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1940-1942 Bohemia and Moravia, picture propagandistic Bohemian and Moravian journal, comp. of 3 numbers from 3 year, 7/1940, 4/1941 (missing back side of envelope) and 9-10/1942; good condition U:Z
1934 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / Compilation memories on/for Russian army + Před dvaceti léty 1914-1934 / selection of two brožur Club/Association Russian war disabled people in Czechoslovakia; interesting content ("white emigrace"), line B/W photos; perfect condition, today very rare usage U:O5
1942 GERMANY / Der Untermensch - original propagandistic journal vydávaném SS in years 1942-1943; very rare occurrence, tearing and damage in envelope U:A3s|
1942 GERMANY / Deutschen (German) Marine kalender für 1942, complete (!) calendar German war marine for year 1942, lot of also color photos ship, submarines and views from marine fights; good condition, rare occurrence in/at complete status! U:O4
1933 GERMANY / Deutschland (Germany) erwacht, Nazi propagandistic book with paste-in photos and printings, 151 sides, solid binding; very good condition U:Z
1941 GERMANY / DIE DEUTSCHE (German) KRIGSFLOTTE / issue II., Mnichov-Berlín 1941, publication with descriptions and picture German flotilla, distribution to categories, bokorysy, submarine etc..; overall sound condition, interesting U:O5
GERMANY / IM HERZLAND GERMANIENS / Erwin Stranik, Konstantin Korzendörfer, Rudolf M. Rohrer Verlag, Brünn, contains 21 sides text, B/W picture in text and B/W fotografickou insert with popisky; overall in good condition condition U:Z
1933 SO WAR ES! / Ein Bildbericht vom wehrhaften Deutschland (Germany) 1914-1918 / Berlin 1933, propagandistic publication with lot of reproduction dobovýchh photos from period of WWI.; overall good condition, interesting U:O4
1933 GERMANY / ZEPPELIN - WELTFAHRTEN / book about/by vzducholodích Zeppelin with mounted 264 photos, German; complete, overall very well preserved, sought titul! U:Z
1898 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY / 1698-1898 Two stě years C. and K. Infantry regiment Humberta I. King Italian No. 28, vzpomínková book describing fight this regiment, issued edition regiment in Prague, pictured portrait Franz Joseph I. I., 126 sides, in Czech, solid binding, good condition U:O5
1918-1917 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY / CÍSAŘ FRANZ JOSEPH I. - Spis Jubilee (J. Brunclík 1908); SKIZZEN AUS DEM KRIEGSHOFQUARTIER 1914; NA VOJNĚ V KARPATECH A HALIČI; selection of three contemporary bulletins, part toned, overall but in good condition condition, interesting U:O4
1917 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY / H.Schmid, Guide für Unteroffiziere, 12. edition 1917, manual for corporals Austria-Hungary army, issue 1917, 1000 sides, in German, a lot of picture, on/for titulu emperor Charles, bound, good condition U:O5