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1993 Pof.8 production flaw, championship juniorů in weightlifting 6CZK, UR corner blk-of-4, contains both catalogue production defects 5/1 and 10/1 - big and smaller rozlitá red stain after/behind head vzpěrače; mint never hinged U:A5
1993 Pof.17 production flaw, Hradec Králové 10CZK with production flaw, horiz. marginal strip-of-5 with exceedingly big incomplete printing grey-green color, 1 pcs of without name state and zkratky CZK, 2 pcs of with significant nedostiskem in/at upper middle stamps, from that 1 pcs of also without zkratky CZK and 1 pcs of with smaller incomplete printing in UR corner; sought by specialists, rare offer, perfect condition U:A5
1993 Pof.17 production flaw, Hradec Králové 10CZK with production flaw, horiz. marginal strip-of-5 with exceedingly big incomplete printing grey-green color, by/on/at 1 pcs of missing ca. 80% area stamps, by/on/at other 2 pcs of ca. 65%, resp. 50% and 1 pcs of with significant incomplete printing in LR corner; sought by specialists, rare offer, perfect condition U:A5
1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1996 COUNTER SHEET / CHESS / Pof.102, Menčíková 6CZK, complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, plate 2; very fine, only face-value 300CZK U:A3v–
1996 Pof.114 production flaw, Destinnová 8 CZK, the bottom horiz. corner str-of-3 with production flaw - significant vert. shift numeral value 8 to zkratky CZK; mint never hinged U:A5
1996 Pof.118, Stavební folder 4CZK, selection of seven stamps s daty print 6 various reprints from machines WIFAG 2 and 3 on/for švédském and španělském paper, unusual selection of U:A5
1996 Pof.125 production flaw, Tycho Brahe 5CZK, stmp with exceedingly big incomplete printing black color R - missing name state and text Tycho Brahe also apparatus; rare occurrence, mint never hinged, common stamp. also with U:A5
1997 Pof.139 production flaw, Heartfelt congratulation 4CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1998 Pof.179-180 production flaw, Nature Protection 4,60CZK, horiz. marginal Pr with production flaw - double name state (shifted print) on/for both stamp.; mint never hinged U:A5
2001 Pof.283 production flaw, Zodiac 12CZK, corner blk-of-6 with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing black on/for two ZP: on pos. 10 missing black in/at LR tlapě up to tail, in addition thin/light print words „zvěrokruh“, on pos. 20 very significantly thin CZK; decorative, cat. min. 900CZK U:A5
2003 Pof.351 production flaw, Eastern 6,40CZK, horiz. marginal strip-of-4 with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing nominal value and name state, bottom frame and trávy on 1 stmp; mint never hinged, rare occurrence, this defect with in the market practically is rare, in catalogue underprized! U:A5
2003 Pof.PL354, Rosa above Prague 6,40CZK, with added-print "80 years Czechoslovak Airlines/ first flight 29.10.1923/ Prague - Bratislava" on/for coupons, with number P0000005287; very fine U:A4
2006 Pof.473 production flaw, Hipoterapie 10CZK, block of 8 s VV on pos. 2, 4 and 6, vertical blue lines from upper margins through/over pos.; c.v.. 900Kč U:A5
2007 Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, selection of three expressive catalogue vad: production flaw pos. 1/L „bílý circle in numeral 8“ (corner Pr), pos. 8/P „velký white circle below P (REPUBLIC) v rohovém block of 6, pos. 23/L „bílý circle in/at „S“ ČESKÁ“ (corner blk-of-12); sought, c.v.. 1.688Kč U:A5
2008 Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, marginal Pr with lower margin and production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf; obzvlášť decorative piece (more blind holes in vertical perf), c.v.. 4.200CZK U:A5
2007 Pof.516, Beauty of Flowers (brambořík) 1Kč, L half-sheet s datem 8.VI.09 (surplus print) and sheet number, on/for osmi stmp 5. column significant violet lines from stonku L flower up (on/for every v jiné pozici, is from R L-wards); unusual production defect U:A4
2008 Pof.551 production flaw, Orbis Pictus 10CZK, L upper corner blk-of-12, on/for šesti stmp 2. line significant broken blue line through name state, jdoucí from center up (every stmp other); vzácné U:A5
2008 Pof.555, Klaus 10CZK, bnd-of-20 s okraji, production flaw v pravém column, on 8 stmp vertical violet lines z hodnotové numeral(s) up (on/for every otherwise); interesting and neobvyklé U:A4
2010 Pof.SL630 A, Fifinka, (variant B), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.560Kč U:A4
2010 Pof.660 A, Myšpulín, (variant A), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.560Kč U:A4
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, vertical pair s pravým margin, production flaw - shift first stroke of comb about/by almost polovinu stamps (R margin imperforate, vert. perf is almost in the middle stamps, stmp is without name state also without value, the first takový case on stmp CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 also Czech Republic !!!), other stroke shifted so, that L stmp have/has name state and value on/for opačné side (also the first case, earlier only případy, that on the back side is buď name state, or only value); rare item, evidently sole possibility získat v aukci! U:A5
2011 Pof.679, 200. Anniv Prague konzervatoře 10CZK, two horiz. str-of-6 s datem 23.III.11, on pos. 44 significant oblique black lines between legs figures, two different stage this production flaw, decorative U:A5
2011 Pof.681 A, Bobík, complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.560Kč U:A4
2011 Pof.701 A, Pat and Mat, complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.560Kč U:A4
2011 Pof.701, Pat and Mat A, complete booklet s posunem náseku downward to picture of stmp; first-time v aukci, v katalogu price struck through, unrepeatable chance U:A5
2012 Pof.711 VV, 150. Anniv Sokol 14 CZK, selection of three catalogue vad: production flaw 19/1B blue stain v těle falcon (corner blk-of-4); production flaw 8/4B yellow stain by L leg falcon (corner str-of-4, very rare); production flaw 46/4B yellow circle v levém bottom corner (marginal block-of-4, rare) U:A5
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, complete booklet, variant A with starým hologram, significant shift hologram up (is in contact with lower part/-s „k“ králem); in this booklet quite exceptional U:A5
2011 Pof.809, Jů and Hele A, complete booklet, significant dark green shade; very rare (catalogue very misvalues), evidently last possibility jej získat U:A5
2014 Pof.828 production flaw, Christmas - Lada A, block of four s pravým margin, production flaw - shifted perforation L-wards to picture of stmp U:A5
2014 Pof.828 production flaw, Christmas - Lada A, three marginal block-of-4 all rare shades this stamp light blue-violet / light brown; dark blue / red-brown (dark blue name state); dark violet-blue / dark brown (dark violet name state), cat. min. 3.200 Kč U:A5
2015 Pof.842 production flaw, Eastern A, selection of three catalogue flaws, production flaw 20/3 „modrá stain on kabátku“ (corner blk-of-4), production flaw 49/3 „modrá line R below pomlázkou“ (corner blk-of-4 z dotisku) and production flaw 48/4 „žlutá stain on šosu zajíce“ (marginal block-of-4); quite exceptional selection of U:A5
2015 Pof.845 production flaw, championship v ledním hockey 30 CZK, two corner blocks of four s oběma catalogue errors/flaws production flaw 4/4 „výrazný incomplete-printing numeral(s) 3 hodnoty“ and production flaw 7/4 „černá stain above h (hokeji)", little vídaná defect, evidently last possibility ji získat; catalogue both defects very misvalues U:A5
2015 Pof.852 production flaw, John Huss 13CZK, three catalogue defects, 2x production flaw 32/4 „kroužek in lower part/-s čepice“, more/larger and smaller (two stage! v rohových blocks of four) and production flaw 36/4 circle R above „n“ (John); catalogue misvalues, nejspíš last possibility získat U:A5
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, selection of three catalogue VV: 2x production flaw on pos. 5 (1x two yellow rings v červené area v rohová block of four, 1x only one circle v rohové pair – rare stage defects) and 1x production flaw on pos. 35 - oblique river through/over whole blue face (in/at corner block of four); sought catalogue defects U:A5
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka A, three corner blocks of four s katalogovými production flaw on pos. 7 - rose circle v modrém field blízko pin hole in two fázích ‒ v horní třetině and in lower třetině blue area (1. surplus print) and other production flaw on pos. 7 - large blue oval v modré area (basic print); sought catalogue defects U:A5
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech Republic A, corner and marginal 2-páska: production flaw on pos. 4 – yellow circle v červené area, pos. 33 - yellow stain in red field flags above „li“ (republic), sought catalogue defects z 1. reprint U:A5
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech Republic A, production flaw on pos. 1 - red circle on/for rozhraní white and red area (corner Pr), pos. 33 - violet circle v modré area lower (corner blk-of-6); sought catalogue defects z 1. reprint U:A5
2016 Pof.880 production flaw, Jaderný institution 27Kč, right the bottom corner Pr and L upper corner str-of-4, two catalogue defects, production flaw 49/2 - violet stain in grey atomu L (nejspíš last possibility získat) and production flaw 1/3 - white stain in L upper blue atomu, in addition uncatalogued production flaw on pos. 4/3 – white stain on upper „w“; mint never hinged U:A5
2016 Pof.A906/907, miniature sheet Fight about/by Czech státnost 1916 with production flaw - violet circle in/at blue area Slovak emblem / symbol; middle position U:A5
2017 Pof.A925, 75. Anniv operation Anthropoid 46 CZK, three souvenir sheets s výraznými shades value číslice: red-brown, black-brown and grey-brown (in catalogue uváděna as grey; very rare shade) U:A5
2017 Pof.931-932, Engines, 2x complete booklet, 1x significantly dark color stamps (very low usage) and 1x normal color, but shifted cut downward; c.v.. 3.200CZK U:A5
2018 Pof.964 production flaw, Eastern A, lower corner blk-of-10 with production flaw 42/4B - red stain on the bottom hands and production flaw 50/4B - yellow line below „Velikonoce“; catalogue defects, in/at one block exceptional U:A5
2018 Pof.965-972 production flaw, State symbols, complete booklet incl. stamp. Pof.970 with production flaw 6/2 - violet circle in/at blue area; catalogue defect U:A5
2010-2018 two booklets s výraznými production flaw on/for obalu: Pof.681, Bobík A, production flaw „modrý circle rising from the L from středního parcel Myšpulína“ (field 2) + Pof.984-985, Jedlé mushrooms A, production flaw significant yellow stain on right sheet on reverse cover lower (field 4); sole significant defect on/for this booklet, unusual U:A5
2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with plate variety - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare significant variant defects! U:A5
2018 Pof.995-996, World on rails II, two complete booklets, 1x significantly dark color (katalogizováno), 1x common color for comparison, but set up hologram and light shifted cut downward; c.v.. 1.800Kč U:A5
2020 Pof.1061, Eastern B, two marginal block-of-4 z dotisku, z toho 1x significant skidding print blue-violet and 1x darker red color, for comparison common piece basic print U:A5
2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 s výrazným shift pin hole also náseku crossways L-wards (to to right frame); rare and decorative U:A5
2020 Pofis. 1071-1072, Poison Mushrooms B, complete booklet, on all stamps significant shift náseku up; sought and decorative, first-time v aukci U:A5
2020 Pof.1081-1082 production flaw, Roušky B, two blocks of four (1x corner, 1x without bottom margins) and one bnd-of-10, three stage very significant production flaw 46/2 - significant yellow circle L from plamene red roušky; two significant rings (more/larger and smaller) more closely to plameni; thin/light yellow circle about/by something níže (zánik defects), but k tomu production flaw 49/2 „modrá stain v levém oušku roušky“ (defects budou catalogue); rare U:A5
2020 Pof.1087, Airplane Aero Albatross B, two corner blocks of four, 1x very dark color shade (rare), 1x light, bright blue shade (also nonstandard) U:A5
2020 Pof.1087, Airplane Aero Albatross B, marginal block-of-4 s levým margin s výrazným shift pin hole and náseku L-wards (zasahuje to character B values and „a“ words „republika“), z jediného noted sheet; decorative U:A5
2020 Pof.1089 production flaw, Chybotisk 50/50 B, horizontal pair s velmi significant shifted perforation L (inscription „Chybotisk 50/50“ L instead R, perf dělí value B on/for middle); very rare and decorative U:A5
2020 Pof.A1091-1092, Sovák and Brodský 30 CZK and 34 CZK, comp. of 4 miniature sheets, significantly different shades background also stamps (telefonující Sovák grey-yellow, grey-brown or dark brown), and miniature sheet s VV on pos. 1 - yellow circle on/for saku Sováka closely by/on/at L perf; nice selection of U:A5
2020 Pof.1093, Modrásek 2 Koruna, two marginal block-of-4 in expressive odstínech: light blue, dark blue and for comparison v krajové pair common blue-violet; decorative U:A5
2020 Pof.1095, Závodní speciály - Aero B, selection of three booklets s výrazně odlišnými colors obalu: light blue/ grey-black (with production flaw cover „šikmé violet lines on/for kapotě L from number 14“, blue-violet / chocolate brown (both rare) and common fialovomodrá / dark brown, on stmp 2x darker inscription Aero 750 and 1x světlejší U:A5
2020 Pof.1095, Závodní speciály – Aero B, significantly L useknutý hologram; very unusual defect, rare U:A5
2020 Pof.1098, Art 33CZK (Musatov), skidding print black, nejzřetelnější on pos. 3 and 4; dekorativní U:A5
2020 Pof.A1100-1101, Prague E and Z, selection of two miniature sheets, 1x orange and 1x light yellow values (commonly are žlutooranžové); markantní difference U:A5