Public Auction 67 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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230344 - 1977 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2288, Art 77 - Rubens 5Kčs, proof pri
1977 PLATE PROOF Pof.2288, Art 77 - Rubens 5Kčs, proof print original gravure, definitive making in original colors, on/for carton paper in/at miniature sheet arrangement, signed J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
230371 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2292-2293, Nejedlý and Marx 30h and 4
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2292-2293, Nejedlý and Marx 30h and 40h, plate proofs definitive gravures in/at black and brown color on chalky and carton paper; without defects, 1 pcs of exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
230121 - 1969-1987 PLATE FLAWS/ Pof.1780 with plate variety 3/1 (corn
1969-1987 PLATE FLAWS/ Pof.1780 with plate variety 3/1 (corner piece with coupon), 2295 with plate variety 21/1 and 23/1 (marginal block-of-9), 2352 with plate variety 1/2 (corner blk-of-4), 2391 with plate variety 3,4/1 (horizontal pair), 2429 with plate variety 31/2 (corner blk-of-6), 2433 with plate variety 8,9/1 (marginal block-of-4), 2444 with plate variety 9/2 (str-of-3), 2803 with RE 45/2 (corner blk-of-4); very fine, c.v.. 1.180Kč
Starting price: CZK
230112 - 1978-1980 PLATE FLAWS/ Pof.2295, marginal block-of-9 with pl
1978-1980 PLATE FLAWS/ Pof.2295, marginal block-of-9 with plate variety 21/1 and 23/1, 2322 with plate variety 16/2 (marginal piece), 2339 with plate variety 29/1 and plate variety 19/1 (marginal block-of-6), 2351ST I+II+II+I (corner str-of-4) and 2422 with plate variety 40/1 (marginal Pr); very fine, c.v.. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
230143 - 1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296VV, Common Space Flight 30h, co
1978 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2296VV, Common Space Flight 30h, complete 50 pcs of counter sheet with production flaw - significant shift blue color (inscription) L through/over frame, plate 2; date of print 11.XI.77; very fine, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
231155 - 1978 Pof.2296TV, Common Space Flight 30h, marginal block-of-
1978 Pof.2296TV, Common Space Flight 30h, marginal block-of-6, flaw print significantly jasnější shade red owing to smudge color in/at complete area, in addition shift last row inscription L-wards to to frame; for comparison including common block of four
Starting price: CZK
230354 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2296, Joint spaceflight Czechoslovakia
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2296, Joint spaceflight Czechoslovakia - USSR 30h, proof print definitive gravure in black color on card; exp. by Karasek., good condition
Starting price: CZK
228663 - 1978 Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, horizontal pair with R margin, p
1978 Pof.2303ya, Besip 60h, horizontal pair with R margin, paper -fl1-; mint never hinged, intact luminiscence
Starting price: CZK
230217 - 1978 Pof.2324xa, Tower clock 2Kčs, paper without optical br
1978 Pof.2324xa, Tower clock 2Kčs, paper without optical brightener; mint never hinged, on request exp. by Arbeit., c.v.. 3.500CZK, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
221828 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2335, Tizián 10Kčs, 2x plate proof,
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2335, Tizián 10Kčs, 2x plate proof, 1x master die in black color, 1x in/at definitive colors, carton without gum, 1 pcs of signed Herčík
Starting price: CZK
221899 - 1978 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2338, Anniv broadcast 30h, proof print
1978 PLATE PROOF Pof.2338, Anniv broadcast 30h, proof print original gravure in/at definitive colors, on chalky paper greater size; without defects
Starting price: CZK
224325 - 1978 Pof.2351 ST, Slovak Pottery 30h, LR corner blk-of-20, 5
1978 Pof.2351 ST, Slovak Pottery 30h, LR corner blk-of-20, 5x combination types I+II+II+I, date of print 13.X.78; mint never hinged, above-standard condition luminiscence
Starting price: CZK
230772 - 1979 Pof.2361, Cosmos 1,60Kčs, stamp. on paper -oz- with si
1979 Pof.2361, Cosmos 1,60Kčs, stamp. on paper -oz- with significant shift ochre color up and R (on/for this paper still nehlášeno, for comparison piece -oz- without shift), in addition corner vertical strip of 3 on paper -fl1- with shift ochre L-wards and up
Starting price: CZK
230479 - 1979-80 Pof.2398, 2413-2414, Coil stamps 50h, 2Kčs and 3Kč
1979-80 Pof.2398, 2413-2414, Coil stamps 50h, 2Kčs and 3Kčs, comp. of points of interest: 50h str-of-6 with significant shift numbers to side/party (2 numeral(s) on one side stamp. and the third on/for opačné); 2Kčs 11-páska with defective numbering and as well with flaw číslic (No. 085 with small počáteční nulou, 490 nine "overwritten" through/over dvojku and 675 with small počáteční šestkou); 2Kčs str-of-5, on/for right stamp. plate variety "light stín between ČE and value", 3Kčs shifted perforation to the right (on this value exceptional); unusual collection
Starting price: CZK
230740 - 1979 Pof.2399, Coil 1Kčs, black-brown, pair with plate vari
1979 Pof.2399, Coil 1Kčs, black-brown, pair with plate variety - significant damage complete right part/-s stamp.; pravidelně with opakující defect, nalezená for the present only on/for this shade, still nepublikovaná, will be cataloged, the most significant plate variety on this value, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
230474 - 1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2400-2404, Historical Clocks, set i
1979 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2400-2404, Historical Clocks, set in/at complete sheets, all field A (40h 14. VIII, 60h 21. VI., 80h 27. VII., 1Kčs 27. VIII., 2Kčs 3. VIII.); very fine
Starting price: CZK
228683 - 1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h with lo
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h with lower margin, significant shifted perforation downward to picture of stmp; decorative!
Starting price: CZK
228674 - 1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertic
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps; decorative multiple, sought!
Starting price: CZK
U:A4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
230450 - 1980 Pof.2422 plate variety, Marathon 50h, LR corner blk-of-
1980 Pof.2422 plate variety, Marathon 50h, LR corner blk-of-8 with plate variety 40/1; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
221946 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2444, Spartakiad 1Kčs, proof print de
1980 PLATE PROOF Pof.2444, Spartakiad 1Kčs, proof print definitive gravure in dark blue color on chalky paper greater size; without defects
Starting price: CZK
230109 - 1980 Pof.2454VV, Census 1Kčs, corner blk-of-21 with date of
1980 Pof.2454VV, Census 1Kčs, corner blk-of-21 with date of print, with significant shift golden color L-wards on all pane positions; on 2 stamp. minor faults, c.v.. 1.680Kč
Starting price: CZK
230782 - 1981 Pof.2469, 2471, 2473, 2492, comp. of 4 expressive plate
1981 Pof.2469, 2471, 2473, 2492, comp. of 4 expressive plate variety (three katalogizované): Kočáry 50h plate variety 21/1 "black line bet. VE", 3,60Kčs plate variety 34/2 "black guideline from upper margins to/at center biče" (will be katalogizována), 7Kčs plate variety 30/1 "blue stain above bičem" (rare plate variety only part of edition), also with Successes soc. building 1Kčs plate variety 35/2 "red stain above Koruna"; nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
230126 - 1981 Pof.2493 ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, UR corner blk-
1981 Pof.2493 ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, UR corner blk-of-12, contains joined types: horiz. II. + I.., III.+I. and IV.+I., vertical II.+III.+IV.; decorative
Starting price: CZK
221968 - 1981 PLATE PROOF  miniature sheet Pof.A2496, Guernica 10Kčs
1981 PLATE PROOF miniature sheet Pof.A2496, Guernica 10Kčs, proof print definitive gravure in/at almost original colors on/for chalky carton greater size; without defects, small usage!
Starting price: CZK
224011 - 1981 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2509, Zoo Prague value 7Kčs, selec
1981 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2509, Zoo Prague value 7Kčs, selection of two 50 pcs of counter sheet, A+B, plate variety 48/1; vert. fold in perforation, L marginal column sheet A with partially strávenou fluorescenci, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
230757 - 1981 Pof.2523, European Championships in football 4Kčs, mar
1981 Pof.2523, European Championships in football 4Kčs, marginal block-of-4 on paper -fl1-; superb condition luminiscence, 99% these stamp. is damaged nevhodným skladováním, in this status nesehnatelné
Starting price: CZK
219126 - 1971-1992 MACULATURE / comp. of 4 stmp.: Pof.2606, 2874, 293
1971-1992 MACULATURE / comp. of 4 stmp.: Pof.2606, 2874, 2937, 3009 + Pof.1891 on letter
Starting price: CZK
230499 - 1983 Pof.2608, Successes soc. building 50h, corner Pr with v
1983 Pof.2608, Successes soc. building 50h, corner Pr with very significantly smudge hnědočervenou color on edge counter sheet - defect scrap, still unpublished
Starting price: CZK
224015 - 1983 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2625, Dobové kostýmy 5Kčs, compl
1983 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2625, Dobové kostýmy 5Kčs, complete 50 pcs of sheet A; only vert. fold in perforation, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
U:A3v– | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
222054 - 1984 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2633, 90 years MOV 7Kčs, proof master
1984 PLATE PROOF Pof.2633, 90 years MOV 7Kčs, proof master die in dark brown color on/for white carton greater size; without defects
Starting price: CZK
222055 - 1984 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2634-2637, City Coats of Arms 50h, com
1984 PLATE PROOF Pof.2634-2637, City Coats of Arms 50h, complete set of 4 pcs of proof copy-print gravures in black color, on/for chalky carton; without defects
Starting price: CZK
231385 - 1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for politic
1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; all piece are without gum, very fine piece with perfectly preserved perf, rare stamp, certificate and exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
230073 - 1988 Pof.A2747A, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P. perforat
1988 Pof.A2747A, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P. perforated, type II.; superb, sought variant!
Starting price: CZK
230451 - 1987 Pof.2790 production flaw, Labour Unions 1Kčs, with omi
1987 Pof.2790 production flaw, Labour Unions 1Kčs, with omitted print yellow color, significant shift all zbylých gravure colors up; mint never hinged, for comparison also with copy common piece
Starting price: CZK
222124 - 1987 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2819, Art - Šimerová 2Kčs, multicol
1987 PLATE PROOF Pof.2819, Art - Šimerová 2Kčs, multicolor proof master die, on/for yellowy carton greater size; without defects
Starting price: CZK
227570 - 1989 Pof.St2888+2889, Czechosl. marine boating, joined print
1989 Pof.St2888+2889, Czechosl. marine boating, joined printing 3+4Kčs from bklt issue, plate 1, horiz. right upper corner Pr; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
215167 - 1989 PLATE PROOF  Pof.2922, 2925, comp. 6 pcs of maculature
1989 PLATE PROOF Pof.2922, 2925, comp. 6 pcs of maculature prints, 3x Čapek 50h + 1x stamp. with shifted perforation + 2x Zola 2Kčs, different color portraits also name state, all on stamp. paper without gum, for comparison supplemented with about/by common stamp. both values
Starting price: CZK
230453 - 1990, 1992 Pof.2955 + 3024 production flaw, Svišť 50h, ver
1990, 1992 Pof.2955 + 3024 production flaw, Svišť 50h, vertical right str-of-10, bad stěr, brown line marking/-s and stains on/for every stamp. + Český Krumlov 3Kčs, horiz. upper str-of-10 with production flaw - protažený upper frame also through/over spaces between stamp. to to regions counter sheet; folded only in perforation, unusual
Starting price: CZK
230759 - 1992 Pof.A3002 flaw print, Comenius 10Kčs, comp. of 3 minia
1992 Pof.A3002 flaw print, Comenius 10Kčs, comp. of 3 miniature sheets with TV: 1x black stain from right nožičky Ý (KOMENSKÝ), 1x ditto, in addition black stain in lower part/-s Ý, 1x black stain L-wards from lower part/-s numeral(s) 1 (1592); interesting
Starting price: CZK
230758 - 1992 Pof.A3002 production flaw, Comenius 10Kčs, two souveni
1992 Pof.A3002 production flaw, Comenius 10Kčs, two souvenir sheets with significant shifts colors, 1x shift blue (inscription UNESCO) up, 1x shift ochre up to to oranžového name state; very unusual
Starting price: CZK
230259 - 1973 larger part of parcel card franked with. SCHODOVITOU fr
1973 larger part of parcel card franked with. SCHODOVITOU franking 9 pcs of stamp. Pof.1701 on face-side and 2 pcs of on reverse, CDS ZEMPLÍNSKÉ HAMRE 29.10.73; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
230761 - 1974 Reg letter to Ostrava, CDS ROUDNICE N. L. 13.VI.75, fra
1974 Reg letter to Ostrava, CDS ROUDNICE N. L. 13.VI.75, franked with. Pof.2107 UPU 80h without gravure colors and uprated by. Pof.1968 and 1969, accurate rate; blackened address sender also receiver, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
230140 - 1965-1966 [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.1480-1483, 1563, 1565, Towns, s
1965-1966 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.1480-1483, 1563, 1565, Towns, selection of 18 pcs of 10- and bnd-of-20, from that 15 pcs of with dates of print, various shades by/on/at 20h incl. rarer etc..; on 3 sides in stockbook, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
230139 - 1971-1986 [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.1875-1879, 1964-1966, Vernacula
1971-1986 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.1875-1879, 1964-1966, Vernacular Architecture, selection mainly marginal stripe and multiblocks with dates of print, also corner blocks of four etc.., total 45 whole date, line reprints on/for papers -fl1-, -fl2- etc..; higher catalogue, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
231541 - 1951 Pof.PL574, Fučík 5Kčs, blk-of-12, inverted perf rám
1951 Pof.PL574, Fučík 5Kčs, blk-of-12, inverted perf rámec; minor gum fault, overall but sound condition
Starting price: CZK
231540 - 1951 Pof.PL574, Fučík 5Kčs, blk-of-12, wide upper margin;
1951 Pof.PL574, Fučík 5Kčs, blk-of-12, wide upper margin; at upper margin minor gum fault, and light bend in corner, otherwise but sound condition, marked by Pofis
Starting price: CZK
228661 - 1951 Pof.PL595b, Dvořák 2Kčs purple brown - light, invert
1951 Pof.PL595b, Dvořák 2Kčs purple brown - light, inverted perf rámec; mint never hinged gum, abraze on pos. 8, market price round/about 30.000CZK, sought
Starting price: CZK
229172 - 1951 Pof.PL611, Jirásek 5Kčs grey-blue, standard shade; mi
1951 Pof.PL611, Jirásek 5Kčs grey-blue, standard shade; mint never hinged, small thin place in margin, marked by Pofis., popular and sought TESTER in excellent quality - missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
230228 - 1953-1957 Pof.PL759, PL951, blk-of-10 Vojan 2Kčs and Lidice
1953-1957 Pof.PL759, PL951, blk-of-10 Vojan 2Kčs and Lidice 60h; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
231752 - 1954 Pof.PL774, Mausoleum 1,20Kčs with CDS PRAGUE 3, hand-m
1954 Pof.PL774, Mausoleum 1,20Kčs with CDS PRAGUE 3, hand-made circular pmk.; with gum, c.v.. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
231546 - 1955 Pof.PL840-843, Costumes I., complete set blk-of-10; min
1955 Pof.PL840-843, Costumes I., complete set blk-of-10; minor gum fault, otherwise very nice quality, sought
Starting price: CZK
227543 - 1958 Pof.PL1023-1025, UNESCO 30h-60h; complete set, values 3
1958 Pof.PL1023-1025, UNESCO 30h-60h; complete set, values 30h and 45h very fine, 60h viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
227542 - 1959 Pof.PL1078-1084, Birds; complete set, value 20h with pr
1959 Pof.PL1078-1084, Birds; complete set, value 20h with production flaw 2/A - missing blue color in corner UR stamp., 1,20Kčs type I.; minor faults and minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
230067 - 1960 Pof.PL1148-1153, Flowers, complete set; mint never hing
1960 Pof.PL1148-1153, Flowers, complete set; mint never hinged, without usual production minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
227544 - 1960 Pof.PL1148-1153, Flowers; complete set, values 30h, 60h
1960 Pof.PL1148-1153, Flowers; complete set, values 30h, 60h and 1Kčs very fine, other minor faults
Starting price: CZK
228657 - 1961 Pof.PL1217-1255, Butterflies, blk-of-10 with circular p
1961 Pof.PL1217-1255, Butterflies, blk-of-10 with circular pmk and original gum, without value 80h; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
231548 - 1961 Pof.PL1217II, Butterflies 15h with stamp. II. type; spo
1961 Pof.PL1217II, Butterflies 15h with stamp. II. type; spots, viewing of quality recommended, minimum usage!
Starting price: CZK
227539 - 1962 Pof.PL1263-1267, PRAGA 1962, complete set; 30h and 1,40
1962 Pof.PL1263-1267, PRAGA 1962, complete set; 30h and 1,40Kčs small spots
Starting price: CZK
230227 - 1962 Pof.PL1269, Congress FIP; standard quality
1962 Pof.PL1269, Congress FIP; standard quality
Starting price: CZK
228651 - 1962-1979 SELECTION of / blk-of-10 with circular pmk., conta
1962-1979 SELECTION of / blk-of-10 with circular pmk., contains Beetles Pof.1279-1284, air-mail L74-L79, 1366, 2369B, 2383-2386; all with gum, c.v.. 3.150Kč
Starting price: CZK