1945 JABLONEC N. J., RUMBURK, SVITAVY, MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ, TEPLICE - ŠANOV, ŘÍČANY U PRAHY, FRÝDEK, STREDA NA BODROGOM / collection stmp with overprint on German, Bohemian and Moravian and Hungarian stamp., total 140 pcs of stamp. and 1 entire, placed in clamping pockets on 10 unbound pages; mainly mint never hinged
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA red Opt Czechoslovak Post. on/for Hungarian stamp. various issues and values, comp. 7 pcs of 4bloků and one corner blk-of-10; outside 2 pcs of blocks mint never hinged and exp. Blaha
1970 OLOMOUC / complete set of 5 pcs of miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, all with same number 001982 + value 120h green with anulací round hole; very fine, it is supplementary exhibition print from 70. years
1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, DOMAŽLICE, DAŠICE V Č. / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 3x Reg letter; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945FALKNOV N. O., FRÝDEK, FRENŠTÁT P. R., FRÝDLANT / comp. 12 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 2x PC (from that 1x double), 1x letter-card, 1x cut square with red cancel. FRÝDLANT 9.5.1945/ COUNTRIES ČESKÁ DOMOVMŮJ; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 FRÝDEK, LIBČICE N. V., PARDUBICE / comp. 3 pcs of big philatelic Reg letters with mounted sets stmp with overprint, all with appropriate CDS, 2x nationalized; good condition
1945 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, HLUBOKÁ N. V., HORAŽĎOVICE, HOŘICE V PODK. / comp. 14 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 3x as Registered, 4x PC, CDS OSVOBOZENÉ HORAŽĎOVICE on 3 entires; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 HRANICE, CHEB, JEVÍČKO, JAROMĚŘICE N. R., JOSEFOV / comp. 11 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 3x as Registered, 1x Ex; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 LIPNÍK N. B., LITOVEL, LOCHOVICE, KRČÍN, NETVOŘICE, LIBČICE N. V. / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 2x as Registered, 1x PC, 1x letter-card, 1x commemorative sheet etc..; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 MIROŠOV, LOUNY, LOŠTICE, MLADÁ BOLESLAV / comp. 11 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 1x as Registered, 2x PC, 2x letter-card, 1x memorial card; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945OKŘÍŠKY, NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M., NETOLICE, PARDUBICE / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 2x as Registered, 1x PC, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 OLOMOUC / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary issue Eagle, 4x as Registered, from that 1x with mixed franking with overprint issues, 1x Ex; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 OLOMOUC / comp. 14 pcs of entires franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. and additional-printing "Liberation Olomouc/ Red Army/ 8.5. 1945", from that 1x sent as Registered, 1x cash paid, 1x p.stat, 3x first day sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PLZEŇ / 3 pcs of first day sheets A4 with mounted 32 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with overprint Czechoslovak/ republic in/at black, violet and red color, all with nationalized CDS PLZEŇ 1/ 6.V.45 + supplemented with other 3 pcs of first day sheets with mounted overprint stamp. without postmark
1945 PLZEŇ, PARDUBICE / selection of 17 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 4x as Registered, 2x p.stat letter-card, 4x postcard to liberation of Plzeň; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PRAGUE - NUSLE, SMÍCHOV, MODŘANY, LIBOC / selection of 18 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, 2x as Registered, 1x double PC, 8x postcard; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PRAGUE 77 - STRAŠNICE / two first day sheets A4 with mounted 24 values stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with overprint state coat of arms, all with red nationalized CDS PRAGUE 77/ 9.V.45, both sheets with machine text "Revolutionary overprints group/-s partyzánůMstitelStrašnice. In days 5. -9.V.45" with signature commander; good condition
1945 PROSTĚJOV/ comp. 10 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints or with additional-printing Prostějov free of Germanic felons/ 9. May 1945, 3x sent cash, complete newspaper with label The Voice of people, 1x p.stat; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 RAKOVNÍK, ROKYCANY, ŘÍČANY U PRAHY / comp. 13 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 2x as Registered, 1x letter-card; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 ROVNOST, ČIN / complete newspaper with address labels and mounted revolutionary labels redakcí newspapers Rovnost and Čin, CDS BRNO 2/ 5.VI.45 and 3.VI.45; good condition
1945 SKALICA / Ex letter addressed to to Gbelů (dist. Skalica), franked with. both stamp. skalického issue, blue 2+3Kčs and red 1,50+3,50Kčs, CDS SKALICA 26.V.45; vertical bend out of stmp., Us entires are sought!
1945 SKALICA / comp. 3 pcs of letters with 2+3Kčs skalického issue, CDS SKALICA 30.V.45, KUCHYŇA 10.VI.45 and HOLIČ PRI MYJAVE 29.V.45; good condition, sought Us entires!
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / letter with 120h red slavkovského issue with overprint "Only for Slavkov", posting nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V.45, supplemented with red additional-printing Post Slavkov 26.IV.1945, address over splice on envelope; good condition, sought
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of entires with slavkovského issue with overprint "Only for Slavkov", 1x letter with red stamp. 120h + 1x postcard franked blue stamp. 60h with overprint "Only for Slavkov", both entires with nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 19.V.45, supplemented with red additional-printing Post Slavkov 26.IV.1945; envelope with tearing, card with patina
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 23. and 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1945STŘÍTEŽ N. LUDINOU, STRÁŽNICE, SUŠICE, SADSKÁ / comp. 14 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 5x R, 1x p.stat PC, 1x commemorative sheet good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV / black Opt Czechoslovak./ post on/for 20 values German stamp., A. Hitler 1Pf - 1RM, all with round service postmark with emblem, POST OFFICE TEPLICE ŠANOV/ 8.5.1945, used on 2 pages A4; good condition
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV, SVATÝ KOPEČEK / comp. 14 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 1x German pictorial PC, several letters with whole row stmp with overprint.; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 ZAŠOVÁ, ZÁBŘEH N./M., NOVÝ HROZENKOV, ZBRASLAV - FINIS GERMANIAE, ŽAMBERK / comp. 15 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 1x R, 1x p.stat PC, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 ZBRASLAV above V. / FINIS GERMANIAE/ 10.V.45, 15 copy-print revolutionary postmark on/for first day sheet with mounted Bohemian and Moravian sets A. Hitler + SVOBODNÁ SUŠICE/ 5V.45, 21 copy-print red revolutionary postmark on/for first day sheet with mounted Bohemian and Moravian sets A. Hitler + PŘÍBRAM/ 14.V.45, 4 print red nationalized postmark on/for 6 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. mounted on/for first day sheet, all format A4; good condition
1945 BOHEMIA / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel or Reg label., BRUSNICE, STARÉ BUKY, ŠPINDLERŮV MLÝN, TRUTNOV, VRCHLABÍ, POVRLY, PETROVICE U CHABAŘOVIC, ÚSTÍ N. L., LANŠKROUN, DAMNÍKOV; good condition
1945 BOHEMIA / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label, DOLNÍ RYCHNOV, ROTAVA, CHODOV, KRASLICE, GOSSENGRÜN, FALKNOV N. O., TACHAU, STŘÍBRO, CHOMUTOV 1, AŠ 1, P.Ú. CHOMUTOV 1; good condition
1945 BOHEMIA / comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label, BÍLINA, BOHOSUDOV, KRUPKA, OLDŘICHOV U DUCHCOVA, RETENICE, BOLETICE N. L., DOLNÍ ŠANOV, NEŠTĚMICE, SEBUZÍN; good condition
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of letters with provisory cancel. MODŘICE, ZAJEČÍ, VALTICE, NOVOSEDLY N. MOR., PODIVÍN, BRNO 27, 20, 8, 5, 3; good condition
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label., DOLNÍ VĚSTONICE, POŠTORNÁ, MIKULOV, POUZDŘANY, VALTICE, BRNO 4, 5, 15; good condition
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 5 pcs of letters with provisory cancel., i.a. PROSKOVICE (postal agency pmk), HANUŠOVICE, GRANDORF, CHUCHELNÁ and HRADEC U OPAVY; nice postal imprints, good condition
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. and Reg label, i.a. POSTŘELMOV, VELKÉ KARLOVICE, PASEKA N./M., KOPŘIVNICE, KUNVALD N. M., SKROCHOVICE; good condition
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 7 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. and Reg label, i.a. TŘEBOVICE VE S., POLANKA N. O., SVINOV, ŠTERNBERK, ZÁBŘEH 1, ŠUMPERK 1; good condition
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 8 pcs of letters with provisory cancel., i.a. STARÝ JIČÍN, NOVÝ JIČÍN, KOPŘIVNICE, ŠUMVALD U UNIČOVA, BLUDOV, DLOUHÁ LOUČKA, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10 and 4, part paid/franked cash; good condition
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 letters, mostly Reg and cash paid, off. also commercial correspondence, much with provisory rubber cancel. from SUDET i.a. Broumov, Kněžice, Prácheň, Ostrov near Karlovy Vary, Horní Litvínov , Krásná Lípa by/on/at Rumburka, Marenice, Chabařovice, Vildštejn and oths; 1 x A. Hitler. / Czechoslovak POST (Teplice)
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL POSTMARKS - CZECH LANDS / collection more than 870 pcs of postmarks post from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, cut-squares and cuts sorted on/for cards, supplemented with duplication cut-squares sorted according to districts, placed in 2 boxes; rare collection provisory postmarks!
Pof.353-359, complete set of 1.50K - 20K supplemented with about/by shades as 2 Koruna brown-red, 5 Koruna light grey and black-grey, 6 Koruna light blue, 1,50k light carmine, 20K light blue, several stamp. with plate variety as rings and color points; part light hinged
Pof.354-356, comp. 6 pcs of bloks of four, 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey and light grey and 6 Koruna dark blue and light blue; mint never hinged, production folds in paper, nice selection of