Public Auction 66 / Philately / Czechoslov. Exile and FP

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227829 - 1943 AS1, London MS, comp. 2 pcs of; both superb
1943 AS1, London MS, comp. 2 pcs of; both superb
Starting price: CZK
229018 - 1943 AS1, London MS; superb
1943 AS1, London MS; superb
Starting price: CZK
227567 - 1939 AS2c, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 193
1939 AS2c, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and green emblem; hinge / label and minor faults in corners, incl. cover
Starting price: CZK
227565 - 1939 AS3a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 19
1939 AS3a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, 2 pcs of, from that 1x with significantly shifted additional-printing black text up (!); incl. original cover; standard miniature sheet hinged, miniature sheet with shift bend and minor faults, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
229637 - 1939 PLATE PROOF AS5  miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with t
1939 PLATE PROOF AS5 miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with trial printing added-print to exhibition in/at Toronto 1939, blue emblem and green text with different type písma; mint never hinged, catalogues don't report, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
229639 - 1939 PLATE PROOF AS5  miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with t
1939 PLATE PROOF AS5 miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with trial printing added-print to exhibition in/at Toronto 1939, green emblem and blue-violet text with different type písma; mint never hinged, catalogues don't report, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
229203 - 1939 AS8d, AS8e, 2x miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibit
1939 AS8d, AS8e, 2x miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text, blue and golden emblem; mint never hinged, minor faults - wrinkle paper, 1x small tearing in margin, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
229202 - 1940 AS9b, AS9e, 2x miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition N
1940 AS9b, AS9e, 2x miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text, red and golden emblem; hinged, brownish
Starting price: CZK
227566 - 1939 AS10a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939,
1939 AS10a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem + AS2a, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, incl. cover; both souvenir sheets hinged
Starting price: CZK
227561 - 1939 AS12, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhib
1939 AS12, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhibition New York 1939, silver emblem, black text; lightly hinged, usual folds in paper, c.v.. Trojan this variety doesn't report, quite minimum usage!
Starting price: CZK
227560 - 1939 AS12a, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhi
1939 AS12a, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhibition New York 1939, golden emblem, black text; mint never hinged, usual folds in paper, c.v.. Trojan 9.000CZK, quite minimum usage!
Starting price: CZK
227830 - 1945 AS14+15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, both language
1945 AS14+15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, both language variety, Walloon + Flemish text; good quality
Starting price: CZK
229651 - 1942-1945 comp. 13 pcs of entires sent from or on/for member
1942-1945 comp. 13 pcs of entires sent from or on/for members Czechosl. armies in England, 1x R, 3x sent from USA, commemorative postmarks FP and advertising labels, censorship; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229918 - 1943 AS1, philatelically influenced Reg letter with mounted
1943 AS1, philatelically influenced Reg letter with mounted Londýnským miniature sheet, green special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 8.NO.43 through/over mounted 4 pcs of postage stmp., Reg label Czechosl. FP, on reverse green CDS Czechosl. FP with same date, larger format envelope/-s; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229520 - 1943 AS1, London MS on envelope without address with mounted
1943 AS1, London MS on envelope without address with mounted Brit. stamp. Mi.222, 4x print green special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 8.NO/43, larger format envelope/-s; good condition
Starting price: CZK
229650 - 1943 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / letter with design and print
1943 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / letter with design and print red special postmark to Anniv 28. October 1918 - 1943, whose author was/were J. Křeček, with signature osvětového náčelníka; good condition, rare document of origin special postmark Czechosl. field post in Great Britain!
Starting price: CZK
228123 - 1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  PŘÍBĚH / selection of 18 entires
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] PŘÍBĚH / selection of 18 entires incl. 3 airgraphů with content sent to same member army - Juraje Strausse (1917-2017), part with content; good condition, interesting multiple
Starting price: CZK
227380 - 1945 VOJSKOVAJA ČASŤ/ POLEVAJA POČTA 66909, line violet p
1945 VOJSKOVAJA ČASŤ/ POLEVAJA POČTA 66909, line violet postmark on/for Russian - Czech confirmation, that Russian army after/behind krávu dala as náhradu horses, supplemented with postmark Obecního office in/at Hradišťku, from 16.5.1945 ( supplemented with article from Philately); folds, toned
Starting price: CZK
228501 - 1945 two air-mail letters to USA franked with. 6c after/behi
1945 two air-mail letters to USA franked with. 6c after/behind airmail transport with postmarks field post, 1x CDS APO 26/ 25.6.1945, 26. division in Volarech (29.5.-15.8.1945) and 1x with print CDS APO 2/ 29.5.1945, 2. division v Plzni (12.5.-8.6.1945), minor faults. - on reverse envelope unprofessionally open; sought
Starting price: CZK