1939 whole Czechosl. forerunner international parcel card on/for mailing from Brno to Znojmo, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.38, 35, 24, 20, CDS BRNO 2/ 21.XII.39, transit WIEN 26.XII.39 and arrival ZNAIM 2/ 27.12.39; only fold, rare výskat whole dispatch-notes
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL COLLECTION / basic collection with mild specialisation on/for 44 unbound sheets in glassine envelopes, overprint issue (hinged), supplemented with bands with gutter-pairs stamp. issue Landscape II, coupons, blocks, gutter-pair, plate number and marks (mint never hinged), supplemented with 6 pcs of entires; various quality, c.v.. ca. 4.500CZK
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection hinged supplemented with about/by part/-s archoviny and bands in/at small little-box, contains i.a. complete ** 50 pcs of counter sheet Dvořák 1,20 Koruna, 2x band with coupons Towns 10K etc..; various quality
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / large stockbook with commercial reserve Un stamp. as Landscape, Linden Leaves, and other issue, supplemented with lot of whole sheets and blocks Bohemian and Moravian stamps, sheets with errors/flaws in gum, blocks and parts of sheets mainly without defects; all in/at one box
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 3 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. overprint issue 6x (**/*), single issue as Towns, A. Hitler., Red Cross, St. Vitus etc.., line coupons, horseshoe, bands, multiblocks etc.., also postage-due, newspaper and several entires and first day sheets; mainly mint never hinged, rarely hinged or minor faults, high catalogue value, suitable also to other elaboration
1940-1945 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / smaller selection clear stamp., bands, blocks with coupons etc.. detached/free in box, more interesting for example. Towns 10K and 20K with coupons, complete counter sheet Pof.102 etc..; overall fine
1939-1941[COLLECTIONS] ÚSTŘIŽKYPENĚŽNÍCHPRŮVODEK / collection of ca. 1.000 pcs of cuts franked with. forerunner and parallel Czechosl. stamp. and Bohemian and Moravian stamp. incl. high highest values 10CZK, 20K, multiple also mixed franking, from that part with fee paid Doplatními stamp., several pieces cuts with part/-s Czechosl. stamp. Food tax, Official stamps, Overprint issue, coupons, margins, various CDS etc..; in overwhelming majority perfect condition, rare selection of with high catalogue ohodnocením!