1942 C.C. KLOS / Reg letter sent from Montenegro to Italian concentration camp in occupied Albania, franked with Italian stamp with overprint "Crna Gora", CDS BAR 3.X.42, on reverse transit CDS CETINJE 4.X.42, redirected with CDS SHKODER 9.10.42; good condition
1928 Mi.235I-243I, Abbey ORVAL (I), complete set with blue and red overprint, value 5c+5c lightly hinged, other mint never hinged, all with mark Kosina/ Prague, c.v.. 1.600€, rare
1849-2000 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection on pages in 3 spiral folders, from classic "Epaulettes", complete sets incl. many highest values, 5Fr 1878 with rolled cancel. as usual, from 1910 mainly unused, to 1938 mainly hinged, i.a. Mi.104-108, 145-158, 191-203, 235-243, 244-249, 315-321, 333-341, 342-343, 347-353, 366-372 etc.., joined printings 947-948, also souvenir sheets Block No.1, 20, 21, 22 etc.., also Eupen and Malmeds, officials, railways, telegraph etc..; part various, overall but nice quality, very high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1853 Mi.17a, Napoleon III. EMPIRE FRANC. 1Fr carmine, left lower close margins, at right wide margin with part of adjoining stamp (!); overall very fine, c.v.. 4.200€ rare classic stamp!
1854 letter with mixed franking of Mi.5, Ceres 40C + Mi.8, Napoleon 10C "Repub. Franc.", cancel. Le Chambon-Feugerolles 5. JUIL 54 to Sardinia through Torino, arrival SCOPA 9 LUG 54; very nice and rare letter, c.v.. Maury for this franking - 4.000€
1945 RAILWAYS / Mi.191var, Maury 219af, pair of Railways - UNISSUED "Engines" (5Fr) without face value, decorative margin; issued without gum, c.v.. Maury for stamps "sans la valeur" 1.650€++
1849-1927 [COLLECTIONS] old used / unused collection on 13 pages Schaubek, incl. some classic period of Ceres (Mi.7a) and Napoleon, also for example Mi.34 unused, issues Merson, Allegory, Mi.136, 144-151 etc.., also Postage due stsmps, issue for Turkey, Port-Said, colonyies etc..; part various quality
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.15a, Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; very fine piece with original gum, certificate Cardillo, c.v.. 7.000€, rare stamp!
1860 Sass.16, Savoy Cross ½T blue with cancel. ANNULATO; nice piece with full margins and transparent wmk, exp. Thier, c.v.. 6.500€, Michel 4.500€, rare and favourite stamp!
1859 part of folded letter sent from Cegalu, franked with 2x stamps Ferdinand II. 1Gr "bruno ruggine", Sass.3, round cancel. PALERMO; certificate Rybaudi, c.v.. 8.750€+
1933 Sass.1, "Crociera Nord-Atlantica", 5,25L+44,75L, SERVIZIO DI STATOł; VF, fine centering, certificate Raybaudi and Toseli; c.v.. 7.800€, rare stamp
1863-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on ca. 40 pages, from Italian states (part reprints etc.), issues Victor Emmanuel II., i.a. Mi.16-22, 29-36, 61-66, 98, 100-103, 161-164, 183-186, 249-252 etc.., supplemented with local issues, Tripolis, Eritrea, Libya etc..; various quality
1919 ISSUE FOR BOSNA AND HERCEGOVINA / UNISSUED / Landscape 10K/2H (violet with overprint 1918); with black overprint -noted as plate proof; very fine, 2 expert's signature, very rare stamp!
1866-1926 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA / collection on 13 pages, issue for Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia etc.. + SERBIA from 1866 on 7 pages + Albania on 5 pages; interesting
1921-1923 SG.91a, George V. 1½Pi yellow / black with plate variety - BROKEN BOTTOM TRIANGLE; mint never hinged piece with lower margin, c.v.. ** ca. £500
1871-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 19 pages, from the first issue Franz Joseph (part I lithographies), contains also issues Letters with cipher, Turul, Parliament, Reaper etc.., also postage-dues etc.., sets of 1920´s as Mi.403-410 etc.
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 15 pages Schaubek, from issues Numerals, also various issues Coat of arms, nominal complete Luitpold Mi.76-91 etc.., official etc..; part various quality
1913-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection of joined printings and booklet issue on 16 sheets Lindner, contains i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; mainly hinged, high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1933-1941 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection of joined printings in stockbook Lindner on 40 pages, complete i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / fine collection on 8 pages in spiral stockbook, mainly complete sets, air-mails, overprints, also shades etc.., incl. several better items as Mi.16y etc..; overall interesting
1946-1948 [COLLECTIONS] ALIIERTE OCCUPATION / nice collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, Mi.911-970, incl. many better shades and types, for example. Mi.963I - "Schmiss", also souvenir sheets Bl.1-2; overall very fine quality
1947-1959 [COLLECTIONS] collection from estate on pages Leuchtturm, almost complete, incl. good sets and * miniature sheets HOCHWASSERHILFE; c.v.. ca. 2.680€