1941PRA1E, PRAG - PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 7.IX.41/ 1a/, 43. podzimní Prague sample fair, print oranžového postmark on/for Us photo postcard with 60h; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
1940PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1a, print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Us double memorial postcard, PaPa-a; superb, rare, ex Bulant
1940PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1b, two print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Us letter; small toned, rare, ex Bulant
1940PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1b, print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Us postcard with Pof.50, with coupon; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
1939PRAČ1A, PRAGUE / 19.III.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 1c, 38. jarní Prague sample fair, Us pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h with orange forerunner cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) from last of day exhibition; very fine, decorative
1939PRAČ1B, PRAGUE/ 14., 16., 17.V.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 1d, 1e, 1g, Agricultural exhibition, comp. 3 pcs of Us entires with forerunner orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), 1x pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h with character /1d, 2x postcard; very good condition, ex Bulant
1939PRAČ1B, PRAGUE/ 18.-21.V.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1g, Agricultural exhibition, comp. 5 pcs of cut-squares with print forerunner oranžového postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) with various distinctive characters; good condition
1939PRAČ1C, PRAGUE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 24. - 26.IX.39/ 39. podzimní Prague sample fair, comp. 3 pcs of Us Ppc, forerunner orange postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) with characters 1d/, 1e/ and 1g/; good condition
1939PRAČ1C, PRAGUE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 25.IX.39/ 1b/ 39. podzimní Prague sample fair, cut credit notes franked with. Czechosl. stamp. T. G. Masaryk 1 Koruna with print forerunner oranžového postmark mobile post-office (on a bus); quite rare usage, ex Bulant
1939PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 4.VI.39/ 1e, Vzorkové and exhibition market, heading letter exhibition with two print oranžového postmark through/over two Czechosl. stamp.; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
1939PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 4.VI.39/ 1e, Vzorkové and exhibition market, Us photo postcard Plzeňského fairground franked with. Czechosl. stamp. 50h with print forerunner oranžového postmark; good condition, according to literature postmarked only 532ks usual mailing, very rare usage Us correspondence, ex Bulant
1939 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / Famous placing ostatků K. H. Máchy on/for Vyšehradě 7.V.39, supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.V.39, format A4, stronger carton; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
1940 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / Volyně - exhibition of stamps, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets with CDS VOLYNĚ 28.IX.40/a/d/c/, PaLa-a in two shades blue; good condition
1940 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / Zrušení poštovního úřadu Konopiště, comp. 4 pcs of commemorative sheets, PaL a-a, b-a, c-a, c-b; good condition
1942 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 2.srpna 1942, cycling factory to vrchuPustevně in terms of national championship Bohemia and Moravia, pořádá sports club. Bezkyd, Frenštát p. R., black framed pmk on letter in the place with decorative additional-printing sports club. Bezkyd, CDS FRENŠTÁT P. RADH.; good condition, rare
1942 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 9. June 1942, state funeral R. Heydrich in Berlin, first day sheet with paste-in postcard RH and issues stamp. Pof.74-77, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 9.VI.42, strong carton format A4; good condition
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 1. anniv of death R. Heydrich, selection of small memorial sheet, neprošlého card and Us postcard, CDS PRAGUE 34, PRAGUE 36, PARDUBICE 3/ 4.VI.43; good condition
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / DEUTSCHE (German) VOLKSTAGE in PILSEN, 29. August bis 5. September 1943, red framed pmk with swastikas on cut-square with stamp. 80h with CDS PLZEŇ 3/ 5.VIII.43, on exhibit sheet A4; rare occurrence, ex Bulant
1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 5. anniv of Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, comp. 3 pcs of various commemorative sheets and one envelope/-s, mounted stamp. Pof.113-115, CDS PRAGUE 10, PRAGUE 54, PRAGUE 1 and BUDWEIS 1/ 15.III.44; good condition
1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 55. birthday A. Hitler, double commemorative sheet with blue picture Hradčany, mounted stamp. Pof.116-117, 2x imprint of daily postmark PRAGUE 20.IV.44; good condition
1945 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark/ 6. VÝROČÍZŘÍZENÍPROTEKTORÁTU BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA/ German - Czech bicolored additional printing with eagle and swastika on/for oblong envelope sent as Registered in the place, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.III.45; good condition, rare usage, ex Bulant
1944 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / PaLa-a, Memorial sheet for autopoštu Brünn A, four print cancel. BRÜNN A/ 23.XI.44 a-d, stamp. A. Hitler.; číslovačkou "0030", rarest commemorative sheet issued to/at trial jízdě mobile post-office (on a bus) 8.7.1944; good condition, quite rare occurrence, here for the first time in auction, extraordinary offer!
1940 PAMĚTNÍ TISKY BEZ VLASTNÍHO PR special postmark / KONOPIŠTĚ 15.X.40, Zrušení poštovního úřadu, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets, PaL a-a, b-a, c-a; good condition
1943-1944 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / comp. of 2 small commemorative sheets, 20 years Club stamp collectors in Přerov with mounted stamp. A. Hitler 1,60K, CDS PŘEROV 1/ 13.II.43 and German Red Cross with Surtax stamp. Pof.112, CDS PRAGUE 89/ 30.IX.43; good condition
1939SRP11, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Zboží abroad zasílejte..., BRNO 2/ 31.III.39, print machine cancel. on envelope franked with. Czechosl. stamp. T. G. Masaryk 1CZK (pulled up tooth), addressed to to Frýdek, with propagandistic cancel. Wir sind frei!/ Friedek with swastika; good condition, rare
1939SRP12, forerunner machine slogan pmk - International telephone hovorylevnější.../ HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 26.XI.39, very nice print on letter with 1 Koruna Prague; good condition, ex Bulant
1939SRP13, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Připojte his/her/its electric hodiny.../ HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 20.XII.39, letter with 1 Koruna Prague; small tearing in upper margin, superb print, rare, ex Bulant
1944ŠACHOVÉPŘEBORYČECH A MORAVY, CHOCEŇ 1944/ blue three-line postmark on/for Us photo postcard Chocně, CDS CHOCEŇ 22.IX.44, on exponátovém sheet with description; good condition, rare occurrence, sought motive, ex Bulant
1945PROPAGANDISTICKÉ POSTMARK / Deutscher (German) Junge, Deutsches (German) Mädel, DAS LAND RUFTDICH!, black three-line cancel. used on/for correspondence NSDAP in Olomouc in 1945, franked letter with additional-printing, CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 17.II.45; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS NA CELISTVOSTECH A VÝSTŘIŽCÍCH / collection on free album sheets with lot of mainly philatelically influenced entires, memorial/special Ppc, sheets and cut-squares with postmarks special postmark, total ca. 200 pcs of entires and cut-squares; various quality, placed in 2 boxes on/for album sheets
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS NA VÝSTŘIŽCÍCH / stovky cut-squares with special postmark and postmarks Autopošty on cut-squares in two superb ring folders Lindner, common postmark according to date usage and distinctive characters, contains i.a. 1x PR73 Zlín - Untergau..., 4x PR117 Prague - Bolshevism never!; suitable to other sale or as basis of collection
1941[COLLECTIONS] CACHETS VIKTORIA/ collection ca. 70 pcs of entires with propagandistic postmarks Victoria, mainly I. version without "for Europe!" used short period only on 16 poštách, supplemented with cachets II. version and other neobvyklými cachets "V" and "Victoria", all placed on 28 exhibit sheets A4 with descriptions in spiral folder; chosen quality, much rare pieces, ex Bulant
1943 [COLLECTIONS] SRP36 + SRP37, machine slogan pmk - Sběrtextilií and footwear + Old paper patři to stoupy / collection 19 pcs of entires and 6 pcs of cut-squares with machine postmark, all on 7 exhibit sheets A4; good condition, ex Bulant
1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS] SRP38, machine slogan pmk - Šetřiuhlím, order period of! / collection 18 pcs of entires and 4 pcs of cut-squares with machine postmark, from that MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 5 pcs of + 2 pcs of cut-squares, all on 6 exhibit sheets A4; good condition, ex Bulant
1941-1945 TEREZÍN - MALÁ PEVNOST / Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV9 sent from prison to Prague, CDS TEREZÍN 16.VIII.41 + 3x parcel dispatch card segment with straight line postmark Häftling/ Teresienstadt/ Kleine fortress and 1x cut square with round cancel. Red Cross with part/-s text in/at Russian alphabet; good condition
1942-1943 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. two Bohemian and Moravian CDV9, both odeslánypříslušnicemi internment camp (were here vězněnirodinní members persons, which/what opustily Protectorate, to bojovali against nacistickému Germany), 1x CDS SVATOBOŘICE 16.I.43 and 1x railway pmk KYJOV - MUTĚNICE 21.XII.42, both with signature censor; good condition
1943-1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / comp. of 3 cards with thank for parcel + 1 PC, all from one prisoner, 1x through/over Berlin with A. Hitler 6Pf; censorship, added-print; 1x small tearing
1943-1944 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. / PŘÍBĚH comp. 12 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian PC A. Hitler 60h + 1 pcs of Linden Leaves 60h, all sent to one příslušnicí internment camp, CDS PRAGUE, resp. 1x SLANÝ, all with signature censor; good condition
1943-1944 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. comp. 2 pcs of Ppc and 1 franked with. card, all sent to one příslušnicí internment camp, CDS PRAGUE resp. RATAJE N. S., all with signature censor; good condition
1944 SPECIAL CAMP PRAGUE - HAGIBOR / PC CDV16 and postcard franked 2x A. Hitler. 30h from same sender (covering address Prague XI, Schwering. 1201), sent to same addressee to Brno, CDS and MC PRAG; good condition
1944 SPECIAL CAMP PRAGUE - HAGIBOR / two p.stat PC A. Hitler 60h sent from Brno to work camp to same addressee, address Prague XI, Schwering. 1201, HagiborplatzBarake II, posting MC BRÜNN 29.X. and 11.XI.44; both cards with fold
1945 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV16 and CDV20 part I., both sent příslušnicí internment camp (were here vězněnirodinní members persons, which/what opustily Protectorate, to bojovali against nacistickému Germany), CDS SVATOBOŘICE 16.I. resp. 2.III.45, both with blue line censorship cancel. with date stamp and signature; good condition
1939 Czechosl. parallel pictorial PC CDV69/252 - Prešov, CDS PRAGUE 9/ 27.XI.39; good condition, rare occurrence in Bohemia-Moravia used PC with Slovak motive!
1941CLZ2, letter-card Linden Leaves 1,20 Koruna sent as Reg, sent to Peter Bezruče, uprated with stamp Zlín 3 Koruna, CDS NÁCHOD 1/ 28.III.41; L part without margins
1939 CMO7aP, forerunner international reply coupon 3,35K with inscription ČESKO-SLOVENSKO, one CDS PRAGUE 1/ 13.IV.39; horiz. fold and small brownish in margin
1939 CMO7P, forerunner international reply coupon 3,35Kč with inscription ČESKO-SLOVENSKO, both postmark, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 23.III.39 and CDS BRATISLAVA 6/ 15.IV.39 (!); small fold, sound condition, c.v.. -,-
1939 CMO2, two international odpovědky3.35K, both width frame (96 and 97mm), both with two CDS, PRAG 1/ 26.II.40 and QUITO, resp. PROSTĚJOV 17.V.40 and QUITO; sound condition without fold, interesting, c.v.. price for two cancel. - , -
1940 CMO3a+b, two international odpovědky3.35K with arrangement sale price postmark also hand-made transcription on/for 2.60K, both with two CDS, PRAG 1/ 5.V.41 resp. PRAGUE 49/ 20.VIII.40; sound condition without fold, interesting, c.v.. price for two cancel. -,-
1940 CMO4, two international odpovědky2,60K, both variants width French text, both with two CDS, PRAG 1/ 5.II.41 resp. 28.V.41 + green foreign cancel.; both with fold, interesting, c.v.. price for two cancel. - , -
1941 CMO5Bb, international reply coupon 2,60K with hand-made transcription for value 2,50 Koruna, with two CDS, PRAG 1/ 19.VII.41 + green foreign cancel.; good condition, interesting, c.v.. price for two cancel. -,-