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1939 Sy.NV8 plate mark, Newspaper stamps with overprint 50h dark brown, LR corner piece with nejvzácnějším plate number this issue - 37 (from 1-37), with identification plate variety overprint on pos. 100; mint never hinged, exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. 500€, quite rare occurrence U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV10Xx, Coat of arms 2h yellow-brown without watermark, VODOROVNÝ RASTR, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet (!); hinge / label only in margins out of stmp., 2x vertical fold between stamp., c.v.. as blocks of four ca. 5.000€ (!!), like that markedly more!, quite rare offer, we aren't aware of similar piece, missing also in/at greatest collections! U:A3v–
1939 Sy.NV 10Xx, Coat of arms 2h yellow-brown without watermark, block of four with lower margin and horiz. grid gum; mint never hinged, exp. by Synek., c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1939 Sy.NV 11Xx, Coat of arms 5h blue without watermark, block of four with R margin and horiz. grid in gum; in blocks rare, superb, exp. + certificate Synek, c.v.. 290€ U:A5
1939 Sy.NV11Xz, Coat of arms 5h blue without watermark, smooth gum, UL corner blk-of-9 with production flaw - machine offset on gum; mint never hinged, decorative multiple, c.v.. ca. 80€ U:A5
1939 Synek. NV 14Xx, Coat of arms 10h red-brown without watermark, block of four with lower margin and horiz. grid in gum; mint never hinged, minor gum fault U:A5
1939 Synek. NV 14Xx, Coat of arms 10h red-brown without watermark, block of four with lower margin and horiz. grid in gum; mint never hinged, exp. Synek U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.17Xx, Coat of arms 20h dark green without watermark, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with VODOROVNÝM grid (!); mint never hinged gum, 1x vert. fold between stamp., lightly hinged on face-side in margins - after/around adjustaci in exhibit, c.v.. ca. 1.700€, extraordinary and only stěží repeatable offer, for the first time in auction! U:A3v–
1939 Sy.NV20Xy, Coat of arms 50h brown without watermark, the bottom half 100 pcs of counter sheet, vertical grid; 2x hinged, c.v.. ** ca. 116€ U:A4
1939 Sy.NV21Xx, Coat of arms 1Ks grey without watermark, upper half 100 pcs of counter sheet, horiz. grid; 1x hinged in margin + 3 hint on front side, 1x vertical fold between stamp., c.v.. 290€ U:A4
1945 court letter to Švošova, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 1/ 15.II.45, burdened with postage-due, place postage-due stamp. used on reverse block of 6 airmail stamps (!) Sy.L2, with CDS LUBOCHŇA 17.II.45, postage due unwithdrawn - see handwritten notice "Zpät zomrela" and "Zomrela" on front also back side; interesting, good condition U:A5
1942 Maxa C 18, commercial Reg letter in the place with 3 Koruna Hlinka, Sy.32C with perfin "CH" f. Chemische Industrie A.G. and Sy.51, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 27.XI.42; envelope lower cut, otherwise very sound condition U:A5
1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. framed pmk arrival post with date 20.VIII.1939 on reverse, on franked letter with black PR8, RUŽOMBEROK 19.VIII.1939; good condition, rare 1939 POLISH CAMPAIGN / postcard Prešov sent on/for start Polish campaign z území Slovakia German field post, CDS FIELD-POST/ 11.9.39 s taktickým number 157 (57. infantry division), sender FP No. 29698 (Infanterie-Regiment 234); interesting document z počátku war, good condition U:A5
1944 GERMAN FIELD POST / Reg letter from Slovak territory, sent through/over German field post off. No. 175 (covering number 546), CDS FIELD-POST 546/ 8.12.44 and příslušná Reg label, sender Fp No. 02649 (13. Kp Gren Regt 172), 75. infantry division, which/what with v uvedený day nacházela v okolí Kurima (in triangle Bardejov-Medzilaborce-Stropkov), arrival SONDERSHAUSEN/ 13.12.44 on reverse; good condition, Reg letters from Slovakia are rare! U:A5
1940 Achtung! INHALT: "ohne (without) Inhalt eingelangt"/ Wien am 17.III.1940, red censor card with cancel. Ausladsbriefprüfstelle Wien, on R letter sent from Bratislava to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking with red PR20 with date 14.III.1940, supplemented with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 15.III.40, supplemented with arrival CDS CHLUM U TŘEBONĚ 21.III.40; good condition U:A5
1941 letter sent from Sudetenland to Žilina franked with. German stamp. 20Pf Hindenburg, CDS BODENBACH 1/ 27.5.41, redirected to bath Rájecké Teplice, uprated by. Slovak stamp. 1 Koruna Hlinka red, with CDS ŽILINA 1/ 5.VI.41, passed through German censorship; rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1940 SLOVAKOTOUR / richly franked with. postcard to Hungary with mounted 2 pcs of labels Slovakotour, 20h blue with line perforation 12½ and 15h brown with line perforation 10½, red special postmark 29, ZVOLEN 14.III.1940; good condition, rare usage blue hinge / label 20h with perf 12½! U:A5
1939 PR1, BRATISLAVA 1/ 14.III.39/ 20. rokov. Slovak. book/-s, 15 copy-print blue special postmark on first day sh. with mounted 14 pcs of Czechosl. forerunner stamp. ; good condition, ex Bulant, the first special postmark independent Slovakia, in addition from annunciation Slovak Rep.! U:A4
1939 PR2, ČEKLÍS/ 15.III.39/ sa vrátil to homeland, special postmark in black color on card as Printed matter with 2 print, on cut-square in violet (!) color and in/at blue (!) color on reverse card FP with mounted 2 pcs of gutter Hlinka 50h supplemented with blue PR1 from 14.III.39; good condition, violet and blue print vznikly for collector's purpose U:A5
1939 PR3, RUŽOMBEROK/ Prvé stamps vodcu A. Hlinka, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets A5 with picture A. Hlinky in 3 various making and papers with print special postmark from 20.IV.39 on stmp Hlinka; good condition U:A4
1939 PR4 + PRA13, BREZOVÁ P. B./ 21.V.39/ Federation evan. mládeže..., commemorative sheet format A4 with picture Gen. M. Štefánik with print two postmarks; only horiz. folded U:A4
1939 PR4 + PRA13, BREZOVÁ P. B./ 21.V.39/ Federation evanjelickej mládeže..., commemorative sheet format A6 with picture líce and reverse side memorial medals Gen. M. Štefánik, inside with 4 print two postmarks; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1939 PR6, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 8.-9.VII.1939/ XVIII. Generálny sjazd evanjelickej mládeže, 6x print red special postmark on/for richly franked with. Reg letter sent to Bohemia-Moravia, right postage 4,50Sk, CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 15.VII.39, recipient didn't caught, placed, redirected, by hand written notice; good condition, outside special postmark nice document post. transport, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PR6, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 8.-9.VII.1939/ XVIII. Generálny sjazd evanjelickej mládeže, 9x print orange special postmark, supplemented with 5 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) PRA2/f/, all on first day sheet Známkový hárok... format A4, stamps mounted to shape dvojramenného cross; horiz. fold U:A4
1939 PR15 + PR16, BRATISLAVA/ 26.X.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), Volba prvého prezidenta Slovenskej republiky, red and orange special postmark on/for first day sheet with picture stamps 50h Dr. Jozef Tiso in/at green color; only small tearing in margin, rare usage, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PR15 + PR16, BRATISLAVA/ 26.X.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), Volba prvého prezidenta Slovenskej republiky, red and orange special postmark on R letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking in/at general value 4,50Ks, on reverse CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 27.X.39 with signature; good condition U:A5
1939 PR18, ROŽUMBEROK MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 30.X.39/ Prenesenie pozostatkou Andrej Hlinka, 7 copy-print black special postmark, on/for big first day sheet with picture A. Hlinky and J. Tisa, supplemented with 2 print PR15, format A4; good condition, rare usage, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PR18, ROŽUMBEROK MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 30.X.39/ Prenesenie pozostatkou Andrej Hlinka, comp. 3 pcs of dvojdílných first day sheets, 2x Mobile post office on a bus, 1x Známkový hárok..., all with black postmarks mobile post-office (on a bus) with characters /b/ - 14 copy-print with inverted "N" in/at inscription HLINKU (!), character /d/ and character /e/; 1x fold, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PR19-30, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA - ŽILINA/ 14.III.1940/ Prvé výročie samostatnosti, first day sheet with blue additional-printing to/at same event/-s with complete row 12 pcs of various special postmark to this Anniv, all in/at orange (!) color, catalogues shows outside PR22 only red color, format A4; only small tearing in upper margin, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PR23, NITRA/ 14.III.1940/ Prvé výročie samostatnosti, red special postmark supplemented with oval red cachet PRIBINCOVA NITRA/ OSLAVUJE/ OSAMOSTATNENIE SLOVENSKÉHO ŠTÁTU, on/for richly franked with. letter addressed and dosílaném in/at Protectorate, passed through German censorship; good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PR26, TRENČÍN/ 14.III.1940/ Prvé výročie independence, red special postmark on/for richly franked with. Reg letter sent to Switzerland, on reverse arrival NEUHAUSEN 18.III.40;bez damage U:A5
1940 PR40, MYJAVA/ 29.IX.1940/ 200 ročná pamiatka death superintendenta D. Krmana, 9 copy-print blue special postmark on/for memorial sheet in black color issued to/at stejnému Anniv, format A4; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PR40, MYJAVA/ 29.IX.1940/ 200 ročná pamiatka death superintendenta D. Krmana, postcard issued to/at stejnému Anniv, franked with. issues Tatra with 3 print blue special postmark, filed address; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1941 PR43, BREZOVÁ P. B./ 4.V.41/ Day Slovak národného air forces, Us Ppc with nice print blue special postmark; good condition U:A5
1941 PR44, TURČIANSKY SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 1861-1941 MEMORANDOVÉ SLÁVNOSTI/ 1.VI.41, cut square with stamp. 5h and red print special postmark; superb, postmark wasn't used, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 PR49, VRÚTKY/ 29.XI.1941/ Odhalenie pomníka A. Hlinka, blue special postmark on/for first day sheet format A5 with vyobrazeným memorial and on/for Un postcard with same memorial; good condition U:A5
1942 PR53, BRATISLAVA/ 29.-30.5.1942/ Celoštátná exhibition postal známok, comp. 4 pcs of official Ppc to exhibition with Slovak text in/at blue, violet, red and brown color, 2x Us; good condition U:A5
1943 PR59, BRATISLAVA MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 3.VII.43/ Box Slovakia - Španielsko, 3 print oranžového special postmark with character /c/ on/for Un envelope; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1943 PR61, PREŠOV 1/ 5.IX.43/ Opening railways Prešov - Strážské, 2 print blue special postmark on/for dvojdílném memorial sheet with mounted whole issues stamp. Railway, inside printed riding Order slavnostních and mimořádných trains, format A5 on/for strong carton; good condition, decorative, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A4
1943 PR61, PREŠOV 1/ 5.IX.43/ Opening railways Prešov - Strážské, 3 print blue special postmark on R letter franked with. issues stamp. Railway + paper slip with stamp. and same special postmark in red (!) color, supplemented with Un envelope with 2 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) to/at same occasion, PRA26; good condition, red print special postmark catalogues doesn't report, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 PR62 - PR65, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA, BRATISLAVA 1, BRATISLAVA 2, ŽILINA 2, PREŠOV 1/ 14.III.1944/ Piate výročiesamostatnosti, 5 various blue commemorative postmarks on/for memorial sheet issued to/at same occasion, black print, format A4; slightly wrinkled margins, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1944 PR63, BRATISLAVA 1/ 14.III.1944/ Piate výročie samostatnosti, 5 copy-print special postmark on/for memorial sheet issued to/at same occasion, black print, carton paper, paste-in photo J. Tiso, smaller format A4; good condition, ex Bulant U:A4
1944 PR66, BRATISLAVA / 30.IV.1944/ 25. ročné anniv. Š.K. Bratislava, commemorative envelope with color additional-printing sports club, sent as Reg, franked with. issues stamp. sports with 2 print blue special postmark, incl. certificate of mailing with print same special postmark; good condition U:A5
1945 PR68, BRATISLAVA 2/ 14.III.1945/ ŠIESTE VÝROČIE SAMOSTATNOSTI, blue special postmark on letter sent as Printed matter; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRA1, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 4.VII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), first day sheet format A4 Slovak mobile post office on a bus with 12 print PRA1/c/, mounted stamp. Hlinka to dvojramenného cross; only horiz. fold, the first day usage U:A4
1939 PRA1, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 7.VII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), letter with multicolor franking 13 pcs of stamp. Hlinka, right general postage 1Ks, 5x postal imprint PRA1/f/; good condition, last day usage U:A5
1939 PRA?, BRATISLAVA/ 26.X.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), (Volba prvého prezidenta Slovenskej republiky), orange postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) /with character a/ on/for philatelically motivovaném letter addressed to USA, franked with. already invalidated overprint stamp. Olomouc 5CZK, Sy.21; good condition, catalogues doesn't report, ex Bulant U:A5
1943 PRA9, BRATISLAVA/ 5.VII.43/ AUTOPOŠTA/e/, Celebration zahraničných Slovákov, orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) ma Us postcard sent to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship; slightly toned, small/rare usage on/for really Us entires, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 PRA10, BRATISLAVA/ 30.IV.44/ AUTOPOŠTA/d/, 2 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for complete tiskovině "Jubilejný tournament" with mounted whole sets issue sports; only folded, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PRA24, POPRAD/ 5.VIII.39/g/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), mobile post office on a bus near/in/at road to Tatra Lomnice měla stop in/at Poprad where with uskutečnilo short předvedení zaměstnancům local post, which/what měli posádku doplnit, 4 print oranžového postmark on/for double first day sheet with additional-printing Ethnical celebration in/at Tatrách; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PRA28, STARÉ HORY/ 28.V.39/ e/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), 2 pcs of double commemorative sheets on greeny paper, 1x with one print PRA28, 1x with 2 print with wrong set up month May "IV" place "V"; 1x with light fold U:A4
1939 PRA28, STARÉ HORY/ 28.V.39/ e/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), 3 print oranžovégo postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) on franked letter.; good condition, decorative U:A5
1939 PRA30a, TARANSKÁ LOMNICA/ 6.VIII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), 2 pcs of double first day sheets mobile post-office (on a bus), 2x print PRA30 with character /b/ and 4 print with character /d/, on/for both mounted already invalidated complete issue Štefánik; 1x with přehyben and zahnědnutím in perforation mounted stamps U:A4
1939 PRA31a, TOPOLČIANKY/ 16.VII.39/b/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), 8 copy-print oranžového postmark on/for first day sheet Známkový hárok..., stamp. Hlinka mounted to shape dvojramenného cross; good condition U:A4
1939 PRA35, TRENČÍN/ 19. - 20.VIII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) (I. plavecké majstrovstva Slovakia), comp. 3 pcs of various first day sheets with 14 print PRA35, from that 2x with character /d/, 8x /g/ and 4x /f/; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PRA35, TRENČÍN/ 19.VIII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) (I. plavecké majstrovstva Slovakia), Un envelope with 2 print oranžového PRA35 with character /d/ and 2 print blue PR9 with character /e/, mounted complete issue stamp. Štefánik; good condition U:A5
1939 PRA35, TRENČÍN/ 20.VIII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) (I. plavecké majstrovstva Slovakia), Us Ppc with print oranžového PRA35 with character /g/ and print blue PR9 with character /e/; good condition U:A5
1939 SRP1 machine slogan pmk - Používajte leteckú poštovú transport/ BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA 20.IV.39, very nice print on/for forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h uprated by. overprint stamp. 50h and Hlinka 20h, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition U:A5
1939 SRP2 machine slogan pmk - Zriadenie telefonu is teraz lacnějšie / BRATISLAVA 1/ 2.XII.39, nice print on/for Us letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship; good condition, sought U:A5