1933 Sass.1, "Crociera Nord-Atlantica", 5,25L+44,75L, SERVIZIO DI STATOł; VF, fine centering, certificate Raybaudi and Toseli; c.v.. 7.800€, rare stamp
1863-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on ca. 40 pages, from Italian states (part reprints etc.), issues Victor Emmanuel II., i.a. Mi.16-22, 29-36, 61-66, 98, 100-103, 161-164, 183-186, 249-252 etc.., supplemented with local issues, Tripolis, Eritrea, Libya etc..; various quality
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection in large stockbook A4, with part of classic, many complete also better sets, incl. colonial issues, i.a. Mi.494-513 etc.., also Aegean islands etc..; overall good quality, from estate!
1919 ISSUE FOR BOSNA AND HERCEGOVINA / UNISSUED / Landscape 10K/2H (violet with overprint 1918); with black overprint -noted as plate proof; very fine, 2 expert's signature, very rare stamp!
1866-1926 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA / collection on 13 pages, issue for Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia etc.. + SERBIA from 1866 on 7 pages + Albania on 5 pages; interesting
1921-1923 SG.91a, George V. 1½Pi yellow / black with plate variety - BROKEN BOTTOM TRIANGLE; mint never hinged piece with lower margin, c.v.. ** ca. £500
1920 Mi.P1-P9, Postage due stamps, selection of 11 stamps, 2x pair, 2x block of four, 5h-80h, all imperforated, or OMITTED or DOUBLE; interesting set, c.v.. ca. 400€
1852-1926 [COLLECTIONS] LUXEMBURG / MONACO / two small collection of total 17 sheets, partly classical stamps, several complete sets etc.., also postage-due; various quality
1871-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 19 pages, from the first issue Franz Joseph (part I lithographies), contains also issues Letters with cipher, Turul, Parliament, Reaper etc.., also postage-dues etc.., sets of 1920´s as Mi.403-410 etc.
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 15 pages Schaubek, from issues Numerals, also various issues Coat of arms, nominal complete Luitpold Mi.76-91 etc.., official etc..; part various quality
1913-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection of joined printings and booklet issue on 16 sheets Lindner, contains i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; mainly hinged, high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1933-1941 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection of joined printings in stockbook Lindner on 40 pages, complete i.a. Mi.W11, W13 (2x) etc..; high catalogue value, interesting for specialist
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of stamps, sets, also miniature sheets and bloks of four, i.a. strip-of-3 SS, SA 1945, Towns, Hindenburg - Alsace, Lothringen, various issue A. Hitler., Arbeitsfront Mi.851U and oths; all on cards from commercial estate, c.v.. ** 1.200€