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1964 CARPENTER Scott (1925-2013), American astronaut; whole signature on FDC, very fine U:A5
1964 COOPER Gordon (1927-2004) + Wally Schirra (1923-2007), američtí astronauts; signatures on/for FDC, very fine, sought U:A5
1962 GLENN John Herschel Jr. (1921-2016), slavný American astronaut, signature on FDC with dedication; rare U:A5
1978 REMEK Vladimír (1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut, 2x signature - 1x on/for Soviet FDC + 1x on Ppc; very fine U:A5
1984 REMEK Vladimír (1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut, 2x signature on FDC; very fine U:A5
1961 SOVIET UNION/ GAGARIN Jurij (1934-1968), Soviet astronaut, the first person in space, in boat Vostok 1 obletěl in 1961 Zemi; autograph on FDC "J.A. Gagarin in Prague 1961"; very fine, exceedingly rare and sought, originates from important collection! U:A5
1961-1965 SOVIET UNION/ comp. of 7 letters with signatures astronauts Titov, Beljajev, Leonov, Beregovoj, Nikolajev, Popovič, Feoktistov + supplemented with about/by two portrait card without signature; interesting and sought U:A5
1963 SOVIET UNION/ TĚREŠKOVOVÁ Valentina (* 1937), Soviet kosmonautka, the first woman in space; signature on FDC U:A5