, 3 Din red with overprint SERBIA, cancel. ADRANI 4.VII.43, in addition framed pmk RED-ŽIVOT / NERED - SMRT; very fine, c.v.. 750€ U:A4
1949 BADEN / Mi.Bl.1A, 1B, souvenir sheets "Wiederaufbau" perf and imperforated; superb, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1949 BADEN / Mi.Bl.1AI, 1AIV, 1BIV, 1BVI, 4 souvenir sheets "Wiederaufbau" perforated and imperforated with plate flaws; superb, c.v.. 1.200€ U:A5
1949 BADEN / Mi.Bl.2I Red Cross, + miniature sheet for RHINELAND-PALATINATE (Mi.Bl.1) and WURRTEMBERG (Mi.Bl.1); issued without gum, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
1949 SOVIET ZONE / COUNTER SHEET / Mi.230-231, Fair Leipzig 1949 30+15Pf and 50+25Pf, complete 25 sheets of 25 stamps; nice quality U:A3v–
1945-1946 LOCAL ISSUE / Strausberg, Storkow, Finsterwalde, Oldenburg, Eilenburg, souvenir sheets and Spendekarten; c.v.. 790€ U:A4
1948-1990 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection in older stockbook in glassine envelopes, mostly complete, from better items missing only Mi.21-34, 64-67 and Block No.1; c.v.. more than 2.600€ U:Z
1956 CENTRAL COURIER SERVICE / ZKD Mi.6X II - 9X II, complete set 10-70Pf in horiz. pairs with lower margins, incl. rare value 20Pf; mint never hinged, c.v.. 360€ ++ U:A5
1956-1957 CENTRAL COURIER SERVICE / ZKD selection of 16 stamps of various issues, contains 2x complete set Mi.6X-9X, then Mi.10-13 with lower margin and print plate marks (triangle, square and circle with dot), Mi. I.-II., 14-15; mint never hinged, c.v.. 398€ U:A5
1900 Mi.7II, Eagle 10Pfg with overprint CHINA 56°, in addition with overprint 5Pf; very fine, exp. Thier, Senf and oths. , c.v.. 700€ U:A5
1905-1906 Mi.33A,45(2), 3x 5RM "MOROCCO", 6Ps25c without watermark and 2x with wmk, very fine, c.v.. 1.060€ U:A5
1905 Mi.21a, Emperor´s Yacht 3Rp dark carmine / green black with cancel. DARESSALAM, without watermark; very fine, c.v.. 800€, rare highest value! U:A5
1901 Mi.23, Emperor´s Yacht 5RM with cancel. SWAKOPMUND, without watermark; very fine, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1919 Mi.25IIB, Emperor´s Yacht 5RM Kriegsdruck, perf 17/25; superb PB = block-of-20 with complete margins, hinges only in margins, cat. only as single stamps 2.400€, VF U:DR
1900 Mi.2, - so-called. "issue Qingdao" - stamp of CHINA 10Pf with new face-value "5PF.", as always with blue line over original value; very fine piece with slight bend, exp. Senf, Kosack, Stolow, c.v.. 4.000€; scarce stamp U:A5
1900 Mi.5bIIK, Coat of arms 25Pfg with INVERTED OVERPRINT "MARIANA ISL."; very fine piece, exp. Ressel, Grobe, c.v.. * 2.800€, rare colonial speciality! U:A5
1901-1919 SELECTION / 13 highest values, i.a. Samoa Mi.18 (3x), China 47I / II, Morocco 19I /IV, Turkey 22I/ I * also cancel., 23I / III, 47, all "Emperors yachts", "William I". and "German congress"; cat. min. 1.330€ U:A5
1909-1910 2 Ppc sent to Germany, resp. Bohememia, with DOA 7½Pfg and Togo 5Pfg, CDS LOME A TANGA; 1x minor faults U:A5
1875 HAPAG - private ship company Hamburg-American-Packet-Company; Mi.1, 2, both values 2x, yellow also dark yellow with various postmarks; chosen, very fine, c.v.. 1.300€ U:A5
1875 HAPAG - Mi.1, Coat of arms green /yellow; corner piece, VF, rare U:A5
1903 Deutsche Sea post/ OST-AFRIKA-LINIE 16.10.03, CDS on Ppc Cape Town (South Africa) with 10Pf Germania, addressed to Germany; good condition U:A5
1914 Deutsche Sea post/ LINE BREMEN - LA PLATA/ 4.?.14, CDS on Ppc Lisbon franked with German stamp 10Pf Germania, supplemented with superb print deck cancel. "D.-Schr. Postdampfer/ SIERRA SALVADA/ North German Lloyd Bremem"; rare U:A5
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.4, Eagle emerald green, selection of 5 complete counter sheets of 100; MNH, several minor faults, c.v.. as single stamps 850€ U:A3v–
1915 FIELD POST / Christmas postcard with 5Pf Germania with frame cancel. FELDPOSTSAMMELSTELLE METZ 3/ 30 JAN 1915; unusual usage U:A5
1939 postcard Danzig with CDS FIELD-POST I dzg/ 6.10.39, sender H. K., Feldpost No. 25251 (Aufklärungs-Regiment 8); sought cancel., c.v.. Michel 150€, perfect condition U:A5