1916 SELECTION of / ANK.185-199, 200-201I, 202II, 203I, 204xII, 205xI-207xI, 208a-211, 225x-227x, 225y-227y / Crown, Franz Joseph I., Coat of arms 3h - 1 Koruna + Coat of arms big formats - light, dark, granite paper + FLUGPOST on/for white and grey paper; nice set, c.v.. for * ca. 445€
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.226xC I, II, 2x 2.50K/3K, both line perforation 12½ : 11½, type I and II, by/on/at first type (small dot) is overprint significantly POSUNUTÝ L-wards (lightly hinged); rare, c.v.. 450€++
1908-1910 NEWSPAPER STAMPS / ANK.157x,y,z - 160x,y,z; 3 complete set Mercure R 2h - 20h, paper chalky, thin and ordinary; set on thin paper *, otherwise all **, c.v.. 330€
1916 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.55B-57B, Small numerals, blocks of four highest values 1 Koruna - 10K in vzácném perf 12½; superb, c.v.. 4.500€, in blocks of four with at all are rare, evidently unique selection of!
1918 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK / commercial PC sent as Spěšný printed matter (!), franked with. forerunner stamp. Express stamp 2h rectangle with perf B - line perforation 11½ (!), Mi.219B and Crown 3h, Mi.185, posting MC BRNO 2/ 12.IX.18; good condition, express printed matter with unique perf forerunner express stmp!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Hungarian post. order with hand-made transcription Hungarian name "Poukázka", where used as postage stmp is used Hungarian postage-due stmp 30f red numerals, Mi.P170, in addition with black revolutionary overprint initials Czechoslovakia, CDS TISZOLCZ 919 Feb.24, present Tisovec, addressed to to Liptovského Nicholas, on reverse arrival postmark; only small tearing in margin, originality overprint impossible (to) doložit, rare document/attribut porevolučníhoznárodňování!
Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of with overprint in black color, value 3 Koruna granite paper; hinged, 2 Koruna lower cut perf, 1 Koruna and 4 Koruna light bend; exp. Vrba, mark Mareš, rare usage!
Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of with overprint in red (!) color, values 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna granite paper; hinged, exp. Vrba, mark Mareš
Pof.RV71, 72, Hluboka issue on/for Postage-due stamps PORTO 1h with red INVERTED overprint and 15/2h with red overprint, both stamp. used; exp. Vrba and mark Mareš
Pof.1-26, complete set of (without Pof.9 and 13), total 35 pcs of, supplemented with about/by 11 color shades, contains i.a. 5h dark blue-green, 10h green, 25h ultramarine, 60h yellow-orange and 200h blue; mint never hinged exp. by Mrnak., Karasek
Pof.1, 3, 8, 24 production flaw, value 1h, 5h light green, 20h blue-green and 400h violet, all with double print; only 5h mint never hinged, 400h unoriginal gum, 3x exp. Vrba
Pof.2 production flaw, 3h violet, marginal horizontal strip of 3 with double print with in/at joined printing with newspaper stamp. Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h green through/over 2 stamp. with full offset on gum; label, perforation in/at stamps in margin., exp. by Gilbert., Vrba
Pof.7 STk, joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, marginal blk-of-20 with joined combined type spiral and bar on pos. 23 and 2x spiral type I on pos. 21 and 22/1; mint never hinged, exp. and marked Vrba
Pof.8 + 8D plate variety, 20h blue-green, 2x block of four with plate variety - dot after/behind numeral in/at value card, pos. 78, 1x without perf, 1x with perf line perforation 11½; mint never hinged
Pof.11 joined bar types, 25h violet, vertical UR corner blk-of-10 with 2x joined bar type, IIp on pos. 20 and 50/1; label only at upper margin, exp. Vrba