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1820-1845 ALSÓ-VERECZKE, V.MUNKATS, UNGVAR (2x) comp. of 4 folded letters, i.a. 1x in oval UNGVAR and 1x line UNGHVAR; nice print, interesting selection of U:A5
1820-1845 POLENA, Serednie, V.MUNKATS, TETSÖ, UNGHVAR, HUST comp. of 6 folded letters; solid print, interesting selection of U:A5
1836-1841 V.MUNKATS comp. of 2 folded letters, 1x red (!) and 1x black cancel. U:A5
1838 ALSO-VERECZKE (Nižní Verecky) selection of two folded letters, 1x red (!) and 1x black straight line postmark., both to Uzhhorod; good condition seal U:A5
1914-1943 Postal Agency FANČÍKOVO, BOTRAĎ, KUŠNICE, IGNÉC, BOROD, OSSZATELEP, comp. 6 pcs of postmarks postal-agencies, 5x on cut-square, 1x on/for Hungarian PC; various quality U:A5
1920 postal-agency ERGEŠ (SEVLUSH (Севлюш)), present Olešnik, (Gebauer. 2550/3), black (!) framed pmk Postal Agency as CDS on/for franked with. sběratelském card sent as Printed matter; good condition, nice postal imprint, c.v.. postmark in black color doesn't report, rare! U:A5
1921-1937 UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE / commercial Reg card with multicolor franking issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, CDS BEREHOVE 16.VII.21 (filling holes), court letter with CDS UZHHOROD 8.II.27 and pair postage-due stamp. Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 50/500h green and off. envelope postage free with funeral special postmark UZHHOROD/ SMUTEK ČESKOSLOVENSKA 23.IX.37; good condition 1924 postal-agency DĚDA (Beregsas), Gebauer. 2516/2, violet framed pmk Postal Agency over the stmp, supplemented with mailing CDS BEREGSAS/ Czechoslovak Post 20.XII.24, on/for franked with. sběratelském card sent as Printed matter; good condition, postal imprints partially one above the other, one from most precious postmarks Postal Agency! U:A5
1925 postal-agency OSA -OCA, (Gebauer. 2551/3), violet framed pmk Postal Agency, supplemented with mailing railway pmk BAŤU - VOLOVEC/ 1005/ 24.I.25, on/for franked with. sběratelském card sent as Printed matter; good condition, incomplete postal imprint poškozeného transport, very rare postal agency pmk also railway post office!, c.v.. rates - , - U:A5
1928 BEREHOVE / PŘÍKAZOVÉ PSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉ PŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (IV-1926), sent as Reg, CDS BEREHOVE 24.VII.28, at the delivery place zapraveny fee Postage due stamps Pof.DL31, DL32 2x, CDS BRNO 12 (KRÁLOVO POLE)/ 26.VII.28; small fold lower, rare blank form used in Carpathian Ruthenia!, sound condition U:A5
1938 postal-agency DANILOVO (SEKERNICE), Geb.2515/2, violet framed pmk as arrival on/for cut post. dispatch-note, supplemented with CDS SEKERNICE 21.V.38; bend in corners cut, nice postal imprint Postal Agency! U:A5
1939 KHUST / OTEVŘENÍ PRVNÍHO SNĚMU/ 15.III.39, certificate of mailing on/for Reg mailing and card with additional-printing and mounted stamp. 3 Koruna, Pof.351, all with print red special postmark; on sheet from exhibit with description, ex Bulant U:A4
1938 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / MUNKÁCS, BEREGSZÁSZ, UNGVÁR, Vynohradiv, HUSZT/ VISSZATÉRT (Return), comp. 12 pcs of entires with special postmark Visszatért, on pages from exhibit with descriptions; ex Bulant U:A4
1939 KHUST / CENTRÁLNÍ UKRAJINSKÁ NATIONAL RADA 21.I.39, 4 print modro - žlutého special postmark on FP card with mounted stamp. Newspaper stamps 5h, 10h, 20h and 50h; good condition U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÝ occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / two cards field post from počátečního period occupation, with cancel. TÁBORI POSPAHIVATAL 13/ 939 APR 4, military unit postmarks., sound condition and 1x TÁBORI POSPAHIVATAL 14/ 939 MAR 31 - light imprint, vert. fold; rare! U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÝ occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / two postcard, 1x sent 21.6.39 from JASINY to Budapest, with Mi.490, CDS M.KIR. POSTA 357 (JASINA)/ 39.VI.21 and 1x unpaid sent 24.3.39 from AKNA SLATINA to Pécs, provisional rubber hand stamp MAGYAR KIR. POSTA 128 (AKNA SZLATINA); chosen decorative item/-s v luxusní quality U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÝ occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / postcard (Veliký Bočkov) sent by FP to Pécs, CDS TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL 21 / 28.3.39, additional cancel. ELLENÖRIZVE, intervention of censorship (blackened place sending), rare lokalizace places záborové FP and sought cancel. from occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, used only to 30.4.1939!; good condition, rare offer! U:A5
1943 UNGVÁR 1/ MAGYÁRORSÁG KORMÁNYZOJÁNAK/ 75. SZÜLETÉSNAPJA (Uzhhorod 1/ 75. anniv of birth regenta Maďarského kingdom), special postmark on/for Us letter addressed to Košice franked with Hungarian stmp 20f; perfect condition, very rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 MUNKÁCS/ MUNKÁCSY MIHÁLY SZÜLETÉSÉNEK 100. ÉVFORDÚJÚLA/ 1944 II.20., (Mukachevo/ Munkácsy Mihály - 100. anniv of birth Hungarian painter/-s), franked with. card to Budapest with 2 print special postmark; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A5
1945 BEREHOVE / KHUST double overprint on/for Hungarian PC 18f, black chutský overprint "Czechoslovak Post / 1944", then overprinted black overprint NRZU with new value 40/18f, Majer Ud5I.; only little wrinkled corners, c.v.. 10.000CZK, rare, small usage U:A5
1945 AKNASZLATINA postcard addressed to to Nagyszöllös (Sevluš), with definitive issue NRZU Mi. 83, cancel. ZAKARPATSKA UKRAINA, supplemented with date-stamp "1945 AUG. 21" and postmark censorship; bend in corner postcard, otherwise without defects, rare Us Ppc U:A5