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1855-1863 SG.5b, Allegory 1P deep rose red, strip-of-3 + single stamp on small cut-square, print. P.B.; 3 stamps irregular margins, exp. Diena, ex. Robson Lowe 1979/1, c.v.. £1.500 U:A5
1858 SG.5a, Allegory 1P rose, print P.B.; superb piece with wide margins, exp. Diena, Bolafi and Bühler, c.v.. £300+ U:A5
1855 SG.6a, Allegory 4P blue, block of four, print P.B.; full margins, overall nice multiple, c.v.. £360+ U:A5
1855-1863 SG.6, Allegory 4P dark blue, white paper, print P.B., horiz. strip-of-6 (!), only at right cut to margin, otherwise full margins, at right between stamps small bend; ex. Robson Lowe 1977/2, c.v.. £570++, attractive multiple! U:A5
1855-1863 SG.6a, Allegory 4P blue, white paper, pair with light cancel., print P.B.; full margins, exp. G. Bühler, c.v.. £180+, very nice multiple U:A5
1862 SG.7c, Allegory 6P slate lilac on blued paper, print P.B.; nice piece, exp. Bühler, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1861 SG.14, Allegory 4P pale milky blue "WOODBLOCK"; t right top thin place and repaired tearing, c.v.. £2.250, good "spacefiller" U:A5
1864 SG.18, Allegory 1P deep carmine red, print De La Rue; unused with original gum and wide margins, fine color, exp. Bühler, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1864 SG.20, Allegory 6P bright mauve, print De La Rue; nice piece with wide margins, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1864 SG.21, Allegory 1Sh pale emerald green, De La Rue; mint with part original gum, exp. Bühler, c.v.. £650 U:A5
1900 SG.69, PLATE PROOF for 1P carmine / in black color, print of definitive gravure without face value; rare, ex. De La Rue Archives U:A5
1877-1878 GRIQUALAND / SG.2, 4b, 11d, 11h, 14-17, Allegory 1/2P and 1P, grey and red with various overprints G.W. (Griqualand West) and "G"; several short tooth, nice and rare set, c.v.. £490, ex. Burrus (auction Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963)! U:A5
1877-1878 GRIQUALAND / SG.12b, 12f, 6e, 20, 21d, 23, 10d, 10f, Allegory 4P, 6P and 5Sh with various overprints "G"; several short tooth, nice and rare set, c.v.. £1.300, ex. Burrus (auction Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:A5
1855- selection of letter and 2 parts, 2x with SG.6, Allegory 4P deep blue (toned) + 1x 4P blue; 1x G. Bühler, cat. min. £470 U:A5
1863 letter to Scotland with SG.21, Allegory 1Sh bright emerald green, print De La Rue, posting, transit and arrival postmarks;, ex auction Rapp 1974, c.v.. £3.750, letters abroad are rare U:A5
1950-1970 PARTIE / KATANGA/ SUD-KASAI / small selection of sets on two cards A5 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.130-143, George VI. ½P - £1, complete set + SG.141a and 142a; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £705, especially SG.142a is rare U:A5
1945 SG.144-157, George VI. Motives ½P - 20Sh; complete set, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1945 SG.144s-157s, George VI. ½P - 20Sh SPECIMEN; very fine and rare set, c.v.. £550 U:A5
1950 SG.D1-D5, postage-due Numerals 1P - 6P; complete set, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1892 SG.13, Coat of arms £10 brown, marginal Pr; very fine and as always without gum, c.v.. for * £5.500 U:A5
1898 SG.92, Coat of arms £5 blue, marginal Pr; very fine, always without gum, c.v.. for * £7.000 U:A5
1910-1913 DOUBLE HEADS / selection of 12 values ½P - 1Sh and 3Sh; first hinges, c.v.. for cheapest shades and perforation types min. £910 U:A5
1921 SG.225t, 225u, 2x George V. "Admiral" £1 deep grey black / deep violet and £1 deep black / reddish lilac, perforation 14; highest values with fiscal postmarks U:A5
1965-2000 [COLLECTIONS] RHODESIE / ZIMBABWE / collection on hingeless pages Leuchtturm, many popular motives, miniature sheets etc.. U:Z
1938-1952 SG.25-45, George VI. Fauna ½P - 20Sh; complete long set, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1963 SG.75-88, Coat of Arms ½d-20Sh, complete set of 14 stamps; mint never hinged U:A5
1884 SG.40s, 41s, 43s, 44s, Victoria 2½P, 3P, 4P, 6P all SPECIMEN; c.v.. £200 U:A5
1884-1894 SG.45a, overprint Victoria 1Sh yellow-green with scarce DOUBLE overprint ONE SHILLING in black color; VF marginal piece with original gum, certificates BPA and RPSL, c.v.. £4.750++, ex. Sir Gawaine Baillie (1934-2003), great stamp! U:DR
1908-1911 SG.71s, Edward VII. 1P red SPECIMEN; UNISSUED; heavy hinge, c.v.. £425 U:A5
1908-1911 SG.71s, Edward VII. UNISSUED 1P red SPECIMEN; VF, c.v.. £425, rare
1913 SG.86a, George V. dark violet, plate variety - SPLIT "A" in right POSTAGE; very fine, c.v.. £650 U:A5
1922 SG.96, George VI. £1; very fine, in collections often missing, c.v.. £450 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.97-112, George VI. - Coat of arms ½P - 10Sh, complete set, in addition shades of 7Sh6P; value 10Sh small tearing (viewing of quality recommended - excluded from sum), cat. min. £400, popular issue U:A5
1936 SG.97hc, George V. Coat of arms ½P grey-black / black with plate variety CLEFT ROCK; very fine, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.98+98a, George V. Coat of arms 1P, marginal horizontal pair, left stamp with plate variety - BROKEN MAINMAST; very fine, c.v.. £85+ U:A5
1922-1937 SG.99fc, George V. Coat of arms 1½ deep carmine-red with plate variety - CLEFT ROCK; very fine and rare speciality, c.v.. £1.600 U:DR
1923 SG.99+99fa, George V. - Coat of arms 1½ carmine in horiz. marginal pair, left stamp with favourite plate variety - BROKEN MAINMAST; very fine and rare pair with certificate RPS London, c.v.. £1.600+ U:DR
1953 SG.153-165, Motives ½d-10Sh, complete set of 14 stamps; mint never hinged U:A5
1889 SG.3a, Coat of arms 1Sh green, INVERTED overprint SWAZIELAND; very fine piece with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £800 U:A5
1889 SG.5a, Coat of arms 2P brown-gree, INVERTED overprint SWAZIELAND; very fine piece with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £950 U:A5
1952 SG.1-12, stamps St. Helena George VI. ½P - 10Sh with overprint TRISTAN DA CUNHA, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, complete set, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1954 SG.14-27, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P - £1, complete set of 14 stamps; mint never hinged, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1960 SG.28-41, Mořský life ½d-10Sh; complete set of 14 stamps, mint never hinged U:A5