1936 POSTAL WAR WITH HUNGARY / postcard Pardubice to Budapest, franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 30h State Coat of Arms , CDS PARDUBICE 17.VI.36, arrival BUDAPEST 936 JUN.18., stamps zatrženy by blue raddle and supplemented with straight line postmark NON ADMIS/ RETOUR; good condition, decorative piece
1920PŘIČLENĚNÍ K Czechoslovakia - CMUNT / ČESKÉ VELENICE philatelically influenced Registered and Express letter without vypsaného addressee, used 12 pcs of Austrian stamp. 5h - 2 Koruna, all with 7 print red CDS CMUNT V Č./ 31.VII.20 - 1. day handover below Czechosl. administration, larger format envelope/-s; good condition
1937 BRNO 2/ Mourning of ČESKOSLOVENSKA/b/ 20.IX.37, service letter with printing error special postmark postmark 37/120, with Purkyně 1CZK + Štefánik 60h; fold in lower margin
1935-1939 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / collection cut-squares with special postmark in red and golden color T. G. Masaryk/ 7.III.1935/ 1850*T.G.MASARYK*1935, according to distinctive characters PRAGUE 1 and PRAGUE 10-HRAD and other, all placed on 32 unbound pages
1920 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / CDV22, Hradčany 20h with monogram addressed to in IV. postal rate Správě telegraph central station in Prague, transported Prague pneumatic-tube post, uprated by. 120h Hradčany, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 13.X.20, right value postage 1,40 CZK, arrival postmark PRAGUE TELEGRAPH 13.X.20 and three-line presentation cancel. "Telegr. ústř. station" on face-side; sender: pracovnice telegraph central station, quite rare 1-známková additional franking, on reverse hints of 2 labels, otherwise sound condition, ex Dražan
1918 CPŘ5 + CPŘ5Pa, Austrian PC 10h Crown, cream paper, with private commercial additional-printing f. E.E.Essler - Obrzan bei Brünn, uprated by. for postal rate II stamp. 5h Hradčany, posting MC BRNO 2/ 19.IX.19 + ditto, grey paper, sent in/at I. postal rate as Express, uprated with stamp Charles 20+20h, CDS BRNO 2/ 19.XII.18; good condition
1918-1921 comp. of 3 PC with private added-print, 2x uprated by. Austrian forerunner Charles 8h (CPŘ3Pa) with perf and without perf and issue Chainbreaker 40h, added-print Central union 2x and 1x District credit bank economic/farming in/at Nové Pace; good condition
1930 PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs stamps T. G. Masaryk without numeral value in light blue color and with value 1,50CZK in/at green color no white paper, intended for PC CDV41 or CDV44
1919 CDV2b, Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, I. and II. part from double PC, MODRÝ overprint, both CDS REICHENBERG 3/ 15.IV.19 resp. 12.V.19, 1 pcs of supplemented with commercial cancel., addressed to to Germany; good condition
1919CDV3, Large Monogram - Crown 10/10h, PC with overprint Czechoslovakia -10-, sent in/at II. postal rate as Registered to Germany (!), uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h red 2x and 20h blue-green 2x, CDS REICHENBERG 1/ 23.V.19, on face-side arrival LEIPZIG 25.5.19, supplemented with line commercial cancel.; round/about dolepených stamp. hints of gum, on/for market with this overprint and really Us PC practically is rare, here in addition as Reg letter abroad, decorative piece!
1919CDV4, Large Monogram - Crown 10/10h, PROŠLÝ I. part from DVOJITÉ PC with overprint Czechoslovakia -10-, CDS REICHENBERG 3/ 3.V.19, I. postal rate, supplemented with oval commercial postmark, sent to IgnácePetschka to Ústí n./L.; very fine, on/for market with this overprint and really Us PC practically is rare, in addition part from double PC, here for the first time in auction!
1919-1921SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / comp. 5 pcs of PC with private added print, 2x Poštýnská market - M.Chocenský, Richard Werner - Schlag bei Gablonz and. N., Sequens & Pitra - Domažlice and Un with additional-printing insurance company "Hodnota to 1. březnu1919..."; good condition
1919-1920SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / CDV10 + CDV14, comp. 4 pcs of PC with black two-sided additional-printing Central union agricultural co-operations, all uprated stamp. Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue; good condition
1920 CDV14 II., Hradčany 15h sent in II. postal rate as Express, uprated by. 5+5+25+25h Hradčany, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 1.III.20, arrival KLATOVY 2.3.20 in front; 2x fold in/at PC
1932 CDV34, double PC abroad T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK brown, undetached part/-s and unilaterally Us (!), addressed to to Germany, posting MC PRAGUE 25/ 7.XI.32; good condition, sought
1931-1938SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / comp. 4 pcs of PC with private added print, Un international pictorial PC CDV57/5 with address additional-printing Gebrüder Seitz- Frankfurt and. M., 2x Us PC Coat of arms with additional-printing Anthony Procházka - soukenickýzasilatelský factory Humpolec, 1x Un PC Coat of arms with additional-printing Travel office OZVD, ČEDOK 79, Zlín ; good condition, rare
1927 CZL1 + CZL2, comp. 5 pcs of Un letter cards Hradčany 20h 2x and Coat of arms 1CZK 3x, contains CZL1, CZL1Pa, CZL2 white paper with line perforation 10¾, CZL2C white paper and yellowish paper with comb perforation 12½ and rounded corners; good condition
1933-1934 CPO2, Coat of arms 90h, 2 pcs of, 1x type II sent as express to Ostrava, CDS PRAGUE 4/ 17.I.33-7, arrival MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 1/ 18.I.33-5, recipient engineer. Weiss + 1x type I uprated with stamp 1CZK T. G. Masaryk, CDS TLG. STATION/ PRAGUE/ 29.XI.34-16, arrival PRAGUE 31/ 29.XI.34-16, date-stamp No. 9342; both unfolded, very nice quality
1919 CTÚ1A Pa, Telegram on/for bill Hradčany 5h green, yellow-brown paper, Czech text, complete incl. confirmation, without fold (!), red additional printing and violet cancel. VIA COMERCIAL; only small bend in UR corner, rare occurrence in good quality without fold!
1927 CPV11Ab, order card Coat of arms 30h violet, complete, Czech - German text, grey carton; only several nepatrných dots, otherwise very good condition
1929CPV12Ab, Coat of arms 80h violet, I. part post. order cards with printed stmp., perf 5½, 10 lines, CDS PRAGUE 55/ 4.VI.32, arrival postmark PLZEŇ 6/ 9.VI.32, refused, sent back; good condition
1921 CPP15, complete international dispatch note Hradčany 10h blue, without sale price, addressed to to Denmark, paid cash, cancel. FRANKO + hand-made "13,50", CDS PRAGUE 24/ 3.VIII.21, other 7 postal and customs cancel. in front also on reverse, supplemented with tiskopisem Customs declaration to this parcel with CDS PRAGUE 24/ 3.VIII.2; good condition, rare set
1922 CPP16, international dispatch note Hradčany 10h blue, selling price 20h, state coat of arms rare shading, brown-pink carton; in L margin small underglued tearing, ex Nekvasil
1920 CDP6B, Hradčany 10h dark blue, complete C.O.D. dispatch-note with sale price 40h, Czech - German text, perf 13½; only spots, otherwise sound condition
1919-1938 selection of 29 pcs of p.stat dispatch-notes, příkazek, i.a. contains Un CPP8A, CPP16 2 pcs of, CPV2A detached both part/-s, used whole CPP16, supplemented with used also nepoužitýmipoukázkami with imprinted stamps various issue, blank form/-s as Customs declaration, Postal statistická advertisement, Telegram, cvičná double order card, supplemented with 23 pcs of cuts from p.stat dispatch-notes etc..; various quality
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (IV-1921), Reg, CDS DOBŠINÁ 13.XII.26, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science, Pof.DL45A with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 16.XII.286; very fine, rare formulářová envelope!
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (IV-1926), Reg, CDS FELD 20.IX.26, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science, Pof.DL45A with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 21.IX.26; very fine, rare formulářová envelope!
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech - German variety (VIII-19), Reg, CDS TEPLICE ŠANOV 1/ 11.XII.26, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science, Pof.DL45A with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 13.XII.26; very fine, rare formulářová envelope in addition in/at German variety!
1928PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech - French variety (IX-19), Reg, CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 9/ 13.VI.28, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Chainbreaker, Pof.DL50A with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 14.VI.28; light bend in margin, rare occurrence!
1932 advertising telegram Čerekla No.3 (printed matter 769č IV-1932), on both sides advertising, used, transport fold, format ca. A4, in good condition
1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / ca. 50 pcs of various p.stat, i.a. uprated by. Hradčany 15h express, letter-card 20h to Vienna, uprated by. halving 10h, several letter cards Coat of arms 1CZK, uprated by. overprint Charles 8h, issue Chainbreaker, Coat of arms, picture etc..; valuable selection of
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / more than 40 Us also Un p.stat, forerunner, Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, picture, international etc.., part with upratings, 1x Ex, 1x R etc..; various quality, as multiple interesting
1919-1937 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / ca. 100 pcs of p.stat PC, pictorial post cards, letter cards and recording address cards, contains i.a. CDV5a, CDV16C, CDV69, CDV64, CAZ1, CZL1 etc..; part with special postmark, good condition, c.v.. ca. 12.000Kč
1919-1938 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / ca. 100 pcs of Us p.stat PC, pictorial post cards, letter cards and mailing cards, overprint with monogram, Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk, Coat of arms etc.., part addressed to abroad; various quality
PARTIE / 22 stamps from various issues, obshaje i.a. Hradčany 25h violet - 3 pcs of with bar type II., POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Turul 2f with FP, T. G. Masaryk Red Cross 125h, Prague 3 Koruna with plate number and double the bottom perf, Anthem-issue 1CZK and 2CZK with plate number 1A, Postage due stmp Pof.DL47 with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ etc..; mainly hinged, part examined
1918-1926 SELECTION of / blocks and parts of sheets from various issues, i.a. issue Chainbreaker 20h, Pigeon-issue 5h,10h, Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h, 5h, Postage due stmp issue Agriculture and Science 30/100h, Hradčany 1h etc..; various, mainly solid quality, as multiple interesting
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / smaller incomplete collection Un also used stamp., contains Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, I. and II. overprint airmail issue, stamp. from miniature sheet Anthem-issue, several blocks, plate number etc.., smaller part mint never hinged, mainly with label, lot of used stamp., better pieces odzkoušeny, forgeries marked, placed stockbook Leuchtturm Vario with 67 sheets in spiral folder with kazetou
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection in 16-sheet stockbook A4, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint and other issue, also part air-mail, postage-due, SO1920 (overprint) etc.., i.a. marginal pieces with control-numbers, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 4 Koruna dark green, thin opposite facing pair incl. 20h and 50h, Festival, Congress, pieces with plate number etc..
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] MÍRNĚSPECIALIZOVANÁ COLLECTION/ incomplete collection on/for 200 unbound pages, contains all issue, partial specialisation on/for shades, perf, coupons, plate number etc.., mainly Un with label, basic collection also as used, forgeries marked; various quality, high catalogue value, originates from abroad
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION - ACCUMULATION - HRADČANY-issue / comp. of stamps., stripe and blocks, prevails issue Hradčany, part elaborated on/for plate variety and varieties, from other issues is rather about/by zásobu, control-numbers, plate number etc.., all in 3 big stockbooks and on free album sheets; prevail stmp hinged., blocks rather mint never hinged, suitable to other elaboration and sale
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / comp. of 3 rozpracovaných cancel. collections on pages and in album "Stachovo album 1934", supplemented with about/by stamps in/at envelopes and paper bags (especially letterpress issues) + detached/free in/at smaller little-box; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / in big stockbook A4 + 2 stockbooks A5, mainly cancel., i.a. very contains Hradčany, also other issue, printers waste etc..; various quality, unused stamp. mainly hinged