Public Auction 67 / Autographs / Nobility and Dynasties

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231398 - 1765 DE CASTRIES Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix (1727-1
1765 DE CASTRIES Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix (1727-1801), French nobleman and marshal, autograph on parchment printed military povyšovacím decree, daném in Paris 12. 9. 1765, including Czech conversion document; very good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
231343 - 1530 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor
1530 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on pergamenové document addressed to on/for pope Klementa VII. of the House of Medici (1478-1534), caused by in Prague 21. 5. 1530; missing seal, otherwise very fine zachovalost, rare autograph important habsburského panovníka on/for Czech trůně, stěží repeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
231346 - 1646 FERDINAND III. (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King
1646 FERDINAND III. (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on letter addressed on/for Louise Raduita de Souches (1608-1682), one from nejschopnějších vojevůdců třicetileté war, year 1645 ubránil Brno against přesile Švédů, document from 28. April 1646 (5 days before/(in front of) povýšením Souchese to panského status) with císařovým handwriting přípisem and personal sekretní seal; small signs of age, otherwise good in good condition condition, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
231435 - 1891 FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND D'ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince r
1891 FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND D'ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince rakousko-uherského throne and synovec emperor and King Franz Joseph I. I., year 1914 zavražděný near/in/at assassination in/at Sarajevu, autograph on letter; perfect condition, very rare, in/at our auction first-time on offer!
Starting price: CZK
231316 - 2010? HÁJA bint al-Husajn (*1974), princess jordánská, da
2010? HÁJA bint al-Husajn (*1974), princess jordánská, daughter King Husajna I., nevlastní sister současného King Abdalláha II., autograph on photograph; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
231304 - 1900? CHOTKOVÁ Žofie (1868-1914), Czech šlechtična, wife
1900? CHOTKOVÁ Žofie (1868-1914), Czech šlechtična, wife Francis of Ferdinand d'Este, autograph on cabinet photograph Bratislava studio Sándor Fink; toned and small defects, after all exceedingly rare, memorábilie after/around countess Chotkové practically don't occur in the market
Starting price: CZK
231431 - 1812 CHARLES I. FILIP ZE SCHWARZENBERGU (1771-1820), Czech n
1812 CHARLES I. FILIP ZE SCHWARZENBERGU (1771-1820), Czech nobleman and Field Marshal, proslavený in/at fightings against republikánské also imperial France and Napoleonovi, handwritten letter with signature; perfect condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
231338 - 1666 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of B
1666 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on letter format ca. 20x30cm issued 21. 4. 1666, decorative titulatura and very nice preserved great imperial seal with papírovým krytem, spolupodpisy clerks; very sound condition, very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
231319 - 2000? MARIE AGLAÉ, princess lichtenštejnská (1940-2021),
2000? MARIE AGLAÉ, princess lichtenštejnská (1940-2021), Czech šlechtična, wife lichtenštejnského prince John Adama II., autograph on děkovné paper slip with embossed rodovým by coat of arms; perfect condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
231426 - 1896 OTA FRANZ JOSEPH RAKOUSKÝ (1865-1906), Austrian archdu
1896 OTA FRANZ JOSEPH RAKOUSKÝ (1865-1906), Austrian archduke, father last Austrian emperor Carl I., autograph on printed-matter with razítkovou heading c. and to. Husarenregimentu „Graf Nádasdy“ No. 9; cross fold, overall very good condition, interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
226323 - 1995 RAINIER III. (1923–2005), monacký prince (1949 – 2
1995 RAINIER III. (1923–2005), monacký prince (1949 – 2005); signature on portrait photograph, perfect condition, sought and rare
Starting price: CZK
231396 - 1886 SCHMERLING Anton von (1805-1893), Austrian politician a
1886 SCHMERLING Anton von (1805-1893), Austrian politician and lawyer, Austrian minister spravedlnosti, state minister Austrian empire and faktický chief governance, representative německorakouského liberálního proudu, handwriting letter with signature and slepotiskovou heading; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK