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1848 SG.15, Blue Mauritius POST PAID, 2P light blue "intermediate impression", later stage, printing field 12, red round cancel.; overall nice piece with certificate Holcombe (see quality), c.v.. £4.000, rare U:DR
1848 SG.25, Blue Mauritius POST PAID 2P grey-blue, latest impression, printing field 10; very nice piece with single-circle cancel. PAID, provenance Phillip von Ferrara (!), item 408 in II. auction (1921), owner's mark "trefoil", c.v.. £1.300, scarce! U:DR
1858 SG.26, 29-31, Britannia (Perkins, Bacon), unused green with overprint FOUR-PENCE; closer margins, then 9P magenta and UNISSUED "no value" red-brown and blue, c.v.. £2.065, various quality U:A5
1868-1862 SG.27, 28, 29, Britannia 4P green, 6P carmine (unused (*)) and 9P magenta (Perkins & Bacon); full margins, minor faults, 4P exp. Bühler, c.v.. £495 U:A5
1859-1861 SG.32-35, Britannia 6P blue, 6P mauve-slate, 1Sh carmine and 1Sh green (Perkins & Bacon); full margins, c.v.. £360 U:A5
1859-1861 SG.32-35, complete set Britannia (Perkins, Bacon) 6P-1Sh; very fine, c.v.. £340 U:A5
1859 SG.39, Blue Mauritius 2P "Lapirot" worn impression; fine postally unused piece with small reparation in the margin, c.v.. £8.500, very rare classic stamp! U:A5
1859 SG.40, Blue Mauritius 2P "Sherwin"; thin place, full margins, c.v.. £8.000, rare classic stamp! U:A5
1859 SG.42-44, Dardenne 1P - dull vermillion and 2P pale blue; fine, c.v.. £2.350 U:A5
1860-1863 SG.46-53, Victoria (De La Rue) 1P - 1Sh, complete set without watermark; overall nice quality, c.v.. £795 U:A5
1938 SG.256d,256da, corner blockk-of-8 George VI. 10C pale reddish rose, with plate number 2; printing error SLICED "S", very rare multiple, c.v.. as single £450, with plate number min. £900 U:A5
1950 SG.276-290, George VI., Motives 1C - 10R; complete set U:A5
1965 SG.317-331, Elizabeth II. Birds 2C - 10Rp; VF U:A5
1850-1952 [COLLECTIONS] collection incl. some good classic stamps on 11 pages, contains i.a. SG.18 and 42 (both viewing of quality recommended), then for example. SG.54-55, 83-91 and other issue Victoria De La Rue, also overprint, inverted wmk, issue Coat of arms incl. higher face values, issue Edward VII. and George V. and George VI.; overall good quality, high catalogue value! U:Z
1953-2005 [COLLECTIONS] collection of unused also used sets and single stamps on pages, from Mi.243, mainly complete (without Mi.268-282), many sets, miniature sheets, joined printings, supplemented with several entires etc.. U:Z
1892-1900 complete issue incl. several variants on page from old collection, Yv.1-31, also 22A, 23A etc..; overall nice quality, c.v.. 830€ U:A4
1892 Mi.1, 2, 4 and 6I, Allegory 1C, 2C, 5C and 15C with overprint OBOCK type I., used; very fine, 15C exp. A. Brun, c.v.. 208€ U:A5
1892 Mi.3I, Allegory 4C with overprint OBOCK type I.; very fine piece with original gum, exp. A. Brun, certificate Behr, c.v.. 480€, rare stamp! U:A5
1892 Mi.3II-12II, Allegory 4C - 1Fr with horiz. overprint OBOCK (type II.), 25C, 40C and 75C used; 10C new gum, otherwise very nice quality, 3 pcs exp. A. Brun, c.v.. ca. 600€, rare complete set! U:A5
1892 Mi.5I, 8I, Allegory 10C and 25C with overprint OBOCK type I.; very fine, signed, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1892 Mi.9I, Allegory 35C with overprint OBOCK type I.; nice piece with original gum, certificate Behr, c.v.. 450€, rare stamp! U:A5
1892 Mi.10I, Allegory 40C with overprint OBOCK type I.; nice piece with original gum, 1x toned tooth, exp. Calves, Brun, certificate Behr, c.v.. 380€, rare stamp! U:A5
1892 Mi.11I, Allegory 75C with overprint OBOCK type I.; very fine piece with original gum, exp. A. Brun, c.v.. 450€, rare stamp! U:A5
1892 Mi.12I, Allegory 1Fr with overprint OBOCK type I.; without gum, exp. Calves, c.v.. * 550€, rare stamp! U:A5
1892 Mi.13-23, overprint Allegory 1C/25C - 5F/1Fr with horiz. overprint OBOCK and overprint of values, Mi.19 used; Mi.21 thin place, otherwise nice, mainly signed, 2x exp. Brun, c.v.. ca. 1.500€, rare set U:A5
1902 Mi.29, Yvert.36a, Triangle 10C/50Fr, overprint CENTIMES, imperforated; marginal piece in good quality, hinges on margins out of stamps, c.v.. Michel 200€, Yvert 280€, rare U:A5
1893 Mi.37-38, Postman 2Fr - 5Fr; 1x heavy hinge, fine, c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1894 Mi.52, "triangle" Postman 2Fr with cancel. OBOCK; very fine, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1894 Mi.53-54, "Triangles" Postman 5Fr and 10Fr; very fine with original gum, c.v.. 270€ U:A5
1894 Mi.55, ""triangle" Postman 25Fr light brown / blue; very fine piece with original gum, exp. A. Brun, certificate Behr, c.v.. 900€, very rare stamp U:A5
1894 Mi.56, ""triangle" Postman 50Fr red / green; very fine piece with original gum (small production omission left lower), exp Calves, certificate Behr, c.v.. 1.000€, very rare stamp U:A5
1894 Mi.1-13, Allegory 1C - 1F; complete set, minor faults, 1C used, 75c and 1F (*), c.v.. * 360€, rare set U:A5
1893 SG.15-21, Victoria 3C/4C - 90C/96C, complete set; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1901 SG.38d, overprint Victoria 3C/16C with plate variety - Malfored "S"; hinged, c.v.. £225 U:A5
1906 SG.67a, Edward VII. 45C , DENTED FRAME; very fine quality, c.v.. £425 U:A5
1912-1916 SG.76a, George V. 18c with plate variety - SPLIT "A" in POSTAGE; very fine, c.v.. £225 U:A5
1938-1949 SG.135-149, George VI. - Motives 2C - 5R, complete long set of 25 stamps; very fine, c.v.. £550, sought U:A5
1952 SG.158-172, George VI. Motives 2C - 10R; complete set, heavier hinges, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1969 DESIGN / coloured design by M. Hayward for stamp SG.275; rare, VF U:DR
1950 SG.115-122, Airmail 2P - 20P; complete set, sought U:A5
1951 SG.123-139, Motives 1mill - 50Pia; very fine and complete set, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1902 SG.O11a, "Postman" 10Pia, O.S.G.S. - printing error MALFORMED "O" in overprint, very fine piece, c.v.. £70 U:A5
1948 SG.O43-058, "Postman" 1mill - 50Pia, incl. O52a; VF, c.v.. £130+ U:A5
1948-1951 Mi.270-280, 302-314, 326-332, 3 complete sets; very fine U:A5
1915 MAFIA / Mi.6b, SG.M6C, stamp DOA "Yacht" 30h, with dark violet overprint G.R. (Georgianus Rex) / MAFIA; very fine piece, exp. Hoffmann / Giesecke, c.v.. 1.200€, £850 U:A5
1927-1931 SG.93-107, George V. 5C-1£; value 2Sh short tooth, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1950-1951 SG.280-288, George VI. ½P - 10Sh with overprint TANGIER; complete set, c.v.. £60 U:A5
1896 SG.49, marginal Missionaries 30C, "laid" paper, printing error DOUBLE "R" in V. 96 R. (Victoria Regina); c.v. for basic stamp £800, rare U:A5
1895 SG.34, 39, Victoria 1A and 2A with overprint ZANZIBAR and new face-value "2½" in red type 5 resp. type 4; very fine, c.v.. £600 U:A5
1896 SG.41-46, BEA Victoria ½ A - 7½A with overprint ZANZIBAR; complete set, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1913 SG.258, PLATE PROOF Sailing Canoe 4Rp in blue color - 2 strip with ommited perforation, in addition overprint SPECIMEN - very rare U:A5