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1948-1949 SG.64-73a, overprint V.B. George VI. ½A/½P - 10R/10Sh; very fine, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1949 SG.MS393a, miniature sheet 75 years UPU "camel / helicopter" 5Pia-50Pia; very fine, issued without gum, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1948 GAZA - Egypt occupation SG.3,7, Airmail 5mil and 15 mil with overprint PALESTINE, ditto with overprint INVERTED, ditto with overprint DOUBLE; very fine U:A5
1948-1965 [COLLECTIONS] Egypt Occupation, collection in old album, GAZA - overprint issue PALESTINE on postage, air-mail; also definitive issue for Palestina, incl. better values i.a. 1948 King Farouk set to 1 £(*), then 1953 SG. 51, Farouk £1; "Gaza Strip" as blk-of-4 with plate variety, from 1957 then set; cat. min. £500 U:Z