Public Auction 66 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia

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228396 - 1940-1944 comp. 10 pcs of letters with postal agency pmk., f
1940-1944 comp. 10 pcs of letters with postal agency pmk., from that 1x as Registered, 1x decorative advertising added print, contains STRÁŽISKO, PŘÍMĚTICE, BORAČ, PASEKY, KOŘENEC, JANKOVICE, JAROŠOV, KOBEŘICE, KOSTELANY N. M., KŘEŠÍN; chosen pieces with nice print, originates from big collection
Starting price: CZK
228398 - 1941-1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters with postal agency pmk., f
1941-1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters with postal agency pmk., from that 1x as Registered, contains PROSTŘEDNÍ BEČVA, CHÝSTOVICE, KRUMSÍN, LUŽNÁ, OHROZIM, POLHOVICE, ŠALMANOVICE, SLAVĚTÍN, SOBĚSUKY, TOPOLANY; chosen pieces with nice print, originates from big collection
Starting price: CZK
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL-AGENCIES NA POHLEDNICÍCH / selection of 45 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk., from that ca. 20 pcs of with superb print postmark, i.a. ZVOLENOVICE, STUPAVA, SKALICE U FRÝDKU, SKRYJE, ZBYSLAV, PODLESÍ, LÁSENICE, JESTŘÁBICE etc..; good condition, originates from big collection
Starting price: CZK
1940 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL-AGENCIES NA VÝSTŘIŽCÍCH / selection of 55 pcs of cut-squares with postal agency pmk, i.a. MOUŘÍNOV, PROSTŘEDKOVICE, LOUKOVANY, KULÍŘOV, JEŽKOVICE, HORKY N. J., DASKABÁT etc..; nice print, originates from big collection postmarks postal-agencies
Starting price: CZK
228781 - 1939 Maxa E38, cut parcel dispatch-note with perfin ERv při
1939 Maxa E38, cut parcel dispatch-note with perfin "ER"v přitištěném Czechosl. revenue 50h, part posting CDS BLANSKO, on reverse ID postmark f. R. Sochor, Blansko, cash paid; good condition, rare occurrence perfins in/at p.stat parcel bills!
Starting price: CZK
228784 - 1939 Maxa N20 + Maxa H2, selection of 1 of whole ústřžiku
1939 Maxa N20 + Maxa H2, selection of 1 of whole ústřžiku with perfin "NTP" on 3 Czechosl. forerunner stamp. f. Novina Prague with ID postmark on reverse + 2 pcs of cut-squares from C.O.D. parcel cards, with mixed franking 3 Czechosl. also Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with perfin "H" f. Antoním Hübl Prague; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228777 - 1939 Maxa T13, comp. 4 pcs of cuts parcel dispatch-note, 2x
1939 Maxa T13, comp. 4 pcs of cuts parcel dispatch-note, 2x with mixed franking Czechosl. and Bohemian and Moravian, 2x with franking Czechosl. forerunner stamp. i.a. T. G. Masaryk 1 Koruna (!), Poděbrady 4CZK, Olomouc 5CZK, Pof.352, 311, 312, all stamp. with perfin "T.S." f. Tuchhaus Silesia Geiringer & Reitler, CDS PRAGUE 36, ID commercial additional printing on reverse; good condition, rare occurrence perfin on stmp T. G. Masaryk 1 Koruna with inscription Česko-slovensko!
Starting price: CZK
229398 - 1940 MAXA R1, advertising printed matter f. REMED with Linde
1940 MAXA R1, advertising printed matter f. REMED with Linden Leaves 30h "with perfin "R"", MC PRAG 13.XII.40; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227513 - 1939-1945 SELECTION of / 13 letters and card with meter stmp
1939-1945 SELECTION of / 13 letters and card with meter stmp, from that 7 pcs of from forerunner and souběžného period, contains i.a. ŽELEZO OTTAHAL, PALABA SLANÝ, KÁVA ARDA VAL. MEZIŘÍČÍ etc..; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228411 - 1944 comp. 2 pcs of special delivery letters Us Prague pneum
1944 comp. 2 pcs of special delivery letters Us Prague pneumatic-tube post franked by stmp A. Hitler, mounted červeno-fialové hinge / label Pneumatic tube post and Express, 1x Reg and Express; all attributes, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
227094 - 1940-1942 CENZURNÍ POSTMARK R. V KRUHU / Czech printing off
1940-1942 CENZURNÍ POSTMARK "R." V KRUHU / Czech printing office - censorship periodických also neperiodických printing products, comp. 4 pcs of address cards and covers from mailing newspapers to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x from Italy and 3x from Slovakia, 3x black postmark in circle, 1x without okruží - only "R.", on sheet A4, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227059 - 1943 POSTDIREKTION BRÜNN/ 27.X.43/ HILFSAMT/a/  CDS on/for
1943 POSTDIREKTION BRÜNN/ 27.X.43/ HILFSAMT/a/ CDS on/for service Reg letter without franking, Reg label same office; on reverse torn flap; rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227060 - 1940-1943 POSTAL SAVING BANK/  two official Reg letters with
1940-1943 POSTAL SAVING BANK/ two official Reg letters with CDS POSTAL SPOŘITELENA PRAGUE 7.12.40 and CDS POSTAL SAVING BANK BRANCH BRNO 21.6.43, Reg labels with same texts; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227092 - 1943 PŘI NÁLETU A perforation hole NĚM/ NEPOÚŽIVEJTE TE
1943 PŘI NÁLETU A perforation hole NĚM/ NEPOÚŽIVEJTE TELEFONU!/ bilingual informative cachet for case air raid on 2 vnitrostátních letters in red and violet color, CDS PŘEROV 2/ 18.X.43 and PLZEŇ 1/ 21.X.43; good condition, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
228735 - 1941 VYPLACENĚ/ Delivery fee paid, bilingual violet straigh
1941 VYPLACENĚ/ Delivery fee paid, bilingual violet straight line postmark on/for larger cut parcel dispatch-note franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 5 Koruna, Pof.45, CDS VANOVICE N. ÚHLAVOU 22.IX.41; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
227091 - 1942 KEEP TRAFFIC DISCIPLINE, bilingual informative cachet f
1942 KEEP TRAFFIC DISCIPLINE, bilingual informative cachet for transport, weeks transport education 8.–21. November 1942, red additional printing on letter addressed to Breslau, with A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 9.XI.42; very fine print, good condition, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227090 - 1942 KEEP TRAFFIC DISCIPLINE, bilingual informative cachet f
1942 KEEP TRAFFIC DISCIPLINE, bilingual informative cachet for transport, weeks transport education 8.–21. November 1942, violet additional printing on card with gum in margin for sticking on/for mailing; thin place after/around stripped/pull-down label, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227062 - 1941-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  KLV Lager (camp) - evakuace childre
1941-1944 [COLLECTIONS] KLV Lager (camp) - evakuace children from region ohrožených war, collection 15 pcs of entires sent from these camps, i.a. postmark KLV Lager (camp) SUŠICE, HORNÍ BLATNÁ, LUHAČOVICE, BŘEZNICE, 2x postcard Zotavovací action 1944 R. Heydrich and summer camps Committee, on 5 exhibit sheets with descriptions; good condition, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
218292 - 1939 PR1, Visit leader v Praze, comp. 8 pcs of entires, fro
1939 PR1, Visit leader v Praze, comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 2 views with stamp. Štefánik, Us PR3a, 3b, 3 letters philatelic obchodníkům, z toho 1x as printed matter s kombinací Czechosl. and German. stamps s téměř with nevyskytujícím date cancel. 16.3. (and), then 3 letters, z toho 1 přefrankovaný 3x 2CZK Fügner s kuponem; all good condition
Starting price: CZK
218293 - 1939 PR2, Visit leader v Brně, comp. 8 pcs of entires, 1x
1939 PR2, Visit leader v Brně, comp. 8 pcs of entires, 1x commercial Reg letter to Moravských Budějovice, Us, 2x letters v místě, both s málo with vyskytujícím date PR2, 20.III.39/a,b, 1x postcard with two print PR2c with zpětně set up date 17.III.39/c (!), 1x letter, 1x PC, 1x printed matter, all right franked with PR2a, 1x philatelically influenced Reg letter franked with. řezaným gutter Pofis 344 Mv and 2 German stamp. and 4 print cancel. PR2a; all nice quality
Starting price: CZK
227334 - 1939 PR3, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 50. anniv of birth leader, two-
1939 PR3, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 50. anniv of birth leader, two-piece commemorative sheet A4 with additional-printed photos A. Hitler, Photo Zym Prague/ ČTK (Czech Press Agency), with 6 print red special postmark; very fine, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227342 - 1939 PR5, VAMBERK/ Bednářova cottage - exhibition of stamp
1939 PR5, VAMBERK/ Bednářova cottage - exhibition of stamps, comp. 3 pcs of Us cards with additional-printing to exhibition, in colour green, red and blue, PaD a-a, a-b, a-c, all with blue special postmark; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227319 - 1939 PR9, PŘEROV 1/ Hanácké jarmark, envelope with memori
1939 PR9, PŘEROV 1/ Hanácké jarmark, envelope with memorial additional-printing sent as Printed matter POB a-a, incl. content - invitation-card, both with two print green special postmark, franked with. overprint stamp. Coat of arms 20h + 10h + 5h; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227322 - 1939 PR11, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Exhibition 100 years Czech pho
1939 PR11, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Exhibition 100 years Czech photo, Us letter and memorial Un photo postcard PaP a-a, both with black special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
220734 - 1939-1940 PR11, PRAGUE / Exhibition Hundred years Czech phot
1939-1940 PR11, PRAGUE / Exhibition "Hundred years Czech photo", comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter with date special postmark 20.X.39 - 6 days before/(in front of) zahájením exhibition (probably letter rozeslaný organizátory exhibition) and Reg and C.O.D. with special postmark from 14.I.40; good condition
Starting price: CZK
222931 - 1939-1940 PR12+PR16, comp. 9 pcs of entires with special pos
1939-1940 PR12+PR16, comp. 9 pcs of entires with special postmark postmarks, KOLÍN / Opening theatre in Kolín - 5 pcs of, PRAGUE 86/ Exhibition postal valuable matters - 4 pcs of, from that 1x Reg and Express; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227323 - 1940 PR13, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ The first annual day visit lea
1940 PR13, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ The first annual day visit leader, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative sheets, PaL a-a + small format with picture Hradčany, 2 pcs of memorial/special envelopes POB a-a + c-a, all with black special postmark with characters a, b, c; good condition
Starting price: CZK
222921 - 1940 PR15 + PR37, BUČOVICE/ I. exhibition of stamps - comp.
1940 PR15 + PR37, BUČOVICE/ I. exhibition of stamps - comp. 3 pcs of entires from that 1x PaP a-a, 2x Us + PARDUBICE/ Exhibition of stamps - comp. 4 pcs of entires, 2x PaP a-b, a-c, 2x Us entire; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227328 - 1940 PR16, PRAG 86 - PRAGUE 86/ 31.III.40/ Exhibition postal
1940 PR16, PRAG 86 - PRAGUE 86/ 31.III.40/ Exhibition postal valuable matters ČMP + PRA1A, PRAG - PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 31.III.40/ 1d, 40. jarní Prague sample fair, Express card 50h Linden Leaves sent in the place, uprated by. 4 pcs of stamp. 50h, 1x print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) and 1x black special postmark, supplemented with CDS TELEGRAPH CENTRAL OFF. PRAGUE 31.III.40, sent by pneumatic tube mail; decorative, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227326 - 1940 PR16, PRAG 86 - PRAGUE 86/ Exhibition postal valuable m
1940 PR16, PRAG 86 - PRAGUE 86/ Exhibition postal valuable matters ČMP + PRA1A, PRAG - PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 1b, 1d, 1c/ 40. jarní Prague sample fair, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative sheets and 3 pcs of memorial/special envelopes, PaL a-a + b-a, POB a-a (toned), b-a, c-a, all with black special postmark exhibition, supplemented with oranžovými postmarks mobile post-office (on a bus) with characters /1b, /1c, /1d; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227292 - 1940 PR17 + PR18, PRAGUE 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, comp.
1940 PR17 + PR18, PRAGUE 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, comp. 3 pcs of big commemorative sheets, PaL a-a, b-a, f-a, all with several print brown special postmark; without defects
Starting price: CZK
227291 - 1940 PR17 + PR18, PRAGUE 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, large
1940 PR17 + PR18, PRAGUE 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, large commemorative sheet in double making, PaL c-a, c-b, with and without printed stmp, with print hnědého special postmark, format A4; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227288 - 1940 PR17, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Day birth leader, 2x imprint o
1940 PR17, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Day birth leader, 2x imprint of commemorative postmark in/at ČERVENÉ (!) color with character b/ and c/, on/for cards with text Memorial postmark; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
222933 - 1940 PR17+PR13, PRAGUE + BRNO/ Day birthday leader, comp. 11
1940 PR17+PR13, PRAGUE + BRNO/ Day birthday leader, comp. 11 pcs of entires with orange special postmark, 1x printed matter to Židenic with 3 print special postmark with rozlišením and/ 2. type + including cut square with special postmark 1. type - rare occurrence; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227289 - 1940 PR18, BRÜNN 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, imprint of c
1940 PR18, BRÜNN 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, imprint of commemorative postmark in/at ČERVENÉ (!) color with character c/, on paper slip with text Memorial postmark; good condition, rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
222961 - 1940 PR19/ PaL a-a, SÁZAVA/ Exhibition of stamps, two-piece
1940 PR19/ PaL a-a, SÁZAVA/ Exhibition of stamps, two-piece commemorative sheet with 2 print blue special postmark; good condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
222940 - 1940 PR19+PR22+PR27, comp. 5 pcs of entires special postmark
1940 PR19+PR22+PR27, comp. 5 pcs of entires special postmark, SÁZAVA/ Exhibition of stamps - postcard and letter, PRAGUE / For/Behind new architekturu 1940 - 2x letter, PARDUBICE/ Congress hostinských - 1x postcard, rare usage; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227296 - 1940 PR21, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Travel, bath and tourist exhib
1940 PR21, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Travel, bath and tourist exhibition, complete set 5 pcs of memorial/special prints to this dvojbarevnému special postmark, PaL a-a, b-a, POB a-a, invitation-card and Trial to Anniv post. stamps; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227302 - 1940 PR22, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 15.VIII.40/ For/Behind new arc
1940 PR22, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 15.VIII.40/ For/Behind new architekturu, Us picture p.stat with 1 print blue special postmark, last day usage, rare usage, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227301 - 1940 PR22, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 29.VI.40/ For/Behind new archi
1940 PR22, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ 29.VI.40/ For/Behind new architekturu, Us oblong envelope with memorial additional-printing and 1 print blue special postmark, POB a-a; good condition, rare usage, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227304 - 1940 PR24, GROSS BLATNITZ - BLATNICE P. S. A./ Pouť by/on/a
1940 PR24, GROSS BLATNITZ - BLATNICE P. S. A./ Pouť by/on/at St. Anthony, 2 pcs of Us Ppc with violet special postmark from 1. main poutě 18.VI.40 (Sunday) and 2. main poutě from 7.VII.40 (Sunday), 1x memorial postcard PaP c-a (light bend); good condition, quality print both postmarks, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227306 - 1940 PR25, KOLIN 1 - KOLÍN 1/ 40. years A.F.K. Kolín, larg
1940 PR25, KOLIN 1 - KOLÍN 1/ 40. years A.F.K. Kolín, large commemorative sheet with picture footballers A.F.K. Kolín - Amatérský champion Republic of Czechoslovakia 1929, with three print blue special postmark; horiz. fold, rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227308 - 1940 PR26, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 50. years Iglauer Berghauer
1940 PR26, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 50. years Iglauer Berghauer Zug, envelope with memorial additional-printing, POB a-a + Us memorial postcard, PaP b-a, both entires with jednim print hnědého special postmark; good condition, rare usage, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227311 - 1940 PR27, PARDUBITZ 1 - PARDUBICE 1/ Congress hostinských,
1940 PR27, PARDUBITZ 1 - PARDUBICE 1/ Congress hostinských, refused design on/for postmark on card, diameter 54mm, printing black tuši, supplemented with cut-square with standard blue special postmark, adjusted with description on sheet A4 from exhibit; rare, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227318 - 1940 PR29, PARDUBITZ 2 - PARDUBICE 2/ 1340-1940, two-piece c
1940 PR29, PARDUBITZ 2 - PARDUBICE 2/ 1340-1940, two-piece commemorative sheet 600 y. of town Pardubice with 9 print dvojbarevného special postmark, larger format A4, PaL a-a; only small folds in margins, rare occurrence these commemorative sheets, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227279 - 1940 PR32, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Opening Czech modern cultural
1940 PR32, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Opening Czech modern cultural centre/ 22.VIII.40, large first day sheet D41 E.F. Burian, Zahájení 7. sezony - August 1940, with 6 print blue special postmark; very fine
Starting price: CZK
222945 - 1940 PR38+PR39+SPR32 comp. 9 pcs of entires with special pos
1940 PR38+PR39+SPR32 comp. 9 pcs of entires with special postmark, JOSEFOV/ Exhibition of stamps - 3 pcs of entires, PRAGUE/ Deutsche Buchausstelung - 4x entire, from that 1x service letter with machine advertising cancel. SPR 32 to/at same occasion PRAGUE 25; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227285 - 1940 PR39, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Deutsche Buchausstelung, speci
1940 PR39, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Deutsche Buchausstelung, special postmark on paper slip in standard blue color and on/for Un envelope in/at ČERNÉ (!) color; good condition, catalogue doesn't report, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227252 - 1940 PR41, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 2. Weihnachten im befreiten
1940 PR41, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 2. Weihnachten im befreiten Iglau, envelope POB a-a, Us with one print green special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227251 - 1940 PR41, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 2. Weihnachten im befreiten
1940 PR41, IGLAU 1 - JIHLAVA 1/ 2. Weihnachten im befreiten Iglau, comp. 3 pcs of memorial/special entires, card PaL a-a, envelope POB a-a, postcard PaP a-a, all with one print green special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227258 - 1941 PR42, PR43, PR44, PR45, PR46, PR47, PRAG1 - BUDWEIS 1/
1941 PR42, PR43, PR44, PR45, PR46, PR47, PRAG1 - BUDWEIS 1/ Zwei years im Grossdeutchen Reich, two-piece commemorative sheet format A5, PaL b-a, inside all 6 various special postmark, IGLAU 1 with character a, b, ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227255 - 1941 PR42, PR43, PR44, PR45, PR47, PRAG1 - BUDWEIS 1/ Zwei y
1941 PR42, PR43, PR44, PR45, PR47, PRAG1 - BUDWEIS 1/ Zwei years im Grossdeutchen Reich, comp. 5 pcs of Us entires with black special postmark, from that 1x Reg letter, 2x postcard, 2x letter; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227254 - 1941 PR46, IGLAU 1/ Zwei years im Grossdeutchen Reich, memor
1941 PR46, IGLAU 1/ Zwei years im Grossdeutchen Reich, memorial postcard PaP a-a, Us, with 60h with print black special postmark; good condition, rare and sought, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
224875 - 1941 PR48, BENEŠOV U PRAHY / Philatelic Exhibition, comp. 3
1941 PR48, BENEŠOV U PRAHY / Philatelic Exhibition, comp. 3 pcs of memorial/special envelopes, 2x POB a-a in two various size + 1x envelope with additional-printing queen Victoria in oval with post. horn in blue color; good condition
Starting price: CZK
224880 - 1941 PR49 + PR48, PRAGUE 1/ BRNO 1/ Day birthday leader, com
1941 PR49 + PR48, PRAGUE 1/ BRNO 1/ Day birthday leader, comp. 3 pcs of memorial/special envelopes, POB a-a, b-a, d-a, supplemented with small memorial sheet PaL c-a, all with print red special postmark; envelope/-s with patina
Starting price: CZK
227264 - 1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 2 pcs of
1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 2 pcs of Us entires with red special postmark, pictorial PC with PR49, letter with PR50; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227262 - 1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 2 pcs of
1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 2 pcs of Us special envelopes, 1x with PR49 PPOB a-a, sent to Slovakia, passed through German censorship (toned) + 1x with PR50 POB d-a; good condition, postally Us are rare
Starting price: CZK
227261 - 1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 3x vario
1941 PR49+PR50, PRAGUE - BRNO/ Day birthday leader, 3x various commemorative sheet PaL a-a with both red special postmark, PaL a-a with PR50, PaL b-a with PR50 (tearing in margins), all format A4; outside 1 pcs of without defects
Starting price: CZK
227266 - 1941 PR51, IGLAU 1/ 2. Kriegsmuttertag Iglau, 2 pcs of Us me
1941 PR51, IGLAU 1/ 2. Kriegsmuttertag Iglau, 2 pcs of Us memorial/special Ppc, both types - picture mother/-s with child in/at obdélníku also oval, PaP a-a, a-b, both with two print blue special postmark; good condition, sought, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
227267 - 1941 PR51, IGLAU 1/ 2. Kriegsmuttertag Iglau, Us memorial en
1941 PR51, IGLAU 1/ 2. Kriegsmuttertag Iglau, Us memorial envelope POB b-a, sent as Printed matter with one print blue special postmark; good condition, only on reverse hints after sticking, small/rare výskat really Us envelopes, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK