Public Auction 66 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Postal Stationery CZE 1945-1992

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229298 - 1946 VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / Slovak international post card 1,
1946 VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / Slovak international post card 1,50 Koruna Hlinka red, CDV6 with hand-made overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO in violet color, addressed to to Bratislava, provisional single circle rubber hand stamp POST ÚRAD (off.)/ STROPKOV/ b, supplemented with date-stamp 16.II.1946; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
227382 - 1945 CDV73Pa + CDV73, comp. 6 pcs of košických PC, 1x CDV7
1945 CDV73Pa + CDV73, comp. 6 pcs of košických PC, 1x CDV73Pa yellow sent as Reg to Bohemia, uprated by. 2 pcs of košických stamp. 2 Koruna red, CDS KOŠICE 15.V.45 (glued corner) + 5 Koruna CDV73 green, from that 2 pcs of Us with posting CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES and PREŠOV; good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
227388 - 1945 CDV VI, CDV77, CDV79/18, CDV80 I. + II., CDV81/ 2, 33,
1945 CDV VI, CDV77, CDV79/18, CDV80 I. + II., CDV81/ 2, 33, 34, CZL4, CPL5, CPA2.3, comp. 14 pcs of Un Slovak PC, letter-card, certificate of mailing and whole post. order sheet, all with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO; good condition, c.v.. ca. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
227386 - 1945 CDV77, CDV80/I, CDV81/11, CDV82/I+II, CDV VI, CDV VII,
1945 CDV77, CDV80/I, CDV81/11, CDV82/I+II, CDV VI, CDV VII, comp. 9 pcs of Slovak PC with strojím also hand-made overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, 1x pictorial PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna sent as Reg i.a. uprated by. košickou stamp. 2 Koruna, 1x Tiso 70h sent as Reg and Express, other 2 pcs of uprated by. PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, I and II. part from double sent to Hungary etc.., supplemented with 3 pcs of larger parts Slovak post. dispatch-note; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
229300 - 1945 CDV79/1-18, complete set Slovak pictorial post cards 1K
1945 CDV79/1-18, complete set Slovak pictorial post cards 1Ks Rázus, CDV13, No.16 minor faults - stain in L bottom corner, No.18 used, other Un + CDV80, international post card 1Ks Rázus, 2 pcs of, I. and part II - both detached; all 20 pcs of with oblique red overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO; as multiple nice
Starting price: CZK
227783 - 1946-1969 CDV85, CDV121, CDV150, CZA2, comp. 4 pcs of Us p.s
1946-1969 CDV85, CDV121, CDV150, CZA2, comp. 4 pcs of Us p.stat, contains double in both directions Us PC Beneš 2x 1,20Kčs and Zápotocký 2x 30h - uprated by. and to Belgium + Us PC Novotný 30h with significant shift cut and uprated.. letter-card 60h to Nizozemí; good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
224048 - 1952 CDV108/1-6, Aleš; complete set of 6 pcs of pictorial p
1952 CDV108/1-6, Aleš; complete set of 6 pcs of pictorial post cards on yellow paper; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224049 - 1953 CDV110/1-6, Sunday Sale, complete set of 6 pcs of picto
1953 CDV110/1-6, Sunday Sale, complete set of 6 pcs of pictorial post cards, yellow paper; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
224056 - 1953 CDV116/1, 2, 4, 6 Public Transport, comp. 4 pcs of pict
1953 CDV116/1, 2, 4, 6 Public Transport, comp. 4 pcs of pictorial post cards; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224055 - 1953 CDV117/1-9, Restaurants and Inland Trade, comp. 8 pcs o
1953 CDV117/1-9, Restaurants and Inland Trade, comp. 8 pcs of pictorial post cards, missing only No. 9, all yellow-brown paper; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224052 - 1956 CDV128/1, 3-6, II. meeting of tourists Czechoslovakia,
1956 CDV128/1, 3-6, II. meeting of tourists Czechoslovakia, comp. 5 pcs of Un pictorial post cards, without No.2, all with CDS PRAGUE; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224057 - 1956 CDV130/1-16, Zoo Prague; favourite complete set of Un p
1956 CDV130/1-16, Zoo Prague; favourite complete set of Un pictorial post cards, all with special postmark PRAGUE/ Postal stmp in/at part Max Švabinský/ 5.I.64; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224058 - 1957 CDV133/1-4, III. meeting of tourists, complete set Un p
1957 CDV133/1-4, III. meeting of tourists, complete set Un pictorial post cards with CDS PRAGUE, in addition CDV134/5, 6, 7, 8, Vrátna Valley with special postmark MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), on reverse mounted Czechosl. stmp 30h with sporting motive and with same special postmark as on face-side; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
229688 - 1945 CPA2.2B + CPA2.2B, comp. 2 pcs of Slovak příkazních
1945 CPA2.2B + CPA2.2B, comp. 2 pcs of Slovak příkazních sheets CPH2 and CPH3, both with hand-made overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO through/over imprinted stamp. 50h Hlinka; both in perforation folded, good condition, c.v.. 3.700CZK
Starting price: CZK
229685 - 1945-1975 stationery CPV14b, 23, 26a, 26c, 26e, 31b, 32a, 32
1945-1975 stationery CPV14b, 23, 26a, 26c, 26e, 31b, 32a, 32c, 32f, 34, 35 and 38, comp. 12 pcs of various Un postal order cards; good condition, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
227389 - 1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 11 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank fo
1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 11 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, i.a. double C.O.D. order with imprinted stamp, 2x single dispatch-note (from that 1 pcs of with supplemental 50h revenue), telegraph order, 2x customs certificate etc..; all very fine
Starting price: CZK
227359 - 1945 TELEGRAM / Slovak telegram with počkaným account, sam
1945 TELEGRAM / Slovak telegram with počkaným account, same arrangement as CZÚ4C, but place printed stmp Slovak state coat of arms, red hand overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO through/over Slovak emblem, incl. potvrdenky; only vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
228528 - 1945 VYFRANKOVANÝ TELEGRAM /  Bohemian and Moravian telegra
1945 VYFRANKOVANÝ TELEGRAM / Bohemian and Moravian telegram form with issue Linden Leaves, Pof.380 4x, 378 2x, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 15/ 14.XI.45, good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
1935-1939 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIMENS FOR ŽIVNOSTENSKÉ PÍSEMNOSTI / set training forms Expert živnostenské pokračovací school, contains cvičné envelope/-s, printed-matters, blank form/-s, dispatch-note, freight letters for railroad, telegrams etc.., i.a. 1x with cvičnou stamp., 1x cvičný revenue, 1x money letter etc..; in good condition condition, very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
227504 - 1946-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  rare selection of more than 40 pcs
1946-1960 [COLLECTIONS] rare selection of more than 40 pcs of decorative telegrams, various issue and formats + 13 pcs of envelopes; overall good condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
229647 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  DISPATCH NOTES / comp. 12 pcs of Un disp
1945 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES / comp. 12 pcs of Un dispatch notes Slovak Rep. with imprinted revenue 50h or 1Ks, all with hand-made or machine overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, from that 5 pcs of double p.stat, 5 pcs of with additionally printed doplňovacím revenue 50h in red color; interesting selection of, rare occurrence, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
226760 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 109ks PC CDV73 - CDV22
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 109ks PC CDV73 - CDV223, production defects, plate variety, shifts, various color, papers etc..; part used, Us, placed in big 15 sheet stockbook, including detailed list/roster supplier
Starting price: CZK
1955-1988 [COLLECTIONS] CELINOVÉ ENVELOPES A DOPISNICE / collection of ca. 80 pcs of mainly postal stationery covers, larger part Us, balonové and helicopter flights, supplemented with PC with added-print, aerograms, commemorative postmarks etc..; good condition, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK