1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 11 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, i.a. double C.O.D. order with imprinted stamp, 2x single dispatch-note (from that 1 pcs of with supplemental 50h revenue), telegraph order, 2x customs certificate etc..; all very fine
1945TELEGRAM / Slovak telegram with počkaným account, same arrangement as CZÚ4C, but place printed stmp Slovak state coat of arms, red hand overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO through/over Slovak emblem, incl. potvrdenky; only vertical fold
1935-1939[COLLECTIONS] SPECIMENS FOR ŽIVNOSTENSKÉPÍSEMNOSTI / set training forms Expert živnostensképokračovací school, contains cvičné envelope/-s, printed-matters, blank form/-s, dispatch-note, freight letters for railroad, telegrams etc.., i.a. 1x with cvičnou stamp., 1x cvičný revenue, 1x money letter etc..; in good condition condition, very interesting!
1946-1960 [COLLECTIONS] rare selection of more than 40 pcs of decorative telegrams, various issue and formats + 13 pcs of envelopes; overall good condition, rare usage!
1945 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES / comp. 12 pcs of Un dispatch notes Slovak Rep. with imprinted revenue 50h or 1Ks, all with hand-made or machine overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, from that 5 pcs of double p.stat, 5 pcs of with additionally printed doplňovacím revenue 50h in red color; interesting selection of, rare occurrence, sound condition
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 109ks PC CDV73 - CDV223, production defects, plate variety, shifts, various color, papers etc..; part used, Us, placed in big 15 sheet stockbook, including detailed list/roster supplier
1955-1988 [COLLECTIONS] CELINOVÉ ENVELOPES A DOPISNICE / collection of ca. 80 pcs of mainly postal stationery covers, larger part Us, balonové and helicopter flights, supplemented with PC with added-print, aerograms, commemorative postmarks etc..; good condition, high catalogue value
1945-1969 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / incomplete basic collection on hingeless sheets Pofis in 2 perových cover, supplemented with souvenir sheets, coupons, types and varieties; mainly mint never hinged, on/for part/-s sheets nekvalitnídiofán - several stamp. damaged
1945-1969 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / mainly complete basic collection in/at 1 stockbook Pofis, incl. miniature sheets and coupons, supplemented with duplication in 2 other stockbooks, much also better sets more times, incl. small collection used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on free sheets; mainly mint never hinged
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection with mild specialisation / two collection in/at one - unused and razítkovné stamps, coupons, souvenir sheets and PB, all on stovkách album sheets in glassine envelopes, contains much interesting item/-s, supplemented with several entires and first day sheets; various quality, through/over 20kg of material, placed in box IKEA, from estate from abroad, ATTENTION, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection in 24-stránkovém stockbook, plate variety, shades, types, varieties papers, inverted harrow perforation etc.., all described, contains also own výzkum (for example. on issue Official II), v převážné major part mint never hinged, several items used or on entires, only catalogue item/-s 22.725 CZK, cheaply offered, k tomu in addition two office paper crease s bloky and parts sheet both issues Official to research
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / more/larger nice accumulation stamp., coupons, miniature sheets and PB, contains i.a. 43 pcs of Košice miniature sheets all types (1x used, 2x with label), lot of stamp. and blocks with plate variety, plate variety, types and joined types, production flaw, different papers, color shades,; mainly mint never hinged, placed in 6 big older stockbooks, supplemented with podrobnýmsoupisem supplier
1967-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / selection of different shades, plate variety, production flaw and shifts on/for blocks of four printed ocelotiskemz plochých plates v osmistránkovém stockbook, total 29 PB (one used); all described, interesting and unusual kolekce
1978-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / selection of date print on 7 cards A4 two-sided, total 232 various date (also several various date on/for same stamp), contains much date z poštovního transport, incl. sought reprints, for example. Pof.2111, Emblémy 30h z 5.VI.78 with zřídka occurring thin/light mark TÚS (Technical Services), Pof.2500, Svazarm 1Kčs, surplus print z 25.V.81, Pof.2847, Fontány 1Kčs, 2. surplus print 30.VIII.88 (last day print stamps), Pof.2922, T. G. Masaryk 50h, 2. surplus print z WIFAGu 2 z 25.I.90 (plus two date from basic print on/for WIFAGu3), Pof.2930, Zahradní flowers 50h, surplus print z 24.X.89 (with close margin!) and Pofis. 3013, World Championship in table tennis 1 Koruna, surplus print z 21.V.92; very unusual sestava
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / production flaw / plate variety / selection date print, plate and production flaws, varieties, blocks etc.. in/at full stockbook A4 with descriptions, in addition supplemented with about/by several better miniature sheets, as "linen" (minor faults), Bratislav´52, Prague 1955 etc..; we advice viewings
1957-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / v blocíchve 32-stránkovém superb stockbook, total 260 date (incl. 9 date reprints postage stmp), k tomu free 9 rozpůlených and 5 used, contains very nice kolekci date z 2. middle 60. years (on issue Indians also various date on/for same stamp) and some matters of interest (described plate variety, omitted perforation hole, by/on/at Pof.2991, Flowers 2 Koruna omitted perforation hole also MPO, by/on/at 2992 Flowers 5 Koruna rare omitted perforation hole apod.); cat. only single stamps and flaws 5.120 CZK, like that price much more/larger
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / 4-BLOKY / interesting selection mainly bloks of four from sought years 1945- 1953 (part with dates of print), supplemented with i.a. about/by blk-of-10 Butterflies 10h, 3 pcs of PB I. art, London MS etc.. and blocks of four and blocks 70. and 80. years, part/-s archoviny, bands and black prints; placed in two stockbooks A4 and small little-box, mainly good quality, as multiple interesting!
1967-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / accumulation / accumulation several hundreds PB in/at filled smaller box, complete set, all more times (without Art I.); mainly nice quality, suitable to other elaboration, high catalogue value!
[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / SKART / in/at filled IKEA box in/at envelopes and little-boxes, in addition small/rare addition abroad; through/over 15kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly cancel. stamps in choice books, pages, detached/free in/at little-boxes and paper bags etc.., contains i.a. set cancel. PB etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by krabičku with neupotřebenými stamp. (PB, several miniature sheets) etc..; estate of dealer, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamps and miniature sheets in/at filled little-box, contains set bloks of four (part with dates of print), multiblocks, several blk-of-10 Mushrooms 1989 etc.., prevail 70. and 80. years; mainly good quality, suitable to other elaboration
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ZÁSOBA / stamps, miniature sheets and printing sheets v luxusním60-stránkovém stockbook;, c.v.. 11.175Kč, suitable k dalšímu sale
1946-1988 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 70 pcs of various letters, larger part unofficial envelope/-s 1. of day, neohlášené envelope/-s, special prints, added-print on/for envelopes with postmarks special postmark, several letters franked with. souvenir sheets as Zápotocký, PRAGA 55 etc.., part philatelically motivated mailing; good condition
1986-1988 [COLLECTIONS] FOREIGN DISPATCH-NOTES / selection of 130 pcs of foreign dispatch notes from mailing addressed to Czechoslovakia, delivering fee was/were paid by usage Czechosl. stamps various issues, mainly Vernacular Architecture, postmark Slovak post, placed in transparent covers A5 in spiral folder