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1890 THUILLIER ESSAY - ½Anna dark red, 1 Ann blue; rare lithographic so-called. "Calcutta Issue" U:A5
1894 Official Reprint SG.11, pair Victoria 1 Ann; very fine, Spence No. 50 U:A5
1854 SG.2-4, 6, Victoria ½A "DIE I" blue, light blue and dark blue, "DIE II" blue; very fine, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1854 SG.12, 15, Victoria 1 Ann "DIE I" red with with known plate variety - I.NDIA , then "DIE III" bright red; very fine, c.v.. £280++ U:A5
1855 SG.23, Victoria 4A blue / red, square cut, full margins; small thin place, cat. min. £600 U:A5
1854 SG.31, Victoria 2A green, issued without gum; c.v.. £400, rare U:A5
1854 SG.31, Victoria 2A green; very fine piece, c.v.. £50 U:A5
1949-1951 SG.309-324, 333-333c, Motives 3P-15R + 1A-4A; complete set + additional 1950-1951, c.v.. £347, sought U:A5
1866 SG.O19, official Victoria ½Anna violet with green overprint SERVICE POSTAGE (interesting printing error "PO3T1GE"); VF, c.v.. £900+ U:A5
1944 PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF FREE INDIA / UNISSUED stamps for Japanese occupation and National Indian army, "CHALLO DELHI" 1 Pice violet, 1 Pice red and 1 Ann green; very fine, cat. Gibbons (page. 315) £210 U:A5
1954-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 30 variously full pages, part of issues Victoria, i.a. SG.107-109, George V. 1R-25R, also official etc.., also Gwalior, Cochin, Indore, Travancore etc..; various quality U:Z