Public Auction 66 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Postage stamps 1953-1992

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228912 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1565, Ostrava 60h, print original grav
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1565, Ostrava 60h, print original gravure in/at carmine color on white paper without gum; very fine, rare occurrence PLATE PROOF postage stmp!
Starting price: CZK
228668 - 1966 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1570 ST, Hare 80h, complete 50 pcs
1966 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1570 ST, Hare 80h, complete 50 pcs of print sheet, 5x ST I+II+I and 5x I. + II.; mint never hinged, 2x vertical folded in perforation, on/for upper margin notice by ballpoint, overall very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
229125 - 1966 Pof.1570ST inverted comb perforation, Hare 80h, lower c
1966 Pof.1570ST inverted comb perforation, Hare 80h, lower corner blok of 4 with margin counter sheet, with joined types and with comb perf progressing from below up; mint never hinged, exp. Aksamit
Starting price: CZK
229126 - 1966 Pof.1572 inverted comb perforation, Bear 1,20Kčs, bloc
1966 Pof.1572 inverted comb perforation, Bear 1,20Kčs, block of four with conversely progressing comb perforation L to R; mint never hinged, exp. Aksamit
Starting price: CZK
223871 - 1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, Art I., complete set PB; very fine
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, Art I., complete set PB; very fine
Starting price: CZK
227534 - 1967 Pof.PL1574-1578, Art I., complete set PB; very fine
1967 Pof.PL1574-1578, Art I., complete set PB; very fine
Starting price: CZK
228921 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  miniature sheet Pof.A1613, Prague castle 5
1967 PLATE PROOF miniature sheet Pof.A1613, Prague castle 5Kčs, print definitive gravure, stamp. in original colors and additional printing in/at black place golden color, on white paper without gum with wide margin, at top hints of otvorech from letter file/-s; very fine, rare and sought plate proof miniature sheet!
Starting price: CZK
228932 - 1968 UNISSUED / XIV. Congress of Communists 30h and 60h; sup
1968 UNISSUED / XIV. Congress of Communists 30h and 60h; superb, c.v.. significantly misvalues, missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
229927 - 1969 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1780-1782, Tatra National Park, who
1969 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1780-1782, Tatra National Park, whole sheets with coupons, in addition Pof.1780 with plate variety 3/1 - path in/at printings mountains; mint never hinged, small folds in margins
Starting price: CZK
227936 - 1969 Pof.1809, Svoboda 1Kčs, shade b) light red as blk-of-4
1969 Pof.1809, Svoboda 1Kčs, shade b) light red as blk-of-4 s dolním margin s DO 91/1 (missing L margin), k tomu 4 pcs of bloks of four common shades a), c) an der) and of other shade, often v sestavách vydávaného after/behind rare shade, výjimečné
Starting price: CZK
227582 - 1970 Pof.1824II, Lada 1Kčs dark-blue, type II.; mint never
1970 Pof.1824II, Lada 1Kčs dark-blue, type II.; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
228671 - 1970 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1827-1828, Lenin 30h and 60, comple
1970 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1827-1828, Lenin 30h and 60, complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, value 60h with plate variety 49/1 with date of print 31.III.70; only 1x horiz. folded in perforation, very nice quality, in/at complete sheets rare usage
Starting price: CZK
228942 - 1970 NÁVRH / on/for nepřijatou stamp. issue Art - John Str
1970 NÁVRH / on/for nepřijatou stamp. issue Art - John Strniště from Jablonného - Iniciála 1410, National Museum Prague, author M. Ondráček, original printing temperou in size stamps (40x50mm), paste-in in corners in/at předkládací passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
226798 - 1971-1981 Pof.1879-1883, Vernacular Architecture, comp. 12 p
1971-1981 Pof.1879-1883, Vernacular Architecture, comp. 12 pcs of bloks of four mainly with dates of print, value 3,60Kčs paper -bp- with date 12.II.71 + blocks of four on paper -oz- and -fl1-, value 6Kčs - marginal block-of-4 with date 24.II.71 and 31.V.72 on paper -bp-, value 9Kčs - marginal block-of-4 with date 23.III.71 and 12.VII.71 on paper -bp-, value 10Kčs - marginal block-of-4 with date 2.V.72 and 19.V.72 on paper -bp-, value 14Kčs - marginal block-of-4 with date 31.V.71, value 20Kčs 2x marginal block-of-4 with date 13.VII.72; mint never hinged, without disturbed fluorescence
Starting price: CZK
229171 - 1971 PLATE PROOF  plate proof stamp. Art - A. Dürer 2,40Kč
1971 PLATE PROOF plate proof stamp. Art - A. Dürer 2,40Kčs, Pof.1926, larger format 49x62mm, without value - is evidently about/by engraving zkoušku other engraver for uvažovaný advertising print; good condition, exp. by Karasek., interesting
Starting price: CZK
228939 - 1972 Pof.1945 same facing gutter, I. Czechosl. batt./guidon
1972 Pof.1945 same facing gutter, I. Czechosl. batt./guidon in USSR, vertical 2-stamps gutter with L margin; mint never hinged, lower ordinary cut perf, very rare unissued gutter, is known only 10 pcs of, first-time in/at our auction!
Starting price: CZK
228860 - 788 NÁVRH / on stmp issue Physical training and sport - Emi
788 NÁVRH / on stmp issue Physical training and sport - Emil Zátopek, Pof.788, printing by Indian ink 30h stamp. in/at other the shape of from of author M. Strettiho, without signature with remark Značka "Obrana" b1, size printings 14x18cm
Starting price: CZK
226794 - 1972-1976 Pof.1964xa+xb+yb, Vernacular Architecture 5 Koruna
1972-1976 Pof.1964xa+xb+yb, Vernacular Architecture 5 Koruna, comp. 3 pcs of blocks, 1x marginal blk-of-10 on paper -fl2-, block of four with L margin with date of print 5.V.72 on paper -bp-, marginal block-of-4 with date of print 11.XI.76 on paper -oz-; mint never hinged, without disturbed fluorescence
Starting price: CZK
226793 - 1972-1979 Pof.1966xa+xb+ya, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, c
1972-1979 Pof.1966xa+xb+ya, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four and 1 pcs of block of 8, 1x LR corner blk-of-4 with significant shift red color paper -fl1-, L the bottom corner blk-of-8 with date of print 25.IX.79 paper -fl1-, block of four with lower margin and date of print 8.VIII.72 paper -bp-, 1x block of four on paper -oz-; all mint never hinged, without disturbed fluorescence
Starting price: CZK
228672 - 1972 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1985a, c, Equestrianism 30h, 2x com
1972 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1985a, c, Equestrianism 30h, 2x complete 25 pcs of counter sheet - 1x in rare dark yellow color (with date of print 3.VIII.72) + ochre with date of print 31.VII.72, both printing form A, cat. min. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
229890 - 1973 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2010, Czechosl. tennis 30h, complet
1973 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2010, Czechosl. tennis 30h, complete 50 pcs of sheet A with significant shifted perforation, nejvíc vertical in R part sheet (through/over name/-s authors); vertical gently folded in perforation, catalogue for the present doesn't report
Starting price: CZK
226151 - 1973 Pof.PL2030 production flaw, Prague castle 3Kčs, PB wit
1973 Pof.PL2030 production flaw, Prague castle 3Kčs, PB with shift violet color L-wards, nejzřetelnější on pos. 3 - outline nohou horses; interesting, including common PB
Starting price: CZK
229896 - 1973 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2042-2047, Lovečtí dogs, 6 comple
1973 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2042-2047, Lovečtí dogs, 6 complete sheets (missing value 1 Kčs): 20h, sheet B (22.VI.); 30h, sheet A (3.VII.) and B (5.VII.); 40h, sheet A (26.VII.); 60h, sheet A (19.VII.); 1,60 Koruna, sheet B (14.VIII.)
Starting price: CZK
228977 - 1973 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2059, Veverská madona 3,60CZK, color
1973 PLATE PROOF Pof.2059, Veverská madona 3,60CZK, color print definitive gravure on/for white carton with wide margin, signed J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
227969 - 1974 Pof.2061, 5. anniv of federation 30h, selection of date
1974 Pof.2061, 5. anniv of federation 30h, selection of date print 1. reprint on/for typewriter WIFAG2!! (8.II.74 v 8-bloku) and other two reprints divided print revenues on/for typewriter WIFAG1, z toho 21.II.74 (other day print on/for this stroji!!) v 30-pásu and 8.V.74, both dark blue); dotisky nesehnatelné, two from date first-time v jakékoli auction
Starting price: CZK
228989 - 1974 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2089, Musical instruments 1,60Kčs, pr
1974 PLATE PROOF Pof.2089, Musical instruments 1,60Kčs, proof master die in black color on carton paper with wide margin - print complete folder, signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
227973 - 1974 Pof.2106b, 100. Anniv UPU 60h, blk-of-15 in violet colo
1974 Pof.2106b, 100. Anniv UPU 60h, blk-of-15 in violet color s datem 26.IX.74 and sheet number, cat. only single stamps 1.050 CZK, like that much vyšší
Starting price: CZK
228990 - 1974 Pof.2113xa production flaw No.1, Postal emblems 60h, ma
1974 Pof.2113xa production flaw No.1, Postal emblems 60h, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw 1 - omitted yellow and red color, fluorescing paper 1; mint never hinged, intact fluorescence, exp. by Sablatura
Starting price: CZK
226775 - 1975 PLATE PROOF  stamps from unissued miniature sheet L. Sv
1975 PLATE PROOF stamps from unissued miniature sheet L. Svoboda with presidential standartou, joined printing gravures all colors, PLATE PROOF on chalky paper about/by size 57x71mm, paste-in in big passe-partout, from history origin this miniature sheet is known, that in/at day 80. birthday already nebyl L. Svoboda president and miniature sheet was/were přepracován, whole printing to on/for výjimky was/were skartován; this piece from estate engraver miniature sheet L. Jirky, quite rare and rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
229021 - 1975 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2165, Husák 30h blue, print definitiv
1975 PLATE PROOF Pof.2165, Husák 30h blue, print definitive gravure in blue color, on/for strong white carton in/at miniature sheet arrangement, with signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
229023 - 1975 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2165, Husák 30h, print nedokončené
1975 PLATE PROOF Pof.2165, Husák 30h, print nedokončené gravure without numeral value in/at grey-blue color, on/for strong white carton in/at miniature sheet arrangement, with signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
229019 - 1975 AUTOGRAF / PLATE PROOF  Pof.2166, Husák 60h red, print
1975 AUTOGRAF / PLATE PROOF Pof.2166, Husák 60h red, print definitive gravure on/for big white carton with autografem Czechosl. president G. Husák; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228995 - 1976 Pof.2184 production flaw, Lexa 60h, printing flaw - sig
1976 Pof.2184 production flaw, Lexa 60h, printing flaw - significant brown vertical band through/over larger part stamp. picture; mint never hinged, rare
Starting price: CZK
229016 - 1976 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2185, Krasko 60h, plnobarvený print d
1976 PLATE PROOF Pof.2185, Krasko 60h, plnobarvený print definitive gravure on stamp paper with gum in/at miniature sheet arrangement with archivačními holes in upper margin, signed J. Herčík; mint never hinged, very fine
Starting price: CZK
229011 - 1976 Pof.2196 production flaw, 50 years Symfonického orches
1976 Pof.2196 production flaw, 50 years Symfonického orchestru Czechosl. broadcast 20h, LR corner piece with production flaw - joined paper; rare and sought production defect!
Starting price: CZK
229025 - 1976 NÁVRH / přepracovaný refused stamp design 30 years A
1976 NÁVRH / přepracovaný refused stamp design 30 years AMU, Pof.2197, from of author of Cyril Bouda., colored drawing by Indian ink, signed C. Bouda, size 14x18cm; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229009 - 1977 Pof.2241 production flaw, Historical window 30h, margin
1977 Pof.2241 production flaw, Historical window 30h, marginal block-of-4 with KUPONY from nerozříznutého gutter with shifted perforation; mint never hinged, with coupons rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
221844 - 1977 Pof.2253, 2255 plate variety, Postal Uniforms, comp. of
1977 Pof.2253, 2255 plate variety, Postal Uniforms, comp. of 4 various plate variety, value 60h in horiz. pair with margin with plate variety 31, 32/2, value 2Kčs with plate variety 18 and 24/1; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
229935 - 1978 Pof.A2294, miniature sheet 30. Anniv of February 48, co
1978 Pof.A2294, miniature sheet 30. Anniv of February 48, complete set 12 pcs of MS pos.; all mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
224324 - 1977 COUNTER SHEET / Pofis. 2296-2297, Common Space Flight 3
1977 COUNTER SHEET / Pofis. 2296-2297, Common Space Flight 30h and 3,60 Koruna, both field B with all catalogue errors/flaws, sheet 3,60 Koruna very zřídka vídaný
Starting price: CZK
228687 - 1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296, Common Space Flight USSR - Cz
1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296, Common Space Flight USSR - Czechoslovakia 30h, selection of two complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, plate 1 and 2 with appropriate plate variety; overall fine
Starting price: CZK
228688 - 1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296VV, Common Space Flight 30h, co
1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296VV, Common Space Flight 30h, complete 50 pcs of counter sheet with production flaw - significant shift blue color (inscription) L through/over frame, plate 1 with plate variety 1/1 and plate variety 8/1, date of print 11.XI.77; overall fine, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
228667 - 1978 DATA TISKU / Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, horiz. 10-PÁS with
1978 DATA TISKU / Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, horiz. 10-PÁS with upper margin with date of print 2.II.78, paper -fl1-; stamps in margin intact luminiscence, other partially strávená
Starting price: CZK
228665 - 1978 Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, paper -fl1-; mint never hinged,
1978 Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, paper -fl1-; mint never hinged, intact luminiscence
Starting price: CZK
221841 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2307, 70 years pozemního hokeje, prin
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2307, 70 years pozemního hokeje, print definitive gravure in black color on paper without gum; exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
229392 - 1978 Pof.2330 plate variety, New Prague 1Kčs, with double r
1978 Pof.2330 plate variety, New Prague 1Kčs, with double roll embossing "footway" on pos. 36/1; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
221870 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2353, Slovak Pottery 1Kčs, proof mast
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2353, Slovak Pottery 1Kčs, proof master die in black color on/for chalky carton
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
228684 - 1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2359xb, Intercosmos 30h, selection
1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2359xb, Intercosmos 30h, selection of two complete 25 pcs of counter sheet on paper -oz-, 1x with plate variety 14/2, both with date of print 28.XII.78; very fine, c.v.. 5.000Kč++
Starting price: CZK
229210 - 1979-1990 SELECTION of / čtyř expressive matters of intere
1979-1990 SELECTION of / čtyř expressive matters of interest: Pof.2373, Symfonický orchestra 30h, horizontal pair s výrazným shift golden (quite zdeformovaný inscription, rare); Pof.2433, Cosmos 5Kčs, shift blue downward (with margin s částí date); Pof.2497, Loutkářská Chrudim 2Kčs, light red (common) and dark red (only very small part of day 10.IV., still unpublished, very significant odstín!!, in addition s posunem blue R); Pof.2956, Nature Protection 1 Koruna, significant shift ochre downward!! (with date 7.VI.90); very interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
228685 - 1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2394, Historical Bicycles 40h, comp
1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2394, Historical Bicycles 40h, comp. 4 pcs of complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, printing form A+B with dates of print 5.VI.78 and 8.VI.79; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
227931 - 1979 Pof.2399yb plate variety, Coil 1Kčs black-brown, horiz
1979 Pof.2399yb plate variety, Coil 1Kčs black-brown, horizontal pair, paper -fl2-, plate variety - significant stain in character N, stmp s DV s pořadovým number (only every desátá s DV); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
227972 - 1979 Pof.2400-2404, Historical Clocks, set in/at complete ar
1979 Pof.2400-2404, Historical Clocks, set in/at complete arších: 40h, fluorescing paper 1! (2400ya), sheet A (15.VIII.); 60h, sheet A (21.VI.); 80h, sheet B (27.VII.); 1 Koruna, sheet B (22.VIII.); 2 Koruna, sheet B (6.VIII.)
Starting price: CZK
228682 - 1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h with up
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h with upper margin, significant shifted perforation downward to picture of stmp, lower upper frame from lower stamps; decorative!
Starting price: CZK
228677 - 1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertic
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps, in addition with plate variety 8/1 "pavučina"; decorative multiple, sought!
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
227930 - 1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, signif
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, significant shifted perforation downward to picture of stmp, lower upper frame from lower stamps; decorative
Starting price: CZK
221940 - 1979 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2412, Day Czechosl. stamps 1Kčs, proo
1979 PLATE PROOF Pof.2412, Day Czechosl. stamps 1Kčs, proof master die in black color, on/for chalky carton greater format; without defects
Starting price: CZK
221942 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2424, Kunštát 50h, proof master die
1980 PLATE PROOF Pof.2424, Kunštát 50h, proof master die in black color on/for chalky carton greater size, signed J. Herčík; without defects
Starting price: CZK
221914 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  Pof.A2434, miniature sheet Intercosmos 10K
1980 PLATE PROOF Pof.A2434, miniature sheet Intercosmos 10Kčs, proof print nedokončené gravure miniature sheet in/at definitive colors, on/for chalky carton greater size, signed J. Herčík; in lower margin filling holes
Starting price: CZK
221910 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2440, Anniv contract/-s Czechoslovakia
1980 PLATE PROOF Pof.2440, Anniv contract/-s Czechoslovakia - USSR 1Kčs, proof print unfinished gravure in black color on/for larger chalky paper; without defects
Starting price: CZK
221969 - 1981 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2483-2484, XIV. Congress of Communists
1981 PLATE PROOF Pof.2483-2484, XIV. Congress of Communists 50h and 1Kčs, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print definitive gravure in/at blue (50h) and brown (1Kčs) color, on chalky paper greater size without gum and perf; very fine
Starting price: CZK