1849-1927 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 20 pages Schaubek, from Mi.1, mainly without highest values, also part complete sets, i.a. Mi.191-203 etc.., also railway, supplemented with 12 pages of occupied territory, Belgian Congo and Rwanda
1849-2000 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection on pages in 3 spiral folders, from classic "Epaulettes", complete sets incl. many highest values, 5Fr 1878 with rolled cancel. as usual, from 1910 mainly unused, to 1938 mainly hinged, i.a. Mi.104-108, 145-158, 191-203, 235-243, 244-249, 315-321, 333-341, 342-343, 347-353, 366-372 etc.., joined printings 947-948, also souvenir sheets Block No.1, 20, 21, 22 etc.., also Eupen and Malmeds, officials, railways, telegraph etc..; part various, overall but nice quality, very high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1851-1926 [COLLECTIONS] smaller old collection on 13 pages Schaubek, i.a. 2x FIRE R.B.S., Mi.8, 22-31, 66 and 81, 131-142, 143-145, 168-173, part Danish West India etc..
1918-1926 [COLLECTIONS] BALTIC COUNTRIES / 3 small collections on 18 pages Schaubek, contains i.a. air-mail, Surtax etc.., for example Estonia Mi.46B-47B etc..; interesting
1866-1927 [COLLECTIONS] FINLAND / NORWAY / ICELAND three small old collection on 17 pages Schaubek, i.a. Finland Mi.8, Norway Mi.109-115, Iceland Mi.3 etc..; part various quality
1877-1926 [COLLECTIONS] FIUME / SAN MARINO / two collections on total 15 sheets Schaubek, various complete also incomplete sets, mainly cheaper values, but for example Fiume Mi.163-165, also postage-dues etc..; various quality
1849-1927 [COLLECTIONS] old used / unused collection on 13 pages Schaubek, incl. some classic period of Ceres (Mi.7a) and Napoleon, also for example Mi.34 unused, issues Merson, Allegory, Mi.136, 144-151 etc.., also Postage due stsmps, issue for Turkey, Port-Said, colonyies etc..; part various quality
1870-1995 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection on sheet Schaubek in 5 spring folders, i.a. Mi.136, 229 *, 248, 261 *, 327, 359-360, miniature sheet PEXIP with special postmark (without gum), several stamp booklets Red Cross etc.., supplemented with duplication in 3 smaller stockbooks A4; various quality, placed in middle box
1863-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on ca. 40 pages, from Italian states (part reprints etc.), issues Victor Emmanuel II., i.a. Mi.16-22, 29-36, 61-66, 98, 100-103, 161-164, 183-186, 249-252 etc.., supplemented with local issues, Tripolis, Eritrea, Libya etc..; various quality
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection in large stockbook A4, with part of classic, many complete also better sets, incl. colonial issues, i.a. Mi.494-513 etc.., also Aegean islands etc..; overall good quality, from estate!
1866-1926 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA / collection on 13 pages, issue for Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia etc.. + SERBIA from 1866 on 7 pages + Albania on 5 pages; interesting
1852-1926 [COLLECTIONS] LUXEMBURG / MONACO / two small collection of total 17 sheets, partly classical stamps, several complete sets etc.., also postage-due; various quality
1871-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 19 pages, from the first issue Franz Joseph (part I lithographies), contains also issues Letters with cipher, Turul, Parliament, Reaper etc.., also postage-dues etc.., sets of 1920´s as Mi.403-410 etc.
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 15 pages Schaubek, from issues Numerals, also various issues Coat of arms, nominal complete Luitpold Mi.76-91 etc.., official etc..; part various quality
1913-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection of joined printings and booklet issue on 16 sheets Lindner, contains i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; mainly hinged, high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1933-1941 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection of joined printings in stockbook Lindner on 40 pages, complete i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / fine collection on 8 pages in spiral stockbook, mainly complete sets, air-mails, overprints, also shades etc.., incl. several better items as Mi.16y etc..; overall interesting
1946-1948 [COLLECTIONS] ALIIERTE OCCUPATION / nice collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, Mi.911-970, incl. many better shades and types, for example. Mi.963I - "Schmiss", also souvenir sheets Bl.1-2; overall very fine quality
1947-1959 [COLLECTIONS] collection from estate on pages Leuchtturm, almost complete, incl. good sets and * miniature sheets HOCHWASSERHILFE; c.v.. ca. 2.680€
1948-1956[COLLECTIONS] very fine collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, complete Mi.1-158, incl. all valuable sets and miniature sheet Block No.1; VF, c.v.. 6.480€
1948-1956 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection on sheets in spiral stockbook Leuchtturm, complete Mi.101-243 incl. all better sets, also BIZONE Mi.1-51, incl. miniature sheet Hannover 49´etc.; mainly in very fine quality, c.v.. ca. 4.200€
1872-1937[COLLECTIONS] very fine collection, mixed used / unused stamps on more than 50 pages Schaubek, from issue large and small breast shield, also for example. Mi.12-13, issue Germania, Scenes - Reichspost incl. 5M (Mi.66 type I.), Deutsches Reich to 5M, Airmail I-III, inflation, air-mails 1926, part of Zeppelins, Wagner set, air-mails 1934, officials Mi.9-14 etc.., occupied territories - Belgium, Romania, Upper Silesia, Saar, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA etc..; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in stockbook A4, contains various issues, part complete sets, mainly used, several mint sets from interwar (mainly hinged)
1852-1927 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 13 sheets Schaubek, i.a. Mi.1-3, 4-6, 7-11, 29A, 100 etc.., in addition supplemented with Curacao, India and Surinam on 18 additional sheets; various quality, higher catalogue
1918-1925 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 13 pages Schaubek, without Mi.1, many complete sets, several values of Krakow issue, then for example Mi.130-134, 154-157, 213-223, air-mails, postage-dues etc., Mi.135-136 without guarantee, supplemented with 4 pages with Central Lithuania; interesting!
1867-1880 selection of more than 50 letters with VI. issue 5 Kreuzer red and 2 Kreuzer yellow with nice cancel. from Czech countries, i.a. ZÖPTAU (blue), WITTINGAU, TROPPAU (line), STERNBERG (náprskové), ZASTAWKA, NEU-HWIEZDLITZ (náprskové on reverse), POLITZ B. NACHOD, OLEŠNICE, MISSLITZ, KOJETEIN, KLEIN SCHWADOWITZ, KELTSCH B. WEISKIRCHEN, FREINSPITZ (small diameter circle), DATSCHITZ, BUDISCHAU, HOHENEURT, LIBČAN (small diameter circle), VLASATICE etc.., also with several pieces of prephilatelic letters and receipts
1922-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old pages, mostly hinged, incl. some better values and sets - Rotary, FIS II, both WIPA, Airmail I and II postage-due 1925 etc.; c.v.. 3.300€
1879-1926 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / unused collection on 10 pages, from issue Eagle, Landscape, Franz Joseph I., Charles. etc.., also postage-due etc..
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 18 pages, general Issues and issues for Italy, Romania, Serbia, complete also incomplete sets Franz Joseph I. and Charles I.; interesting
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] fine general mixed collection of used / mind stamps on pages Schaubek in 3 spring folders, to 1910 mainly used, from the first issue., also Jubilee, issue Coat of arms, air-mails etc.., several better interwar sets (mainly hinged), i.a. Mi.418-424, 433-441, 442-446, 524-529 etc.., also post abroad, issues of FP, issue for Italy, Romania, postage-dues, newspapers etc..; higher catalogue, we advice examination
1858--1900 [COLLECTIONS] old very interesting collection on pages Schaubek, includes I. - VI. issues incl. Lombardy, then i.a. Jubilee 1908 set, Coat of arms etc.., postwar sets and part sets 1930´s as Poets etc.., also postage-dues, newspapers etc.., supplemented with Crete and Levant, i.a. with postage-due and oths.; part various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, attractive lot!
1862-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 16 pages, from classic period, several complete sets, for example Mi.154-160 unused, 197-207 used etc.., also postage-dues etc., in addition collection Bulgaria on 11 pages; interesting
1860-1992 [COLLECTIONS] fine mainly used collection in 7 spring folders on sheets Stibůrek, includes some classics, issues of 1930´s incl. air-mails, Zeppelins etc.., souvenir sheets Air-mail Bl.3 unused, Bl.9 used etc.; part various quality (spots), overall interesting, c.v.. by estimation ca. 4.000€, we advice examination!
1992-2004 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on hingeless sheets in 3 spring stockbooks, contains PB, souvenir sheets, joined printings etc..; c.v.. ca. 1.700€
1992-2006 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA / BELARUS / collection of Belarus in full large 30-sheet stockbook, contains souvenir sheets, joined printings, PB, some booklets etc.. + stockbook Russia with PB, souvenir sheets, printing sheet and oths.; overall interesting, many popular motives
[COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 300 postal stationery covers USSR with added-prints, major-part unused, or with special postmarks; accumulation, placed in filled box from shoes
1858-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 20 pages, i.a. Mi.2, 9-11, complete House of Romanov incl. unused 3R, several complete sets etc.., Mi.1 without guarantee; part various quality, we advice examination
1861-1892 [COLLECTIONS] HERMES HEADS / small collection on 3 album cards A4, supplemented with 2 books SČSF No.12 and 13 from V. Šnejdar; various quality, c.v.according to owner ca. 4.000€
1861-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old small collection on 21 sheets, contains issues Heads of Hermes, complete also incomplete sets, several better middle values etc.., also Epireus and Crete; various quality, higher catalogue, interesting
1945-1987 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in 2 screw folders, mainly complete, contains also better afterwar sets (mainly hinged), but for example sought Mi.949 **, then for example. Mi.975-982 *, 1003-1007 * etc.., from 1960´s mostly mint never hinged, i.a. also souvenir sheets, PB etc..
1855-1926 [COLLECTIONS] smaller old collection on 11 pages Schaubek, part classic period, then for example. Mi.54, both issue 1924 to 1 Kr etc..; overall good quality
1855-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on album sheets, only small part of classic period, issue 1924 without highest values etc.., also officials, postage-dues, military etc..
1862-1926 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 pages, contains issue Sitting and Standing Helvetia, Tell, Pro Juventute, also air-mails etc.., in addition supplemented with LIECHTENSTEIN on 4 pages, i.a. Mi.1x-3x cancel. etc..
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet album A4, contains i.a. set Pro Juventute, Pro Patria etc.., partly classical stamps; various quality
1880-1995 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Schaubek in screw folder, from issue Seated Helvetia, set Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, Helvetia etc.., from better items i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.7**, 9 *, 10 **, 11*, 12*, 13*, Bl.14, LUNABA used etc.., also air-mail etc..
1860-1925 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection on 12 pages, incl. better items, i.a. part issue Toughra - seal etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1840-1927 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 pages Schaubek, part of classic period, Penny Black, Victoria 1891 £1 (fold), 5Sh Edward VII., official etc..; higher catalogue, various quality
1924-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION / DUPLICATION / mixed, mostly used collection in 3 spring and 1 screw folders on hingeless sheets Schaubek, supplemented with about used duplication in 5 variously full stockbooks A4; placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1948-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of unused stamps in 4 full stockbooks + collection in spring folder (1970-), mainly more times, several stamp booklets etc..; placed in box
1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / large selection of several hundreds letters, p.stat and Ppc mainly from countries of Europe, contains entires from Germany, GDR, Austria, USSR, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, but also overseas; in larger box, total 8kg of material; good condition
1851-1927 [COLLECTIONS] interesting old collection on more than 30 pages Schaubek, i.a. issue 1861-1866, then for example Mi.32, issue 1870, Mi.53-57, 60,, 72, 61-71, Columbus to 50C, Trans-Mississippi to 10C, Mi.132-137, Mi.15, 159-161, 206 etc.., also officials, special delivery, air-mails, parcels, supplemented with Canal Zone, Philippines etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly of used stamps on pages in 9 spring and screw folders, only small part of classic period, mainly modern stamps, blocks of four, joined printings, booklets etc.., in addition various duplication in 5 stockbooks and folders; a lot of material, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1926-1995 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of unused stamps on pages Schaubek in 2 spring and 1x screw folders, contains complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, booklets etc.