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1854-1857 SG.29a, Victoria 3P greenish blue; very nice piece (Campbell & Fergusson); issued without gum, c.v.. £2.250, scarce U:DR
1855 SG.27b, 2x Victoria 1P bright rose-pink on local letter, cancel. "V37" and additional ADVERTISED AND UNCLAIMED; ex. Rodney A. Perry U:DR
1854 SG.1, "Black Swan" 1P black; VF, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1854 SG.1, "Black Swan" 1P as horizontal pair; wide margins, c.v.. £650++ U:A5
1855 SG.4c, "Black Swan" 1Sh brown; very fine piece, issued without gum, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1857 SG.16a, "Black Swan" 2P brown-black / indian red, rare both sides print (!) and missing inscription WESTERN at left; c.v.. £900++ U:A5
1885-1893 SG.94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, Black Swan ½P - 1Sh; nominal complete set, c.v.. £220 U:A5
1913 SG.15, "Kangaroo" £1 brown / ultramarine, wmk 2; VF, lightly used, c.v.. £2.500, rare U:DR
1935 SG.137, "Kangaroo" £1 grey, wmk multiple "C of A", c.v.. £650 U:A5
1946-1947 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCE JAPAN SG.J1-J7, Overprint issue ½P-5Sh, overprint B.C.O.F. JAPAN; complete set, c.v.. £190 U:A5
1934 1. FLIGHT Australia - New Guinea, letter to Athens (!) with mixed franking Australia SG.125, 127, 139 + New Guinea SG.153, CDS SHIPMAIL ROOM MELBOURNE 26 JL 24, LAE 27JL 34, then return flight to Australia, and then ship to Greece, arrival ATHENS 4 X. 34; very fine U:A5
1939 SG.212-225, Airmail ½P - £1; complete sought issue, 10Sh very fine piece lightly hinged, 2Sh and £1 minor faults, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1942 G.F215, postally fiscal Coat of arms 11/11Sh yellow, wmk "Multiple star NZ"; very fine, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1940-1958 SG.F192-F203, postally fiscal Coat of arms 1Sh3P - £1; selection of 12 high values, c.v.. £600 U:A5
1944-1947 SG.L37-L41, Insurance stamps ½P - 6P; complete set, c.v.. £70 U:A5
1934 Reg letter 1. FLIGHT New Zealand - Papua and back 1. flight Australia - Papua as Reg letter to USA, with mixed franking New Zealand SG.549-552 + PAPUA SG.119 (2), CDS AUCKLAND 25 JE 34, PORT MORESBY 26 JI 34, arrival WOOSTER OHIO 28 AUG 1934; very fine and rare letter U:A5