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1788 CZECH LANDS / PRAG, red postmark on letter to Herrnhutt (Saxony), Müller No. 1178 - 200P; catalogue Votoček. type 2 - 200P; very fine U:A5
1812 CZECH LANDS / ROKITZAN, money letter with value 31Zl and 27kr, by hand V. ROKITZAN, to Hungarian Mullendorf; porto 27kr; small letter U:A5
1818-1839 CZECH LANDS / WITTINGAU (Třeboň), 3 letters with postmarks V. WITTINGAU and 2 various frame; to Vienna and Kardašova Řečice; Müller No. 1722a,b,c - 215P; catalogue Votoček. 275P; very fine U:A5
1822-1844 CZECH LANDS / TABOR, 3 letters with V. TABOR and "small" cancel. in 2 types, Müller No. 1516a,b,c - 240P; catalogue Votoček. 240P; very nice U:A5
1825- 1837 CZECH LANDS / PRAG , 2 letters addressed to Vienna; letter from year 1825 with oval PRAG, 4x heavier "2 L", porto 56Kr + 3 Kreuzer BOTENLOHN (marked on reverse) = total 59Kr + letter from year 1837 with red PRAG FRANCO, porto 42Kr paid by sender and on reverse marked 1 Kr BOTENLOHN; very fine U:A4
1825-1840 CZECH LANDS / WISCHAU (Vyškov), 3 letters with cancel.: frame, line and V.WISCHAU (!), to Brno, Chrlic and Opava; Müller No. 1718a,b,d - 200P; catalogue Votoček. 260P; very fine U:A5
1826 CZECH LANDS / ZERHOWITZ, rare red cancel. on letter through Plzeň to Plass (Plasy), Müller No. 1757b-170P; VF U:A5
1829 CZECH LANDS / MILLIN, red cancel. on small letter to Theusing (Toužim); catalogue of Votoček doesn't report, Müller No. 889a - 120P; side lapel missing, rare U:A5
1829-1843 CZECH LANDS / NEUPACKA, 2 letters, with small postmark NEÜPACKA + oblique blue FRANCO; to Vienna and to Silberberg, Müller No. 1933a, 998a,b - 145P; very nice letters U:A5
1830-1837 CZECH LANDS / 3 letters with cancel. NEUHAUS - Jindřichův Hradec, black, dark blue and blue, 2x to Milevsko from 11. and 54. infantry regiment, i.a. with remark "Officioser Gegenstand, p(ost) Tabor"; interesting set! U:A5
1834 CZECH LANDS / TEPLITZ, court letter to Veneto - St. Pietro with postmark Teplice, Müller No. 1529c - 200P; very fine U:A5
1834-1837 CZECH LANDS / two valuable letters addressed to Prague, with blue straight line pmk NEUHAUS - Jindřichův Hradec, catalogue Votoček. 1550/4. and 1550/5., min. 130b; VF U:A5
1834-1847 CZECH LANDS / KLATTAU, REICHENAU, PILGRAM, M.OSTRAU, 4 letters with postmarks in chosen quality and with nice prints; Müller 235 P U:A5
1835-1842 CZECH LANDS / OLLMÜTZ, 3 letters with red and blue cancel. + FRANCO in both colors; Müller No. 1058d, h, + FRANCO - total 220P; catalogue Votoček. 310P U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS / PATZAU (Pacov), small Reg letter through Linec to Feldkirch, marked "nota bene"; Müller No. 1096a + REGISTERED total 125P, catalogue Votoček. 125P; very fine U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS / ASCH, letter to Pest with frame ASCH IN BOEHMEN + 2x CHARGÉ; Müller No. 47d + 1835c - 150P; very fine U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS / PODERSAM (Podbořany), money letter with 42kr C.M. to Prague, frame pmk + additional FRANCO and by hand 14Kr (6 porto + 6 reko + 2 "wertporto"); Müller No. 1145b 80P + 30P, Vot.110P, VF U:A5
1848 CZECH LANDS / POHRLITZ (Pohořelice), letter to Loštice with hand written overwrite and imperfect cancel. "Pohrlitz"; Müller No. 1155; handwritten notice "Porto die Parthey"; very fine U:A5
1849 CZECH LANDS / M. SCHONBERG (Šumperk) / small letter to Milan, additional "C", (Control) Müller No. 1873- + 50P; very fine, rare! U:A5
1850 CZECH LANDS / money letter addressed to Vienna, double circle pmk STATION ODERBERG 1.7. ,catalogue Votoček. 1687/1. = 250 pt, 2x redirected, additional cancel. ANGEBLICH, small format; good condition U:A5
1836-1842 AUSTRIA / WIEN, letter to Paris and letter to London, red WIEN, FRANCO, AUTRICHE PAR HUNINGEN and black L.A. (Lettre Autrichienne); red WIEN, FRANCO, GRENZE (!) and black L.A. ; Müller total 250P; nice small formats; rare entires! U:A5
1830-1850 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / selection of ca. 80 prephilatelic letters with cancellations as: JAROMERITZ, NICOLSBURG, DATSCHITZ, LETTOWITZ, POHRLITZ, KREMSIER, M. BUDWITZ, MISTEK etc.., some more times U:K
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, all on hand-made paper and with Austrian postmarks, 2 Kreuzer ERSTDRUCK, VF, c.v.. 375€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, all on hand-made paper and with postmarks from Czech countries, 1 Kr with cancel. M. OSTRAU STADT, 2 Kreuzer ERSTDRUCK; chosen quality, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, all on hand-made paper and with Hungarian postmarks; chosen quality, c.v.. 330€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HIb, 2x Coat of arms 1 Kr Ib on hand-made paper, BOTH SIDE print - four-piece and with part of St. Andrew's cross, cancel. TRIESTE and KLAGENFURT; very fine, c.v.. 525€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1MP-5MP, Coat of arms 1 Kr - 9 Kreuzer all machine made paper and III. types on cut-squares with cancel. WIEN, 9 Kreuzer as pair; very fine, c.v.. 340€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2MIIIa, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer III.a type, machine made paper, wide margins U:A5
1850 Ferch.3-5, cut-squares Coat of arms 2x 3 Kreuzer, 9 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer, 3+6Kr, 2x3Kr with rarer cancel. ZENGG, WEIPERT+ RECOMMANDIRT, NEPOMUK, ILLOK, BRUNECK, very fine, only postmarks c.v.. Müller 360P! U:A5
1850 SLOVAKIA / Ferch.3, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red on small cut-square with whole Hungarian CDS CSEKLÉSZ 18/3 (Bernolákovo) + Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown with almost whole cancel. ERSEKÚJVÁR 24/10 (Nové Zámky); dull margins, sought by specialists U:A5
letter with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer with underlaid middle, "liliputschnit", CDS TEMESVÁR 13/3; cat. min. 175€ U:A5
1850 8 letters, i.a. Coat of arms 1Kr HP type I ochre with cancel. TRIESTE, 6 Kreuzer with rarer oval JIČIN, 9 Kreuzer HP type II M. SCHONBERG; very fine, cat. only as letters 720€ U:A5
1858 ANK.11Ib(2x), 12 Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer black with cancel. black, black with cancel. red and yellow (gelblich) green, all on cut squares with CDS WIEN, 1x certificate Babor; very fine, c.v.. 1.090€ U:A5
1858 Ferch.12IIb, Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer blue-green on cut-square with red WIEN; very fine piece with, Ferchenbauer statement, c.v.. 490€ U:A5
1858 ANK.14I AK - St. Andrew's cross brown; very fine with original gum, c.v.. 170€ U:A5
1859 CZECH LANDS/ RETOUR-RECEPISSE sent from post UNTERHAID (Dolní Dvořiště ) to Kaplice, with 10Kr, Mi.14, 2-lines CDS KAPLITZ 8. Sept: catalogue Votoček. No. 954/4.; good condition U:A5
1863 Ferch.25, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer green, perf 14, on cut-square with red cancel. WIEN; very fine piece with, exp. Seitz and Kraus, c.v.. 375€ U:A5
1864 letter with Coat of arms 10Kr +cut square from pstationery 5KR, cancel. NAGY KANIZSA 9/11, arrival WIEN 10. XI; very fine and rare franking!, c.v.. 1.350€ (Ferchenbauer. III., page. 29) U:A5
1867 Ferch.41 II, Franz Joseph I. 50 Kreuzer fine print, perf 12, 13 and rare 10½/ 12; 1x lightly hinged, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. ** 880€ U:A5
1867 SELECTION / Mi.35-41, Franz Joseph I., selection of 37 mint stamps, "grosser also feiner druck", i.a. 1x 2 Kreuzer with wmk, 4x 5 Kreuzer Mi.37I (1x exp. Diena), rare 10Kr ANK.38I etc..; c.v.. ca. 2.000€, valuable selection U:A5
1867 NACHFRAGESCHREIBEN for mailing "Fahrpost" from Žamberk through Prague to Hořovice, franked with 2-3Kr Franz Joseph rough print, cancel. SENFTENBERG 4/10 and PRAG from 6.10 and 13.10; cat. Ferchenbauer - "LP", very rare U:A5
1867 Reg letter from Trieste to Paris with mixed franking 3x 15 Kreuzer (1864) + 5 Kreuzer (1867) as 50kr porto in front and as reccomendation charge 21kr on reverse 15 Kreuzer (1864) + 2x3kr (1867), CDS TRIESTE RECOMMANDIRT 21.2, transit CULOZ 24 Febr.; nice and very rare letter, cat. min. 3.000€ for tricolor mixed franking 1864+1867 (Ferchenbauer. II., page. 42) U:A5
1883 ANK.44-49, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer - 50 Kreuzer, complete unused set, 20Kr and 50 Kreuzer hinged; very fine, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1883 Reg and Express letter franked with 5+5+20kr from 7. issue, cancel. BADEN NIED. OSTERR. 26/10 87, arrival TRIESTE 27/10; sent to knight Koller; very fine and rare franking, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1890 Ferch.54, pair Franz Joseph I. 10Kr with OMITTED FACE VALUE in 5 corners from 8; very nice, c.v.. 230€++ U:A5
1899 ANK.63-68, Franz Joseph I. 20Kr - 2Gld on granite paper; mint never hinged, c.v.. 355€ U:A5
1899 Mi.69-83, Franz Joseph I. 1H - 4Kr, complete set, various perf; mainly lightly hinged, cat. min. 360€ U:A5
1899 Ferchenbauer. 81a, Franz Joseph I. 1 K carmin / rose, superb block of 64; c.v. 6.250€, largest known multiple, ex. Wiener Postarchiv U:A4
1901-1907 ANK.84-96 + 133-138, Franz Joseph I. 1H - 60H with bands on granite paper + 5h - 30H without bands; complete sets, mint never hinged, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1908 Mi.156w, Jubilee 1908 10K; VF, lightly hinged, c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1910 ANK.161-177, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K; very fine, only lightly hinged, highest values exp. Aimé Brun, c.v. 700€ U:A5
1910 ANK.175-177, Jubilee Franz Joseph I. 2Kr-10Kr; VF, exp. Friedl (Rudolf Friedl 1878-1952), c.v.. 1.200€ U:A5
1873 TELEGRAPH / ANK.5, Franz Joseph I. 40Kr green, letterprint, perf 10½; c.v.. 1.100€ U:A5
1908 CASH ON DELIVERY CARDS / 3 as Registered, cancel. WIEN and BODENBACH, various frankings, 1x perfin!; very fine U:A5
1910 3 letters franked with Jubilee issue - 10+30h to Basel, 1+3+6+10 to Yverdon (Switzerland), 5+10+20 +10 (1908) as local Reg in Vienna; very fine and rare letters, cat. min. 640€ U:A5
1912 Postausweiskarte / blank form No. 716, 2 pcs, 1x postage fee 50h franked with POSTAGE-DUE Mi.43, CDS PROSTĚJOV 1/ 1.1.12, photo with official cancel. + same blank form - Un; perfect condition, rare occurrence! U:A5
1913 letter from Fiume to Messina with mixed franking 1901+1906+1908, exact porto for ordinary letter abroad - 25h, posted in sea and transfered over Adriatic Sea, with cancel. PAQUEBOT / RÁKÓCZY, on stamp line PAQUEBOTS, arrival MESSINA 16. 11. 13; cat. min. 680€ U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIb, Blue Mercury, rare type IIb, little thin place at upper left corner, wide margins, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc deep dark blue (tiefdunkelblau); very fine piece exp. by Ferchenbauer c.v.. 420€; rare color U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury IIIb, light blue; very fine piece with cancel. S. VITO (Veneto), c.v.. ca. 300€ U:A5