Pof.1vz-26vz, complete basic line VZORCŮ on/for values 1h - 1000h (without 10h green and 20h carmine), except 25h violet and 75h all marginal pieces; superb, all exp. Vrba, rare set!
Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of with overprint in black color, value 3 Koruna granite paper; hinged, 2 Koruna lower cut perf, 1 Koruna and 4 Koruna light bend; exp. Vrba, mark Mareš, rare usage!
Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of with overprint in red (!) color, values 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna granite paper; hinged, exp. Vrba, mark Mareš
1939AS12, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhibition New York 1939, red Opt, black text; lightly hinged, usual folds in paper, L small tearing, c.v.. Trojan this variety doesn't report, quite minimum usage!
1943 Pof.PrA1b, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in black color, No. 408, size 170,5x131,5mm, issued on paper without gum; only small bend in corner and lightly hinged, exp. Möbs, Mahr BPP, printing only 1.000 pieces!
1939Sy.24B, Hlinka 1Ks red with overprint with lower margin with date 10. III. 1939 with very rare perf line perforation 10½ (!); minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert and Ptacovsky, certificate Synek, c.v.. 1.900€, this stmp missing in most collections, with plate mark!
1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; all piece are without gum, very fine piece with perfectly preserved perf, rare stamp, certificate and exp. by Karasek
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] fine general mixed collection of used / mind stamps on pages Schaubek in 3 spring folders, to 1910 mainly used, from the first issue., also Jubilee, issue Coat of arms, air-mails etc.., several better interwar sets (mainly hinged), i.a. Mi.418-424, 433-441, 442-446, 524-529 etc.., also post abroad, issues of FP, issue for Italy, Romania, postage-dues, newspapers etc..; higher catalogue, we advice examination
NÁCHODSKÉ FORGERY / 1000h violet, whole block of 8 with margin on stamp paper with gum, forgery to defraud the collectors; without defects, marked mark Padělek, sought by specialists
1918-1920[COLLECTIONS] ROZPRACOVANÁZÁSOBA FOR REKONSTRUKCI plate / sorted accumulation by estimation 3.000ks Hradcany-issue stamp. in paper bags in 4 boxes with lid, lot of spiral, bar also frame types, various postmark, does not contain value 1000h and small lot of values 15h and 500h from 2 plate; originate from collector from abroad
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / plate proof in black color, C.C. print unfinished 2. design/sketch E. Carl, on/for from the front side pokřídovaném paper without gum; exp. Vrba, Vrba certificate, rare hradčanský plate proof one from stage arrangement, originates from ukázkového album/-s engraver E. Carl (ticket 1336)
1934 Pof.A283, A284, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, both high size, size 173,5x285mm and 174x283mm; 2CZK in good quality, 1CZK hinged, exp. by Mrnak., 1x covers
Pof.SO14aZT, 60h red-orange with blue overprint, unofficial - special perforation comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate proof - it is not žlutooranžovou with perf A; mint never hinged, wrong marked Gilbert, Karasek, by pencil supplemented with right mark
1939AS12, miniature sheet 20. Anniv Czechosl. stamps, exhibition New York 1939, blue Opt, black text; hint, usual folds in paper, c.v.. Trojan this variety doesn't report, quite minimum usage!
1943Pof.A111; Mi.Bl.I, Heydrich's MS / Heydrich Block, mint never hinged original gum quite mint never hinged (!), dokonce more/larger size 101x147mm, type I., perf rámec A, number miniature sheet "226", printing only 1.000 pcs of; mint never hinged in perfect quality, c.v.. 20.000€ (!), on reverse commercial mark Kosina / Prague (George Kosina 1894-1966, legionnaire, Prague philatelic dealer), on request can be zajistit certificate, rare offer miniature sheet in/at prémiové quality, according to catalogues most valuable miniature sheet from complete world philately, missing in overwhelming majority collections!
1943 Pof.PrA1a, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, No. 066 - unusual low number, size 170x131mm, issued on paper without gum; only small bend in corner, exp. by Mahr BPP, printing only 1.000 pieces!
1951Pof.PL611, Jirásek 5Kčs grey-blue, standard shade; mint never hinged, small thin place in margin, marked by Pofis., popular and sought TESTER in excellent quality - missing in most collections!