Public Auction 67 / Autographs / Sportsmen

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231862 - 1964 BOXING, WRESTLING, VZPĚRAČI / Summer Olympic Games TO
1964 BOXING, WRESTLING, VZPĚRAČI / Summer Olympic Games TOKIO 64 / Us Ppc with signatures of sportsmen, vzpěrač - Zdražila, zápasníci - Kormaník, Kubát, Kment, Švec, boxeři - Polaček, Kučera, Šlajs and Němec, CDS TOKIA 20.X.64; good condition
Starting price: CZK
231433 - 1934 FOOTBALL / championship IN ITALY 1934 / promotional Ppc
1934 FOOTBALL / championship IN ITALY 1934 / promotional Ppc to championship sent to trenéra Bezecného with signatures complete jedenáctky, i.a. signatures Plánička, Čtyřoký, Ženíšek, Vodička, Sobotka, Burgr, Bouček, Košťálek, Kalocsay etc.., sent 9.VI.1934 - day before/(in front of) finálovým utkáním with Italy; very good quality, very rare
Starting price: CZK
231407 - 1939 FOOTBALL / postcard from Latvia to Bohemia-Moravia with
1939 FOOTBALL / postcard from Latvia to Bohemia-Moravia with signatures Czech footballers, i.a. Burgr, Říha, Nejedlý, Senecký and other; very good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
231053 - 1975 FOOTBALL / comp. of 10 signatures front Czech footballe
1975 FOOTBALL / comp. of 10 signatures front Czech footballers, for example. F. Plánička, A. Kvašňák, J. Vejvoda, F. Havránek and other, signatures on/for joined/common card from autogramiády in/at Kotvě in/at October 1979, on/for exhibit sheet; very interesting and decorative
Starting price: CZK
231863 - 1962 GYMNASTICS / ČÁSLAVSKÁ Věra (1941-2016), Czechoslov
1962 GYMNASTICS / ČÁSLAVSKÁ Věra (1941-2016), Czechoslovak gymnastka and sedminásobná Olympic champion, autograph on postcard sent from tour to Japan, supplemented with signature gymnasty P. Krbec; good condition
Starting price: CZK
231411 -  HOCKEY / AC SPARTA / postcard sent from Netherlands to Czec
HOCKEY / AC SPARTA / postcard sent from Netherlands to Czechoslovakia with signatures Czechosl. hockey-players AC Sparta, i.a. Jirotka, Trapl, Hurych, Dobr, Rott and other; very good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
231409 - 1939 HOCKEY / championship 1939 VE ŠVÝCARSKU / postcard se
1939 HOCKEY / championship 1939 VE ŠVÝCARSKU / postcard sent from Switzerland to Czechoslovakia with signatures Czechosl. hockey-players, i.a. Pácalt, Troják, Trousílek, Hurych, Emperor, Maleček, Cetkovský, Modrý and other; very good condition, very sought
Starting price: CZK
231048 - 1980 JAŠIN Lion (1929-1990), slavný Soviet football brank
1980 JAŠIN Lion (1929-1990), slavný Soviet football brankář, zvolen nejlepším brankářem 20. century; comp. of 2 podpisů: 1x on card with date 17.V.80, 1x on photograph from journal, on/for exponátovém sheet; interesting
Starting price: CZK
231043 - 1982 PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, foot
1982 PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, footballer, one from the best goalkeepers; signature on photograph; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
231569 - 1980 CHESS / postcard with signatures of sportsmen on/for 24
1980 CHESS / postcard with signatures of sportsmen on/for 24. šachové Olympiad 1980 in Valettě, zastoupen Anatolij Karpov (!), Vlastimil Hort, Ľubomír Ftáčnik, George Lechtýnský, Vlastimil Jansa, John Smejkal, John Ambrož and other; perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
231040 - 1975 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000) and ZÁTOPKOVÁ Dana (1922-20
1975 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000) and ZÁTOPKOVÁ Dana (1922-2020), Czechoslovak athletes; signature on paper
Starting price: CZK