1970 OLOMOUC complete set of 5 pcs of miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle + value 120h blue with anulací round hole; very fine, it is supplementary exhibition print from 70. years
1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, DOMAŽLICE, DAŠICE V Č. / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints; various quality, philatelically motivated, larger part Un
1945 FRÝDEK / letter franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler with overprint, posting nationalized CDS FRÝDEK 1/ 4.V.45, on reverse on/for flap cancel. Bačák, supplemented with 2 letters p. Bedřich Bačáka of author frýdeckých overprints, in which describes okolnosti origin this overprint issue; good condition, interesting!
1945 FRÝDEK, FALKNOV N. O. / comp. 6 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 2x PC, 2x letter, 1x cut square and 1x Registered and Express letter with whole overprint issues; good condition, philatelically motivated, part Un
1945 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, HLUBOKÁ N. V., HORAŽĎOVICE, HOLEŠOV / comp. 13 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, from that 1x R, 4x PC; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 HRANICE, HULÍN, CHEB, JIČÍN, JOSEFOV / comp. 15 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, from that 5x R; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M., PARDUBICE / selection of 16 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, from that 2x R, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL / newspaper hinge / label Rovnost and Čin on/for whole newspapers with address labels, CDS BRNO 2/ 3.VI.45 and 13.VI.45; good condition
1945 OLOMOUC / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary issue Eagle + 3 pcs of stamp. with additional-printing "Liberation Olomouc/ Red Army/ 8.5. 1945, 6x as Registered, 1x Ex; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PRAGUE 14, PARDUBICE / comp. 2 pcs of big philatelic Reg letters with mounted sets overprint Bohemian and Moravian stamps, all with appropriate CDS incl. arrival; good condition
1945 PRAGUE, PLZEŇ / comp. 13 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 3x R, 2x PC, 2x letter-card; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 SADSKÁ, SUŠICE, STŘÍTEŽ, RADOŠOVICE, RAKOVNÍK, ŘÍČANY U PRAHY / selection of 17 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 4x R, 1x Ex, 1x PC, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 SKALICA / Express letter addressed to to Radošovců, franked with. both stamp. skalického issue, blue 2+3Kčs and red 1,50+3,50Kčs, CDS SKALICA 26.V.45; good condition, Us entires are sought!
1945 SKALICA / comp. 3 pcs of letters with 1,50+3,50Kčs and 2+3Kčs revolutionary issue, 1x Express letter franked with. pair 2Kčs blue with CDS SKALICA 3.V.45, 1x Reg letter franked with. both stamp. in mixed franking stamp. Linden Leaves, posting nationalized CDS HODONÍN 12.VII.45, and 1x ordinary letter franked with. 2Kčs blue with CDS KUCHYŇA 8.VI.45; good condition
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of entires with revolutionary issue with overprint "Only for Slavkov", 1x letter with red stamp. 120h + 1x card with blue stamp. 60h, both entires with nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V. and 19.V.45, supplemented with red additional-printing Post Slavkov 26.IV.1945; good condition
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1945 SVATÝ KOPEČEK, TEPLICE ŠANOV / comp. 11 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 4x R, 1x Ex, 1x PC, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV, black Opt Czechoslovak./ post on/for 20 values German stamp., A. Hitler 1Pf - 1RM, all with round service postmark with emblem, POST OFFICE TEPLICE ŠANOV/ 8.5.1945, used on 2 pages A4; good condition
1945 ZÁBŘEH N./M., NOVÝ HROZENKOV, ZBRASLAV - FINIS GERMANIAE, ŽAMBERK / comp. 14 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 2x R, 3x p.stat PC; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945BLAŽEJOV, VRCHLABÍ, JOSEFODŮL, TŘISEKERY / comp. 4 pcs of entires with decorative provisional, from that 2x R - postcard paid cash; good condition, decorative!
1945 CASH VYPLACENO / Printed matter sent as Registered cash paid 4,20 Koruna, provisional railway Reg label and rubber hand stamp NEPLACHOVICE/ 1945, supplemented with date-stamp 27.VII. and by hand "45", on reverse arrival JIČÍN 28.VII.45, incl. nouzového certificate of mailing; very fine, rare
1945OKRES ŠUMPERK / selection of 21 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 10x R, 1x Ex, 1x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945 provisional POSTMARK train post / franked with. Reg letter sent railway post to Zlín, nationalized railway pmk 526/ BRNO - LANŽHOT/ 26.VIII.45, railway Reg label, arrival ZLÍN 27.VIII.45; good condition, rare usage
1945 ADVERTISING ADDED PRINTS / comp. 7 pcs of entires with nationalized or rubber posting postmarks, interesting commercial added-print, 2x brewery, cake shop, stove, sawmill, bank, glue; good condition
1945TETENICE, ÚDOLÍ S. KRYŠTOFA, STARÝ HABENDORF, POSTAL JAKO FISCAL OFF. - HEJNICE / comp. 4 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, from that 3x R; good condition, decorative!
1945-1946OKRES JABLONEC N. N./ selection of 22 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 14x R, 2x Ex, 2x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945-1946OKRES KARVINÁ / selection of 18 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 12x R, 2x cash franked/paid, postage due, postmark train post etc..; good condition
1945-1946OKRES KROMĚŘÍŽ + PROSTĚJOV + UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ/ selection of 24 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 15x R, 2x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945-1946OKRES NOVÝ JIČÍN/ selection of 24 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 15x R, 1x cash franked/paid, postage due, postmark train post etc..; good condition
1945-1946OKRES TEPLICE/ selection of 26 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label from that 20x R, 2x Ex, 5x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945-1946OKRES TRUTNOV/ selection of 29 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 14x R, 1x Ex, 5x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945-1946OKRES ÚSTÍ N. L. + LOUNY / selection of 25 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 12x R, 5x cash franked/paid; good condition
1945-1946OKRES VSETÍN + ZLÍN + PŘEROV / selection of 24 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks and Reg label, from that 10x R, 3x cash franked/paid, newspaper mailing, postage due etc..; good condition
1945-1946 comp. 2 pcs of money letters, 1x CP on/for 125.000Kč on/for printed matter envelope with whole issues London-issue, with provisory cancel. POST OFFICE BRNO 4/ 3.IX.1945 + 1x commercial CP on/for 10.000CZK with nationalized CDS KRÁSNO N. B. 17.X.46, seal; good condition, rare usage
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 60 pcs of entires supplemented with 9 pcs of free albovými sheets with stamps and cut-squares, contains stmp with overprint., entires and cut-squares with provisory or nationalized postmarks, cancel. in red color, commemorative sheets etc.., all from period of several months after/around freedom
MINIATURY / Pof.353-354, 355b, 356, 358-359, values 1,50, 2, 5, 6, 13 and 20K, complete corner miniatures in blocks of four with plate mark A1; part stamp. hinged and minor faults, as multiple interesting
Pof.353-359, selection of 35 stamp., 5 stamp. from every values, various color shades, by/on/at Pofis. 356 1x plate variety - blue stain in next E name state; some stamp. minor gum fault, otherwise mint never hinged
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.354-356, 2-6K in blocks of four with plate mark A1 folder C; value 2 Koruna at top thinned paper under hinge, other mint never hinged
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.354, 356, 2 Koruna block of four and pair with plate number A1 + 6 Koruna block of four with plate number A1 and retouch plate number; very fine, c.v.. 1.500CZK
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.355RE, 5 Koruna dark grey, 2 joined 4-stamps. horiz. gutter with retouch plate number A1; at lower margin small small production gum flaw, otherwise nice quality