1919-1928 [COLLECTIONS] special postmark and CDS TESTER ÚŘADU OPAVA / collection first day sheets and entires with special postmark postal office OPAVA, 2x issue Legionaire with CDS OPAVA 4/ 28.X.19 (i.a. 3x plate number and plate mark), red special postmark OPAVA 4/ 7.III.25 + small special postmark OPAVA 1/ 1850-1925/ 7.III.25 on/for corner and marginal stmp T. G. Masaryk, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, red special postmark OPAVA 1/ 1918-1928 with mounted Jubilee issues (corner pieces with plate number), incl. Jubilee issue pictorial post cards CDV39, OPAVA 1/ KRAJSKÝ FESTIVAL SOKOL COMMUNITY 1934, red and green special postmark i.a. also on postcard CDV56, 2 Un entires with blue special postmark OPAVA 1/ EXHIBITION DÍLAMASARYKOVA A BENEŠOVA/ 26.V.38; good condition
1925-1936 comp. 2 pcs of Us letter envelopes with advertising added prints on/for front sides, department store Beetle & Babka Prague and Fatra Napajedla with picture plynové mask, send as Printed matter with machine cancel.; good condition
1919-1920 CDV10, CDV11, CDV12, comp. 5 pcs of PC Hradčany 10h, from that 1x CDV10 in postal rate II as Registered insufficiently uprated by. 5+5+10+10h Hradčany nezatížená postage-due, 1x CDV10 in postal rate II addressed. to Switzerland uprated by. 5+5h Hradčany, 1x CDV10 in IV. postal rate to Germany uprated by. 40h issue Chainbreaker, snížený rate + CDV11, volume I from double PC right uprated by. 5h and from nejasných reasons again franked 15h Hradčany + CDV12, PC abroad addressed. in postal rate III to Germany uprated by. 40h issue Chainbreaker, right usage abroad, rare usage; nice cancel., good condition
1935 CDV59/2-15, Promotional picture PC T. G. Masaryk 50h - text with silnějšími characters, incomplete line 14 pcs of, nepožité No.2, 6, 7, 8 with special postmark, 9 with special postmark, 10 with special postmark, 11 with special postmark, 12, 13, 14, 15; good condition, Un in good quality
1919-1923 CZL1 + CZL1Pa, comp. 10 pcs of letter cards used in/at 1. to 5. postal rate, from that CZL1: 1x to Austria complete margins, 2x to Germany, 3x in Czechoslovakia, all with upratings + CZL1Pa: 1x in/at I. postal rate to Germany, complete margins (recipient Dr. Ascher), 2x in Czechoslovakia with upratings, 1 pcs of Un, MC PRAGUE/ VII. FESTIVAL/ 29.VI.20 from favor; good condition
1930 CPL3A, Certificate of mailing for telegram, Coat of arms 50h, Czech variety with printings "B" printed stmp.; Un, spot in/at printed stmp., rare occurrence
1921 CPV4 b, issue Chainbreaker 30h violet, complete Un post. order card with sale price 50h, perf 13½; in margin partly loosen perforation, otherwise very nice
1929CPV12C, Coat of arms 80h violet, complete Un order card, Slovak (!) text, perf 5½; on/for II. part/-s pulled up piece/part margins and tearing, I. part very fine, rare Slovak variety!
1921 CPP13, whole international parcel card on/for valuable parcel to Switzerland, with Hradčany 1000h, Pof.26, 152 2x, 166, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 19.III.21, pre-printed p.stat f. L.&C. Hardmuth; in the middle and in corner fold otherwise very nice, with koncovou value Hradčany sought
1920 CDP6B, Hradčany 10h dark blue, complete Un C.O.D. dispatch-note with sale price 40h, Czech - German text, perf 11½; on/for krajipovolená perf, underglued label
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (II-1926) sent as Registered, CDS NĚMECKÁ LIBINA 30.VII.26, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Chainbreaker 50/20h, Pof.DL49A, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 31.VII.26; very fine, rare occurrence!
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (I.-1923), Reg, CDS JAVORNÍK 13.XII.26, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science, Pof.DL45A, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 14.XII.26; very fine, rare formulářová envelope!
1927PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (I.-1923), Reg, CDS BRNO 15 ŽIDENICE 22.II.27, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science 60/400h, Pof.DL46, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 23.II.27; very fine, rare formulářová envelope!
1928PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (I.-1923), Reg, CDS NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M. 17.IX.28, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp definitive issue 20h + 30h, Pof.DL57, DL58, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 18.IX.28; very fine, rare occurrence!
1929PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (VIII-1919), Reg, CDS BRNO 17 KOMÁROV 26.I.29, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp definitive issue 50h, Pof.DL60, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 26.I.29; very fine, rare occurrence!
1934-1937OZDOBNÉ TELEGRAMS / comp. 4 pcs of envelopes from decorative telegrams, Lx 2, Lx 4 (Un), Lx 6, Lx 8 (Un with patina and with 2 print postmark with swastika), all in/at Czech - German variety; good condition
1918-1937 CDV1, CDV2, CDV13, CDV15, CDV16A, CDV19, CDV31a+b+c+d, CDV65, CPL3B, CZL2C, comp. 15 pcs of various p.stat, i.a. double overprint with big monogram, double PC Hradčany, 10h, 15h and 20h, recording address card in/at česko-německé variety etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] basic semifinished collection in album Schaubek in glassine envelopes, from issue Hradčany, then SO1920 (overprint), Postage due stmp, coupons and oths. i.a. 5h blue-green, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 postage-due Large numerals 6h and 25h, postage-due Red numerals 30h, Congress, Festival, Anthem-issue from miniature sheet, Silhouette imperforated and with line perforation 11½ etc..; i.a. without air-mail 1920, mainly hinged, several better stamp. expertized, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / on 12 sides in stockbook A4, contains unused stamp. Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, SO1920 (overprint), postage-due SO 1920, several bloks of four and corner pieces with plate number etc.., supplemented with about/by 2 cards A4 and small/rare addition BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and Deutsches Reich; as multiple interesting
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] basic semifinished collection on hingeless sheets Schaubek in spring folder, from issue Hradčany, mainly basic set without better items, also postage-due, SO1920 (overprint) etc.., supplemented with about/by part duplication
1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS] 100 pcs of BALÍČKY / selection of more than 3kg (!) 100 pcs of parcels various issues stamp. Czechoslovakia I., part letterprint as Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Postage due stmp, Express etc..; placed in box with lid, originates from abroad
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds letters, p.stat and parcel dispatch card segments with various frankings mnohých issues from Hradčany after/around 30. years, lot of Reg or special delivery letters, commercial also common correspondence, detached/free placed in box; various quality, estate, it is worth seeing!