1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / Coat of arms 2 Koruna - 10K imperforated; marginal pieces, 10K with středovou mark, 3 Koruna 1x hinge in margin, c.v.. shows only (*) 1.000€, like that markedly more; rare offer!
1916POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / Mi.200IU-203IaU, Coat of arms 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 4 Koruna and 10K imperforated, complete set in/at tmavých shades, high size 25x30mm, LR corner pieces; very fine, in this form probably unikáty, ex Wiener Postarchiv
1908 NEWSPAPER STAMPS / ANK.157x,y,z - 160x,y,z; 3 complete set Mercure R 2h - 20h, paper chalky, thin and ordinary; 6h on common paper *, otherwise all **, c.v.. 530€
1908 NEWSPAPER STAMPS / Mi.157 production flaw, Mercure R 2h blue, blk-of-12, on the side of gum full machine offset on all stamps + mainly partial print on face-side 6 stamps; 2x hinged, cat. Ferchenbauer 300€ only offsets, rare!
1908NEWSPAPER STAMPS / Mi.157 production flaw, Mercure R 2h blue, pair 2-stamps. horiz. gutter, print on gummed side, částečnný incomplete-printing + folded paper on stmp R; mint never hinged, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.000€+, rare gutter!
1917 EXPRESS / ANK.219U-220U, imperforated blocks of four Mercure 2h and 5h; mint never hinged, 2h minor gum fault, cat. min. 2.500€, exists only several bloks of four, extraordinary offer, ex. Wiener-Postarchiv
1913 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.45 + 46, "Large numerals" 5 Koruna and 10K; superb and rare stamps, missing also in big collections Czechoslovakia - "forerunner" !
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / MALÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. of 2 Ppc franked with. Postage due stamps Small numerals, 1x 2 pcs of fodnoty 5h with black horiz. overprint FRANCO with CDS ŽELEZNÝ BROD 24/12 18, 1x stamp. 10h with oblique violet overprint FTANCO and CDS ČÍŽOVÁ 24/12 18; good condition
1919PŮLENÉFRANKATURY / comp. 2 pcs of cards franked with. bisected stmp Charles 20h, from that 1x used stamp. with overprint German-Austria (Deutschösterreich) (!), Mi.234, CDS TEREZÍN 13I.19 and BUDĚJOVICE 3/ 10.I.19; good condition, rare usage stmp of foreign state on/for our territory
1919 philatelically influenced and přefrankovaný Reg letter addressed to to Kežmarok, franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. Hradčany 3+5+10+20+25h and 8 pcs of Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG, values 2 - 50f, CDS POPRÁD-FELKA 919 FEB.27; good condition
1918 Pof.RV85-89, RV101-103, RV104-107, RV109, RV111-113, RV115, Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint) selection of 17 pcs of stamp. with black overprint on cut-squares with CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 10.XI.18, value 3 Koruna on granite paper; all later print
1918 Pof.RV155, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Postage due stmp 2f red number, label, exp. Vrba + Pof.RV154, Postage due stmp 1f red number - so-called. 2. printing, mint never hinged
1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), value 6h and 12h Crown in horiz. pairs and value 15h Charles as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, rare usage in blocks and strips
1919Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), postcard franked with Hungarian stmp 2f Turul as Czechosl. parallel and overprint stamp. 2f and 6f Reaper, Pof.RV137, RV141, CDS ZSOLNA 2/ 919 Feb.8., right paid/franked mailing sent from railway-station in Žilina (Sokolemvracejícím with from zásahu in Bratislava near/in/at čekání on/for train to Ostrava), tricolour franking; perfect condition, usage Us Ppc with with Šrobárovým overprint is quite rare, still is square known only 8 pcs of these entires, sender all engineer. sheet. J. Dvořák
Pof.1-26, complete set of (without Pof.9N and 13N), total 29 pcs of, supplemented with about/by color shades, contains i.a. 5h dark blue-green, 10h green (lightly hinged *), 25h light blue, 25h ultramarine (light label *); mint never hinged, 10h green and 25h ultramarine exp. Vrba, Mrňák, Gilbert, Tribuna, Pofis, nice pieces
Pof.4 production flaw, 5h blue-green, with lower margin and control-numbers, significant production defect - white stain in right frame; mint never hinged
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.7 STs+k+p, 15h bricky red, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 1 (!), 6x joined SPIRÁLOVÝ type, 3x joined KOMBINOVANÝ type and 7x joined PŘÍČKOVÝ type; mint never hinged, only light vertical fold, rare and sought complete sheet values 15h from 1. printing plate!
Pof.7 STk, joined bar types, 15h bricky red, marginal block-of-6 with joined combined type spiral and bar on pos. 2, II. type and bar subtype on pos. 4 and 12, plate 1; mint never hinged mint never hinged, exp. and marked Vrba
Pof.7 joined spiral types, STk, 15h bricky red, L the bottom corner blk-of-16 with control-numbers, plate 1, on pos. 83, 92 and 94 I,. type spiral, on pos. 91 spiral type I and bar type II.; mint never hinged, warping bottom margins, exp. and marked Vrba