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1926 Mi.211-214, War victims 2C-5Fr; complete set, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1930 Mi.248MH, as blk-of-4; stamps VF, 1x lightly hinged in margin out of stamps, cat. only stamps min. 480€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr violetblue / red; mint never hinged, only small bend, c.v.. 1.100€ U:A5
1964 Mi.1480, Yvert 1422a, Philatec 1Fr, marginal imperforated piece; superb, c.v.. Yvert 350€++, rare U:A5
1988 Mi.2691F, 2.20Fr with red instead blue nominal value; superb marginal piece, exp. Calves, c.v.. 250€, Yvert 600€ (!), rare U:A5
2004 Maury.3640a, Yvert 3657a, block of four with ommited nominal value and RF (completely omitted grey color); superb, c.v.. Maury 720€++ U:A5
1944 NICE / overprint R.F. NICE FRONT NATIONAL on stamp 10C - 2Fr; all marginal pieces, mint never hinged U:A5
1952 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.956, Red Cross 1952 with 10 pcs of Mi.956; very fine, c.v.. 400€, minimum usage! U:A5
1953-1960 STAMP BOOKLETS / 7 booklets from 1953-1960 (without Mi.1077); very fine, c.v.. 545€, sought U:A5
1954 STAMP BOOKLETS / comp. 3 booklets Mi.1033; very fine, c.v.. 480€ U:A5
1955 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.1077, Red Cross 1955 with 10 stamp 15Fr+5Fr; very fine, c.v.. 250€, sought U:A5
1929 WRECK & CRASH MAIL / 2 Reg and airmail letters, experimental flight PARIS-SAGION with 1,50Fr Pasteur + 10Fr Merson, cancel. COURRIER ACCIDENTÉ, CDS LA SEYNE SU MER 6-12/29, came to 29.1.30 on SAIGON CENTRAL + returned letter PARIS HANOI after crash of aircraft "Dragon d'Annam" from 19.2.29; very fine entires U:A5
1932-1937 7 airmail entires, all first and special flights, i.a. card LIMOGES - Meeting D'Aviation 5 Juin 1932 with airmail motive, signature of pilot; I. night flight Paris - Marseilles, very rare first flight from airport PARIS LE BOURGET, 100. flight over Ocean from Toulouse to Buenos Aires 19/6 36 etc.; 3x signature of pilots; very fine U:A5