DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.354 plate mark, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four values 2 Koruna, 1x light red s DZ A1, plate C, 1x red s dolním margin with stain from character S through/over white margin between stamp., nice shade!, rare usage and 1x Pof.354a brown-red, pos. C3/7-8 and 4/7-8 incl. plate variety; mint never hinged
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.355Mv(2x4) + RE plate mark, 5 Koruna dark grey, pair horiz. 4-stamp gutters with lower margin with retouch RE plate mark (D); svěží
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.356b plate mark, 6 Koruna light blue, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark A1; mint never hinged, very nice significant shade light blue color
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.356bMv (2x4) + RE plate mark, 6 Koruna light blue, pair horiz. 4-stamp gutters with lower margin with retouch RE plate mark (D); mint never hinged
Pof.354 production flaw, 2 Koruna red, str-of-3 with production flaw 97/C circle before/(in front of) numeral "2", 2x single stamp. with white kroužkem after/behind and on/for čílicí "2"; str-of-3 mint never hinged, single stamp. light hinged
Pof.353 DV+358 plate variety, comp. of 5 plate variety, marginal piece stamp. 1,50 Koruna brown-carmine with significant plate variety 48/1 stain through/over lower frame, value 13 Koruna brown, 1x corner Pr with broken rámečekem in corner plate variety 1, 2/1, the bottom pair with incomplete printing frame L plate variety 118/2; mint never hinged, only minor gum fault in margins
Pof.353, 357 and 358, values 1,50 Koruna, 9K and 13 Koruna, the bottom marginal block-of-4 with rough and mixed pin hole, 1x on/for bottom and 2x on/for upper margin + 2x omitted pin hole and 1x plate flaw; mint never hinged, inserted zvětšené color photo with vyznačenými errors/flaws
Pof.354 production flaw, 2 Koruna red, 1x block of 8 s okrajis DZ A1 plate D, 1x block of four (pos. 1/3-4, 2/3-4) with full offset all 4 stamp. on gum, 1x block of four (pos. 1/7-8, 2/7-8) with incomplete offset on 2 stamp. on gum with production vrásou; mint never hinged, rare usage!
Pof.355 production flaw, 5 Koruna dark grey, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw on pos. 79-80 - oblique light band; lightly hinged in upper pair stamp. outside production flaw
Pof.354-356Mx(4), Malé cross 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey and 6 Koruna light blue - very nice shade; hinged, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 14.900CZK, missing in collections!
Pof.354-356Ms(4), selection of two joined vertical 4-stamp gutter., 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna grey-black (!), 6 Koruna blue; mint never hinged, 5CZK production folds in paper, c.v.. 1.600CZK
Pof.354Ms(4), 2 Koruna red, block 3 vertical 4-stamp gutter with ribbed paper - several vertical šikmých creases through/over all stamp. + 2x plate variety; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of, 1x with plate variety - plamen by/on/at numeral value 2 Koruna, mint never hinged piece with rare plate flaw missing in most collections! + other piece with plate variety - circle after/behind back nohou lion in big state emblem / symbol, which/what is on/for both MS!; mint never hinged, inserted zvětšené color photo
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color values 2 Koruna downward and L-wards to naznačeného perf; mint never hinged, several small dots in gum
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to J. Čtvrtečka, MS pos. 8 according to Pofis), sought combination 211, retouch hints of zářezu in/at tail lion, part RZ-AP2-M1; mint never hinged, also with zvětšená color photo
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4 (according to J. Čtvrtečka, MS pos. 9 according to Pofis), sought combination 221, circle before/(in front of) value 5 in stamp. 5 Koruna; mint never hinged, also with zvětšená color photo
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set 15 MS pos., on/for AP9 - large incomplete-printing by/on/at numeral value 5 Koruna; all mint never hinged, marked by pencil
PLATE PROOF lithography předlohy stamp design "PŘILBA" 2 Koruna from of author LeaGajdzici on/for stronger paper without gum in red color, background with value and emblem, format 54x73mm; see Kassay-Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps, page. 33 and 39
PLATE PROOF lithography předlohy stamp design "PŘILBA" 5 Koruna from of author LeaGajdzici on/for stronger paper without gum in/at violet-black color, full background, format 54x73mm; see Kassay-Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps, page. 33 and 39
1945 two censored entires addressed to to Bratislava paid/franked stamp. 2 Koruna, 1x postcard with CDS PREŠOV 1/ 15.VI.45 and 1x letter with hand-made cancellation SOLIVAR and date-stamp 28.VI.1945; sound condition
1945 R+Ex letter franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna, CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES/ 13.X.45, arrival TÁBOR 1/ 16.X.45 on reverse; envelope R light cut, otherwise sound condition
1945 Reg letter to Bratislava franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna, hand obliteration "LIPIANY + 23/VII 1945; interesting, minor faults - very vyšisované margins
1945 comp. 4 pcs of cut-squares with stamp. 2 Koruna red with whole postmarks, violet round cancel. POST ÚRAD (off.) LUBICA, line black HUMENNÉ, 2-kruhová CDS DOBŠINÁ with whole broken out Czechoslovak Post and VELKÁ LOMNICA with broken out "Č" in/at Czechoslovak Post
1946 philatelically influenced Registered and Express letter to Holic, franked with. i.a. vertical 4-stamps. gutter values 2 Koruna red, Pof354Ms(4), incl. certificate of mailing, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.II.46, on reverse arrival HOLICE V Č. 14.II.46; good condition
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 7 pcs of with interesting production errors/flaws, 1x shift red L-wards, 1x shift red transport, red light also dark, 3x rings in/at grey-black barvě:bobeček, after/behind komínem, after/behind 5; all mint never hinged, zvětšená color photo also with
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. 9 pcs of, every s rozměřovací or soutiskovou mark v rohu or lower in the middle; mint never hinged, zvětšená color photo also with
1945 COUNTER SHEET / BRATISLAVA-ISSUE / Pof.363-371, 50h - 10K, complete set of 200 pcs of counter sheet, 10K with joined type (types combination mint never hinged) + complete set of 100 pcs of counter sheet 50h-6K; sheet mainly folded on/for middle, part sheets spots, after all interesting, only Pof.371 ST c.v.. 1.700CZK
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.373, 374, 375, Linden Leaves, comp. 9 pcs of complete sheets of 100, value 30h brown 5x, value 50h green and 60h blue after/around 2 pcs.; only folded in perforation, mint never hinged
1945UNISSUED / Pof.373N-374N, Linden Leaves 30h and 50h in/at NEZOUBKOVANÝCH blocks of four with upper margin; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., in blocks of four rare occurrence, missing also in big collections!
1945 Pof.380 production flaw, Linden Leaves 5Kčs grey-green, horizontal pair with upper margin with horiz. stroke perf above L stamp.; mint never hinged, unusual
1945Pof.381 production flaw, Moscow 5h violet, right the bottom vertical strip of 3 with 1x omitted horiz. perf between stamps!; mint never hinged, rare, quite exceptional offer!
1945 Pof.381 production flaw, Moscow 5h violet, vertical strip of 3 with upper margin, NASTAVENÝ paper in/at upper stamp; mint never hinged, rare occurrence on this value!
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow, selection of 22 pcs of marginal block-of-4 all values, with SOUTISKOVÝMIKŘÍŽKY in margins from various plate; all mint never hinged, placed on card A4