Public Auction 66 / Autographs

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229796 -  EDUARD VIII. (1894-1972), Brit. King and emperor India with
EDUARD VIII. (1894-1972), Brit. King and emperor India with of family Windsorů,v year 1936 after/around abdikaci uzavřel sňatek with američankou Wallis Simpson, signature "Edward" on card in passe-partout with B/W photos; rare
Starting price: CZK
229809 -  ELIÁŠ prince Bourbonsko-parmský, titulární King Parmy
ELIÁŠ prince Bourbonsko-parmský, titulární King Parmy (1880-1959) + Mary Ann, archduchess Habsbursko-Lotrinská (1882-1940); autograph on joined/common cabinet photograph; on reverse damage, after all rare
Starting price: CZK
229811 - 1884 FERDINAND IV. TOSKÁNSKÝ (1835-1908), archduke Austria
1884 FERDINAND IV. TOSKÁNSKÝ (1835-1908), archduke Austrian, velkovévoda toskánský, autograph on document with preserved seal; very good condition, rare, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
229794 - 1871 THUN-HOHNESTEIN Leopold Lion (1811-1888), count, import
1871 THUN-HOHNESTEIN Leopold Lion (1811-1888), count, important nobleman, minister kultu and vyučování, handwritten letter with heading sent to count Windisch-Grätze, interesting
Starting price: CZK
229808 -  THYRA princess Danish, titulární queen hannoverská (1853
THYRA princess Danish, titulární queen hannoverská (1853-1933), signature on cabinet photograph with family; small tearing in margins, after all rare
Starting price: CZK
228442 - 1872 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1872 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King; autograph on big jmenovacím decree for Adalberta Samce (Vojtěch Samec 1832-1887, Austrian officer and Czech politician, in 2 middle 19. century member of parliament Empire council/court), with decorative kaligrafickým type and heading, spolupřipojen signature minister war Francis Kuhna, free pána von Kuhnenfeld (1817-1896); on canvas, size 83x63cm, overall in/at nice in good condition status, very attractive and decorative!
Starting price: CZK
228575 - 1946 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1946 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on miniature sheet 1. Anniv Květnového revolt, Pof.A435; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228350 - 1910? BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1910? BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten in Czech written víceřádkový text on Ppc sent to his future manželku Hanu Vlčkovou to Slaného, with which/what with seznámil near/in/at studiích in Paris; exceedingly interesting kontext, rukopisy from early period life E. Beneš are very rare, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
228351 - 1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten 4-page (!) letter in Czech with signature "Dr. Beneš", interesting text, rukopisy from early period E. Beneš are rare, in good condition condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
225742 - 1935 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1935 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; autograph on pověřovacím sheet for Ministry abroad with printed signature T. G. Masaryk; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
222527 - 1947 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politicia
1947 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, in 1952 popraven in terms of operation with Rudolfem Slánským, autograph on heading paper Ministry foreign Affairs; sound condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
228356 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
228358 -  ČERNÝ John (1874–1959), Czechoslovak politician, Prime
ČERNÝ John (1874–1959), Czechoslovak politician, Prime Minister, moravskoslezský country president; signature on card
Starting price: CZK
228365 - 1934 CZECHOSL. GENERALITA, memorial card from celebrations 2
1934 CZECHOSL. GENERALITA, memorial card from celebrations 20. anniv of foundation Czechoslovak. army, Prague - Castle, signatures participants celebration, i.a. Gen. John Syrový (very rare), Gen. Charles Kutlvašr, Gen. Anthony Číla, Gen Henry Birula and much other, on/for memorial sheet mounted whole issue stamps issued to/at stejnému Anniv also with autograph of author Wenceslas Fialy; very good stav
Starting price: CZK
228529 - 1968 DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak
1968 DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, general tajemník central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia; card with autograph and 10-řádkovým text (congratulation); perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
229805 - 1893 EBENHOCH Alfred (1855-1912), předlitavský politician,
1893 EBENHOCH Alfred (1855-1912), předlitavský politician, in years 1907–1908 minister agriculture Předlitavska, chairman Catholic popular side/party; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
222529 - 1956 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. go
1956 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. governance 1945-1946, ambassador in USSR, communist politician, chairman Czechoslovak State Railways; handwritten written dedication with signature; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
228441 - 1921 FRENCH MISE V Czechoslovakia / selection of signatures
1921 FRENCH MISE V Czechoslovakia / selection of signatures on/for lístku: General Otakar Husák (1885-1964), legionnaire, defence minister in years 1920-1921; Eugene Mittlehauser (1873-1949), French General, commander French military mission in/at Czechoslovakia, chief Czechoslovak Main staff military force in years 1921 to 1925; Joseph Fernand Couget, French diplomat, ambassador in Czechoslovakia in years 1920-1926 etc..; on sheet from collection of, on reverse in addition signature sochaře Francis Úprka on card; overall very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
228360 - 1949 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist
1949 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician and president, autograph on letter with heading President Czechoslovak republic, spolupodpis minister abroad Vladimíra Clementise (!) (1902-1952); perfect condition, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
228353 - 1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak
1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten whole signature with datací; sought
Starting price: CZK
228437 - 1930 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak
1930 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, autograph with datací on/for portrait photograph Langhans; in LL corner hints of adjustaci, after all very decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
229719 - 1922 LUDENDORFF Erich von (1865-1937), nejvýznamnější Ge
1922 LUDENDORFF Erich von (1865-1937), nejvýznamnější German General WWI., zvaný "Sieger von Tannenberg"; autograph on card Dánského of Red Cross; very fine and rare, major-part his contemporary signatures are cyklostyly
Starting price: CZK
228354 - 1933 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1933 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, 13-řádkový handwritten letter sent to ambassador and pozdějšího exile minister Štefana Osuského (1889-1973); on heading paper with datací and signature; very good condition, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
229101 - 1960 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1960 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on postcard sent from Moscow (Москва) on/for central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, supplemented with signatures minister K. Poláčka and J. Karlíka; very fine
Starting price: CZK
228363 - 1982-1989 comp. of 3 signatures Czechoslovak komunistických
1982-1989 comp. of 3 signatures Czechoslovak komunistických politiků: Milouš Jakeš, Jaromír Johanes and Lubomír Štrougal; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
228362 - 1990-1991 comp. of 3 signatures politicians on/for lístcíc
1990-1991 comp. of 3 signatures politicians on/for lístcích: Wenceslas Klaus, Marián Čalfa and Charles Schwarzenberg
Starting price: CZK
227030 - 1943 STANO Július (1900 - 1971), Slovak politician and mini
1943 STANO Július (1900 - 1971), Slovak politician and minister transport in vládách independent Slovakia, two-piece commemorative sheet to opening railways Prešov - Strážské with autograph; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228486 - 1968 SVOBODA Lewis (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak pre
1968 SVOBODA Lewis (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak president; autograph on FDC; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
229810 - 1917 SVOJSÍK Anthony Benjamin (1876–1938), founder Czech
1917 SVOJSÍK Anthony Benjamin (1876–1938), founder Czech scouting (Junák (scout)), handwritten letter from early period scouting from year 1917 (Junák (scout) založen 1914); spots, after all very rare, rukopisy Svojsíka from this period don't occur!
Starting price: CZK
228355 - 1926 ŠRÁMEK John (1870 - 1956), Czech R.C. priest and impo
1926 ŠRÁMEK John (1870 - 1956), Czech R.C. priest and important politician Czechoslovak side/party popular, in years 1940–1945 chairman London-issue exile governance; autograph on official document; folded
Starting price: CZK
228359 - 1932 ŠVEHLA Anthony (1873-1933), nejvýznamnější agrárn
1932 ŠVEHLA Anthony (1873-1933), nejvýznamnější agrární politician, one from five men 28. October (!), ministerial chairman and minister; autograph on card with datací, výška: 8,9 cm, šířka: 11,4 cm; exceedingly rare and in the market practically nedostupný autograph, rare offer, in/at our auction at all first-time!
Starting price: CZK
228357 - 1954 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884 -1957), Czech communist polit
1954 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884 -1957), Czech communist politician, other Czechosl. communist president, odborový předák and prime minister Czechoslovakia; autograph on thanks for kondolenci to death daughter Mary; on heading paper, attached signature wife M. Zápotocké (1890-1981); sought and rare
Starting price: CZK
228242 - 1800 ADMIRÁL NELSON (1878-1805), autograph Nelson- Bronte (
1800 ADMIRÁL NELSON (1878-1805), autograph "Nelson- Bronte" (H. Nelson obdržel r. 1799 from neapolského King titul "Duke of Bronté" and lordship to Sicily) on/for cut, tog. with letter from year 1800 from Wien (Vienna) to London with report about/by his relation with Lady Hamilton, with níž cestoval from Naples (Napoli) to England; letter psal neurčený nobleman from Nelsonova surroundings, in London redirected, in addition with very rare postmark "P.P. (Penny Post) 1800"; extraordinary document/attribut and signature ikonické personality world history!
Starting price: CZK
229792 -  VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech traveller a
VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), important Czech traveller and polárník, participant expedition admirála Byrda /1928-30/, the first Čech/Bohem in territory of Antarctica, 2 pcs of B/W photo postcard with autograph; very sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
229104 - 1919 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and
1919 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and writer, catholic priest, representative realismu and catholic moderny, handwritten text on/for topographical postcard Klenčí, nationalized CDS KLENČÍ 14/9 19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229103 - 1952 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Va
1952 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, Czech poet, autograph "Peter Bezruč" on/for own photo postcard with handwritten written veršem - thanks for invitation on/for exhibition, sent to ministry education, CDS KOSTELEC NA H. 31.X.52; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228438 -  DUMAS Alexandre (1802-1870), one from best known French pro
DUMAS Alexandre (1802-1870), one from best known French prozaiků, author Tří mušketýrů or románu Count Monte Christo; handwritten original payment certificate of amount 100 franků manželovi Dumasovy kuchařky with rukopisnou address, exceedingly rare, for the first time in auction!
Starting price: CZK
229806 - 1902 FAKTOR Emil (1876-1942), Prague, German hovořící wri
1902 FAKTOR Emil (1876-1942), Prague, German hovořící writer, poet, theatre critic, journalist, handwritten text on card with signature
Starting price: CZK
229797 - 1881 FANZOS Karl Emil (1848-1904), important Austrian writer
1881 FANZOS Karl Emil (1848-1904), important Austrian writer and publicist, handwritten 2-page letter with signature, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
229114 - 1933-1956 JINDŘICH Henry (1876–1967), Czech composer and
1933-1956 JINDŘICH Henry (1876–1967), Czech composer and collector lidových songs, handwritten text and signature on postcard from year 1935 and PC from year 1956; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229791 - 1903 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet and
1903 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet and dramatist, handwritten text on/for 3-stránkovém letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
229720 - 1922 BERNHARDT Sarah (1844-1923), legendary French actress;
1922 BERNHARDT Sarah (1844-1923), legendary French actress; autograph on card Dánského of Red Cross, very fine
Starting price: CZK
229790 - 1930? HIRSCH Hugo (1884-1961), German composer of Jewish ori
1930? HIRSCH Hugo (1884-1961), German composer of Jewish origin, author line important operet etc.., note writing/note with signature
Starting price: CZK
229793 - 1912 HOFFMANN Charles ( 1872-1936), excellent Czech violinis
1912 HOFFMANN Charles ( 1872-1936), excellent Czech violinist, member of Czech quartet (Joseph Suk), handwritten letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
229801 - 1850 KITTL John Frederic (1806-1868), composer 2. director P
1850 KITTL John Frederic (1806-1868), composer 2. director Prague konzervatoře, handwritten letter with signature; toned, rare
Starting price: CZK
229523 - 1952 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý comp
1952 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý composer, representative moderny, handwritten text on Ppc with signature to New York wife musical skladatele Jaroslav Ježka (1906-1942) "Frances" (Francis Bečáková); only small tearing in margin, otherwise very good condition, very rare and hard dostupný manuscript, often missing in collections!
Starting price: CZK
226782 - 1935 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), whole autograph Alfons Much
1935 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), whole autograph "Alfons Mucha" on/for portrait photo postcard Langhans, supplemented with fotokopii Muchovy printings cathedral St. Vitus; rare, superb condition
Starting price: CZK
229789 - 1921 SCHERBER Ferdinand (1874-1944), Austrian composer and P
1921 SCHERBER Ferdinand (1874-1944), Austrian composer and Professor, dvoustránkový manuscript with signature
Starting price: CZK
229116 - 1903-1959 ARTISTS / ŠPILLAR Jaroslav - painter, signature o
1903-1959 ARTISTS / ŠPILLAR Jaroslav - painter, signature on postcard sent from Špillarovy exhibition 1903 + ŠETELIK Jaroslav - painter, signature and handwritten text on Ppc from year 1930 + FLOS Francis - writer, text and autograph on PC from year 1959
Starting price: CZK
228352 - 1982 VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapeln
1982 VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník, author světoznámé polky Škoda love; thanks for congratulation with autograph; interesting
Starting price: CZK
229800 - 1871 ZVĚŘINA Francis Bohumír (1835-1908), important Czech
1871 ZVĚŘINA Francis Bohumír (1835-1908), important Czech painter working in Vienna, handwritten letter signature
Starting price: CZK
229799 - 1933 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor,
1933 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator + KUBELÍK John (1880-1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, spolupodpisy on Ppc from bath Piešťany; sought and rare signatures
Starting price: CZK
229106 - 1929 ČESKÝ MOVIE / photo postcard sent from natáčení fi
1929 ČESKÝ MOVIE / photo postcard sent from natáčení film "Boží mills" from J. Vrby, J.M. Boháč (réžie), L. Desenský, O. Zahrádka, J. Šváb - Malostranský, F. Juhan. J. Vrba (author book/-s), G. Hrdlička (maskér) etc.., on/for topographical postcard hotel Froněk in/at Domažlicích, CDS DOMAŽLICE 11.VII.29; good condition, only small hints after sticking
Starting price: CZK
229957 - 1935 KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), Czech actress, portrait ph
1935 KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, issued V. Krýsa; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
229798 - 1915? KURZ Selma (1874-1933), světoznámá opera singer, si
1915? KURZ Selma (1874-1933), světoznámá opera singer, signature on cabinet photograph; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
229960 -  SELECTION of / signatures known herců: V. Vydra, K. Höger
SELECTION of / signatures known herců: V. Vydra, K. Höger, Steimar, R. Šlemrová, K. Ernest; 5x portrait photo postcard + letter R. Šlemrové
Starting price: CZK
228440 -  comp. of 3 photos from filmů Vinettou with signatures slav
comp. of 3 photos from filmů Vinettou with signatures slavných herců: Terence Hill (!), Karin Dor, Uschi Glas and Mary Versini; interesting multiple
Starting price: CZK
227276 - 1941 ŠMERAL Vladimír (1903 - 1982), Czech theatre and movi
1941 ŠMERAL Vladimír (1903 - 1982), Czech theatre and movie actor, own photo postcard with autograph, Us with memorial Bohemian and Moravian commemorative postmark PR32; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229850 - 1965-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  THEATRE SEMAFOR / rare collection p
1965-1990 [COLLECTIONS] THEATRE SEMAFOR / rare collection photos members theatre (Matuška, Pilarová, Suchý, Winter, Dvořák, Chladil apod.), then various theatre program, invitation-cards on/for performance, booklet etc.. + 2x signature W. Matušky, 1x Filipovská, Suchý, Hegerová and Pilarová, mainly from 60. and start 70. years; overall very good condition and interesting multiple, placed in smaller box!
Starting price: CZK
229958 -  ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champion; wh
ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champion; whole signature on photo postcard Prague
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 66 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.