1858-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 20 pages, i.a. Mi.2, 9-11, complete House of Romanov incl. unused 3R, several complete sets etc.., Mi.1 without guarantee; part various quality, we advice examination
1861-1892 [COLLECTIONS] HERMES HEADS / small collection on 3 album cards A4, supplemented with 2 books SČSF No.12 and 13 from V. Šnejdar; various quality, c.v.according to owner ca. 4.000€
1861-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old small collection on 21 sheets, contains issues Heads of Hermes, complete also incomplete sets, several better middle values etc.., also Epireus and Crete; various quality, higher catalogue, interesting
1945-1987 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in 2 screw folders, mainly complete, contains also better afterwar sets (mainly hinged), but for example sought Mi.949 **, then for example. Mi.975-982 *, 1003-1007 * etc.., from 1960´s mostly mint never hinged, i.a. also souvenir sheets, PB etc..
1855-1926 [COLLECTIONS] smaller old collection on 11 pages Schaubek, part classic period, then for example. Mi.54, both issue 1924 to 1 Kr etc..; overall good quality
1855-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on album sheets, only small part of classic period, issue 1924 without highest values etc.., also officials, postage-dues, military etc..
1905-1928 SELECTION of / 9 entires sent to Prague, from that 5x as Registered, various franking, i.a. issue Pro Juventute, Tell etc..; overall good condition
1927 first flight LAUSANNE - LA CAUX DE FONDS - LE LOCLE - LAUSANNE/ 30 May 1927 violet oval pmk on air-mail p.stat envelope with additional-printed airmail stamp 35c and violet additional-printing air-mail association NHORA, arrival postmark LAUSSANE/ POSTE AÉRIENNE SUISSE/ 30.V.27; very fine and rare p.stat
1862-1926 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 pages, contains issue Sitting and Standing Helvetia, Tell, Pro Juventute, also air-mails etc.., in addition supplemented with LIECHTENSTEIN on 4 pages, i.a. Mi.1x-3x cancel. etc..
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet album A4, contains i.a. set Pro Juventute, Pro Patria etc.., partly classical stamps; various quality
1880-1995 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Schaubek in screw folder, from issue Seated Helvetia, set Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, Helvetia etc.., from better items i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.7**, 9 *, 10 **, 11*, 12*, 13*, Bl.14, LUNABA used etc.., also air-mail etc..
1860-1925 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection on 12 pages, incl. better items, i.a. part issue Toughra - seal etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1840 SG.2, Penny Black black, plate 1b, letters D-I, almost complete print of black cancel. Maltese cross; very wide margins, lower with marginal line of adjusting stamp, VF, c.v.. £375++
1937-1948 SG.462-475, 476, 477, 478, George VI. ½P - 1Sh + 2Sh6P brown, 5Sh red and 10Sh dark blue; mint never hinged, SG.468, 469, 475 and 478 signs of storage, c.v.. €425
1952 PLATE PROOFS portrait of Queen Elizabeth II., for issue "Coronation 1953" and "Landscape"; definitive gravure on thin paper with gum, in grey-blue and red-brown colors, inscription FOR SKETCHES ONLY / BRADBURY, WILKINSON.; rare prints ex. B.W. & Co. Archives!
1967 SG.293 production flaw, Christmas 1Sh6d, pair with production flaw - shift frame with value L-wards, including common piece for comparison; lightly loosen middle perf
1840-1927 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 pages Schaubek, part of classic period, Penny Black, Victoria 1891 £1 (fold), 5Sh Edward VII., official etc..; higher catalogue, various quality
1924-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION / DUPLICATION / mixed, mostly used collection in 3 spring and 1 screw folders on hingeless sheets Schaubek, supplemented with about used duplication in 5 variously full stockbooks A4; placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1948-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of unused stamps in 4 full stockbooks + collection in spring folder (1970-), mainly more times, several stamp booklets etc..; placed in box
1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / large selection of several hundreds letters, p.stat and Ppc mainly from countries of Europe, contains entires from Germany, GDR, Austria, USSR, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, but also overseas; in larger box, total 8kg of material; good condition