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2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů B, four LL corner blocks of four s označením field 2, significantly different color shades (yellow, yellow-orange, orange and dark orange with strong print black and dark value B), quite different also other color, decorative and very obtížně zkompletovatelné, two z odstínů absolutely minimum usage, unrepeatable offer U:A5
2021 Pof.1105, Census B, marginal block-of-4 s posunem perf R closely to/at jménu author, in addition skidding (in color stínovaný) print these names; for comparison normal piece, zajímavé U:A5
2021 Pof.1111, Negrelliho viaduct B, two UL corner blocks of four, significantly different color shades U:A5
2021 Pof.PL1115, Dancing house E, PB s rozostřeným smykovým print dark blue color (name state and value stronger), the most significant on/for right column stamps; for comparison common stmp, rare U:A4
2021 Pof.1119, Gustav Brom 27Kč, comp. of 6 expressive color shades in blocks of four, shades head, background also numeral value (chocolate brown and dark brown), z toho four corner, very rare mainly red head and background v jasné version (block of four s levým margin) also in version s výrazně lighter head (block of four s pravým margin), very obtížně zkompletovatelná selection of U:A5
2021 Pof.A1122-1123, Castle Jezeří, selection of čtyř miniature sheets, various shades (color rocks to žluta, ochre or red, thin/light and strong black, lighter and darker green); decorative U:A4
2000-2008 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation machine stamps in stockbook A5, Pof.AT1-AT4; only face-value 3.400CZK U:Z
1993 ZS1-ZS14, set of all 14 pcs of booklets year 1993, incl. sought ZS4 and ZS5; very nice quality, c.v.. 6.530Kč U:A5
1993 ZS2, ZS3 and ZS4, State Coat of Arms , V. Havel and Č. Krumlov-Trojan; very fine U:A5
1993-1994 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 better stamp booklets from y. 1993-1994, contains i.a. ZS2 1x; stamp-booklet 3 6x, ZS8-ZS 11 2x; stamp-booklet 16 2x; ZS20-ZS22 2x and oths. + in addition 1x covers hledaného ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) PRAGUE (red); interesting selection of U:O5
1995-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / booklets and booklets with bklt sheets in/at filled more/larger little-box, line pieces more times; face-value more than 7.000CZK U:K
1993-2007 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS/ collection booklets stamp-booklet and ZSt, contains i.a. ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5 etc..; very fine, c.v.. ca. 17.000CZK U:A5
1997 [COLLECTIONS] ZSt1-3, Švejk, komplety 6 plates printing sheets, total 18 pcs of; rare offer! U:O5
1993-1998 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 4 complete issue, contains stamp-booklet 8-11 Towns, 20-22 Dinosaur, 32-35 Prague Free Theatre and 63-66 Nature Protection; total 15 pcs of, very fine, c.v.. 3.300CZK U:O5
1995-2006 PTM1-PTM26, complete set of commemorative prints (without PTM6a); very fine, c.v.. 15.420Kč U:A5
2018 card David Feldman s aršíkem Bombajský letter, distribuovaná together s PT 37C/b; missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print, catalogue shows (illustrated on/for with. 270), but for the present nehodnotí U:A5
1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art, low number 000038 (!); very fine, c.v.. 6.500CZK U:A5
1994-2002 PTR1, 2, 6, 9(2x), comp. 5 pcs of PTR, obshuje i.a. Contemporary Art; nice quality, c.v.. 8.740CZK U:A5
1996-2006 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 22 pcs of PTM, contains i.a. PTM5b 2x, PTM15, 16 etc..; c.v.. 5.700CZK U:A5
1994-2006 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / rare accumulation black-prints in/at rozmezí PT1-PT24, contains: PT1 8x; PT2 4x; PT3a 13x; PT3b 4x; PT5a 6x; PT5b 4x; PT6a 16x; PT6b 3x; PT7 and 8 1x; PT9a 3x; PT9b 2x; special commemorative print 10 1x; PT11a 17x; PT11b 4x; special commemorative print 13a 12x; PT13b 2x; PT14a 5x; PT5b 1x; PT16 1x; PT16a 2x; PT16b 6x; PT18a 8x; PT18b 1x; PT20a + b 1x; PT21 6x and PT24 1x + 3x complete Swedish album Nemes with black prints; sound condition, c.v.. 20.900Kč, suitable to other sale U:O4
1995-2010 [COLLECTIONS] MERKUR REVUE / accumulation black-prints, incl. better variants, in addition supplemented with about/by several exhibition black-prints, black print Terezín etc..; total more than 40 pcs of, nice quality, high catalogue value 1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked special or special and postage stamp., all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY; rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage or postage and special stamp., all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY; rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage stamp. issue Towns, all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY; rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1997 special envelope with miniature sheet Jewish Monuments in Prague, Pof.A142/143, with postmarks 1. of day issue, mounted miniature sheet without plate variety on pos. 3 - interrupted paw (!); very fine, rare occurrence miniature sheet without plate defects! U:A4
1994 APOST type I (big hinge / label), comp. 10 pcs of entires from various post with big labels from that 2x as Reg letter, other advertising cards; without defects, interesting U:A5
1994 APOST type I (big hinge / label), comp. 10 pcs of entires from various post with big labels from that 3x as Registered, 1x Ex; 1x torn envelope, otherwise without defects, interesting U:A5
1994 [COLLECTIONS] APOST type I (big hinge / label), selection of 18 pcs of money letters sent to Živnostenskou bank from various post, all with úvěrovaným postage; very fine, rare usage U:O5
1994 [COLLECTIONS] APOST type I (big hinge / label), comp. 9 pcs of money letters sent to Živnostenskou bank from various post, all cash paid; very fine, rare usage U:O5
1993 CDV2/ PM1, Vosolsobě, without added print invitation-cards on reverse, with special postmark to exhibition paintings; Un, perfect condition U:A5
1996 CDV18, Knights of Malta, additional printing FP B54 on postcard 3CZK; very fine U:A5
1993-1998 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / comp. 7 pcs of complete counter sheet + 5 pcs of parts of sheets, contains i.a. Pof.1 (printing form A+B), 13, 69-70 (printing form A+B) etc..; only face-value 910CZK U:Z
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / selection detached/free ložených stamps in box, contains mainly souvenir sheets and PB, often more times; face-value over 22.000 CZK U:K
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / detached/free ložené stamps in/at filled small little-box, contains set miniature sheets and PB, part more times; face-value over 20.000 CZK U:K
2010 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / comp. of stamps on hingeless sheets Trojan - year/volume 2010 mainly complete, incl. PB, miniature sheets, coupons etc..; face-value more than 2.900CZK U:Z
2010-2014 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.630A 2x, 630E, 630Z, 672A, 681A, 750-51A, 809A comp. 8 pcs of samolepicích stamp booklets + samolepící own stamps Pof.829A 10x, general nominal value 2.324Kč U:O5
1993-2000 [COLLECTIONS] envelope/-s s velkým lot of unstuck stamps Czech republic and Slovakia; interesting balíčkový also research material, placed in box U:K