Public Auction 66 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Philatelic Domains / FDC

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227619 - 1946 FORERUNNER ENVELOPES FDC /  Brno 1946, envelope with bl
1946 FORERUNNER ENVELOPES FDC / Brno 1946, envelope with blue additional-printing and red text, mounted stamp. Brno Pofis. 438 2x, miniature sheet Pof.A437, on reverse stamp. Pof.413, all with special postmark first of day BRNO/ 3.VIII.1946 / National exhibition of stamps, minor faults - stamp. with light zahnědnutím in perforation + supplemented with obdobou envelope, but with additional-printing also text in blue color, sent as Reg with special postmark from 13.VIII.1946, incl. certificate of mailing, (envelope open from two sides)
Starting price: CZK
229902 - 1948 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION / envelope V A/48 with blue print
1948 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION / envelope V A/48 with blue printings Hradčany, stamp. Pof.475, 477, red special postmark, without signature minister; very fine
Starting price: CZK
229160 - 1946 MINISTERSKÉ /  FDC M A/46, Hradčany - black-violet, o
1946 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M A/46, Hradčany - black-violet, on reverse unnumbered, sent as Registered in the place, mounted stamp. Pof.443-446, red special postmark PRAGUE 29 NS/ 28.X.46, Reg label No. 339, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 29.X46 on reverse; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229903 - 1947 MINISTERSKÉ /  FDC M 6/47, Moyses, mounted stamp. Pof.
1947 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M 6/47, Moyses, mounted stamp. Pof.460-461, black special postmark, sent to Poslaneckou sněmovnu, on reverse additional printing Minister post and No. 371, incl. inserted reminder cards; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
229906 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ /  FDC M 1/48, Sokol festival - allegory,
1948 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M 1/48, Sokol festival - allegory, mounted stamp. Pof.467-469, 2x black special postmark from 7.III.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 460, Un; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229904 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ /  FDC M 3/48, Sokol festival - portraits,
1948 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M 3/48, Sokol festival - portraits, mounted stamp. Pof.475-478, 2x print black special postmark from 10.VI.48, Un, on reverse Minister post and No. 485; several light dots in perforation stamps
Starting price: CZK
227690 - 1957-1970 FDC S TYPY A SBĚRATELSKÝMI VARIANTAMI / comp. 11
1957-1970 FDC S TYPY A SBĚRATELSKÝMI VARIANTAMI / comp. 11 pcs of FDC with mounted stamp. with types and plate variety, i.a. Comenius type III., Kapr 1Kčs Pof.1519 type II., Hare Pof.1570 type II., + plate variety on stmp Pof.975 plate variety 8/1, Pof.1289 plate variety 23/2, Pof.1474, Pof.1442 plate variety 6/1, Pof.1505 plate variety 38/1, Pof.1639 plate variety 48/1, Pof.1756 plate variety 25/2, Pof.1828 plate variety 14/2, larger part Us; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227665 - 1948-1952 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC 3B/48v XI. Sokol
1948-1952 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC 3B/48v XI. Sokol festival, different mounting stamps (2+2 stamp. place 3+1) + FDC 4B/49v IX. Congress of Communists different mounting stamp. (in/at line place 2+1), to Germany + FDC 11/52v Soc. agriculture, different mounting stamps (upper values are prohozeny) - by air mail to Finland; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229162 - 1949-1957 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC / IX. Congress o
1949-1957 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC / IX. Congress of Communists 1949, 9. May 1952 and Costumes 1957 with stamp. Pofis. 511-513, 653-654 and 968-971, from every FDC 2 pcs of with rozdílným order mounted stamps; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
227669 - 1958 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC 16A/58v Vývoj produc
1958 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZNÁMEK / FDC 16A/58v Vývoj production cars in Czechoslovakia, different mounting stamps (upper values are prohozeny) - sent Reg to Netherlands, supplemented with standard envelope; good condition, Monograph Aksamit doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
229525 - 1948 FDC S VARIANTOU POSTMARKS / FDC with sets Pof.467-469,
1948 FDC S VARIANTOU POSTMARKS / FDC with sets Pof.467-469, XI. Sokol festival, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ SLETOVÉ ÚSTŘEDÍ with defective date 3.VII.1948; very fine, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
229528 - 1949 FDC S VARIANTOU POSTMARKS / 6b/49r A.S. Pushkin with ST
1949 FDC S VARIANTOU POSTMARKS / 6b/49r A.S. Pushkin with STROJOVÝM postmark, addressed to to USA, straight line postmark IMPRIMÉ, on reverse three-line cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately; incl. content - cyklostylované message in English about/by this issue with same cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately as on envelope; good condition, interesting, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
227682 - 1953-1961 NESTANDARDNÍ UMÍSTĚNÍ RAZÍTEK NA FDC / 2/53 b
1953-1961 NESTANDARDNÍ UMÍSTĚNÍ RAZÍTEK NA FDC / 2/53 birthday Z. Nejedlého + 8B/61 40. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, both FDC with significant umístěním postmarks to picture of stmp, both Us; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227617 - 1948 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 8A/48n, 5. Anniv contract/
1948 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 8A/48n, 5. Anniv contract/-s Czechoslovakia - USSR, mounted stamp. 2x Pof.493 place only one, addressed to to Germany, on reverse line violet cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately; good condition, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
229524 - 1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorový
1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorových events, mounted stamp. 2x Pof.500 place only one, addressed to to USA, on reverse line violet cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately; good condition, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
229161 - 1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorový
1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorových events, mounted stamp. 2x Pof.500 place only one!; postally Un, common condition
Starting price: CZK
227698 - 1952-1962 NEOHLÁŠENÉ ENVELOPES FDC / comp. 10 pcs of enve
1952-1962 NEOHLÁŠENÉ ENVELOPES FDC / comp. 10 pcs of envelopes with exhibition added-print and přiležitostnými postmarks, outside one piece all Us
Starting price: CZK
227696 - 1955 NEOHLÁŠENÉ ENVELOPES FDC / International exhibition
1955 NEOHLÁŠENÉ ENVELOPES FDC / International exhibition PRAGA 1955, 2 pcs of big envelopes with blue additional-printing with mounted souvenir sheets Pof.A853-857, 1 pcs of with perf and 1 pcs of without perf, special postmark with date 1. of day 10.IX. 1955; superb
Starting price: CZK
229516 - 1961 unofficial FDC / unannounced envelope franked with. min
1961 unofficial FDC / unannounced envelope franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A1216, plate A, 2x special postmark PRAGUE/ 18.XII.1961/ FIRST DAY ISSUE/ PRAGA 1962, issued for members organizačního committee exhibition, postally Un; slightly wrinkled margins
Starting price: CZK
227620 - 1964 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 6A/64 World personality an
1964 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 6A/64 World personality and event/-s, envelope only with stamp. 40h, Pof.1365, place 3 stamps, with special postmark of day issue, supplemented with standard envelope; good condition, Monograph Aksamit doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
229908 - 1947-1949 FDC S CELOU SÉRIÍ ZNÁMEK /  comp. 12 pcs of FDC
1947-1949 FDC S CELOU SÉRIÍ ZNÁMEK / comp. 12 pcs of FDC with mounted whole sets, 1B/47, 2B/47 Us, 5B/47 Us, 1B/48, 2B/48, 3B/48, 5B/48, 7B/48, 9B/48, 1B/49, 3B/49, 4B/49; good condition
Starting price: CZK
227695 - 1947-1963 SPECIAL ENVELOPES FDC / comp. 2 pcs of special env
1947-1963 SPECIAL ENVELOPES FDC / comp. 2 pcs of special envelopes Gagarin in Prague with blue additional-printing and Tereshkova in Prague, supplemented with 10 pcs of envelopes with commemorative postmarks., part from 1. of day
Starting price: CZK
227699 - 1950-1957 POST PROŠLÉ FDC / comp. 6 pcs of FDC and 1 lette
1950-1957 POST PROŠLÉ FDC / comp. 6 pcs of FDC and 1 letter with special postmark, all Us, 2x uprated by. i.a. air stamp. Pof.L20, L25-L27, L30, outside 2 pcs of all as Registered, 1x uprated to back side meter stmp, 3x envelope uprated by. funeral souvenir sheets Gottwald and Zápotocký, Pof.A719, A967; only 1x torn off corner stamp. else preserved
Starting price: CZK
228509 - 1958 SPECIÁLNÍ FDC / 40 years Czechoslovak post. stamps, w
1958 SPECIÁLNÍ FDC / 40 years Czechoslovak post. stamps, with stamp. Pofis. 1032 and with special postmark, instead official gravure is on envelope master die J. Schmidt s portrétem A. Mucha (!), supplemented with signatures M. Švabinský and J. Schmidt, in addition including J. Schmidtem handwritten letter relevant to this FDC. Quite extraordinary offer, printing mere 14 pieces!
Starting price: CZK
1974-1978 ANKETA NEJKRÁSNĚJŠÍ SPECIAL POSTMARK / comp. 6 pcs of envelopes, II. - VI. year/volume, from that II. year/volume 2 pcs of with stamp. Pof.K2060 with both coupons - various variants; very fine
Starting price: CZK
1947-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION FDC DLE ROZLIŠOVACÍCH PÍSMEN A ČÍSLIC RAZÍTEK 1. DNE / big collection ca. 3.000ks FDC tvořena according to distinctive characters and číslic, big part Us post to Nizozemí, Germany or other countries, part sent by air mail, or as Registered, big part uprated, total 14kg of material, placed in 2 big flat boxes; various quality, rare multiple, originates from abroad
Starting price: CZK
229189 - 1968-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 800 pcs of FDC fr
1968-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 800 pcs of FDC from y. 1968 - 1990, supplemented with several pieces from y. 1948- 1951, annual volumes weren't kompletovány; mainly good quality
Starting price: CZK